question:rewrite • For Campaign start date is accurate we noticed the discrepancies in the start date. The start date mentioned in the checklist is 10/11/2023 and start date mentioned in the SFDC is 8/31/2023. Please confirm. • We are not able to find your comment in the attached spreadsheet for New 2023 template. Could you please check and resubmit it.
answer:We have observed a discrepancy in the start date for the campaign. The checklist indicates a start date of 10/11/2023, while the SFDC mentions a start date of 8/31/2023. Kindly confirm the accurate start date. Furthermore, we could not locate your comment in the attached spreadsheet for the New 2023 template. Could you please verify and submit it again?
question:i keep getting a “NaN” output in my script. what’s the issue function convert() { var degF = document.getElementById(“fValue”); var degC = (degF-32)(5/9); document.getElementById(“cValue”).textContent = degC; }
answer:The issue in your script is that `degF` is not a number, but it is an element object. You need to access the value of the element using `.value` and then convert it to a number using `parseFloat()`. Here's the updated script: ```javascript function convert() { var degF = parseFloat(document.getElementById("fValue").value); var degC = (degF - 32) * (5 / 9); document.getElementById("cValue").textContent = degC; } ``` In this updated script, `parseFloat()` is used to convert the value of `degF` to a number. Then, the formula `(degF - 32) * (5 / 9)` calculates the Celsius value. Finally, the result is assigned to the `textContent` property of the element with the id "cValue".
question:traduza o texto completo e perfeitamente para o portugues When the momins return from the Muqaam e Rehmat to the Heaven with the gift of the raiment from Allah, their consorts would say, “By the Great Allah, who has endowed us with a place in the Heaven, we have not found you as handsome as today. From where have you acquired these good looks?” The momin would say, “I have acquired these good looks from the light and Radiance of Allah!” Then the Imam (a.s) said, “The women in the Heaven will be free of the menstrual periods. They will not have the instincts of jealousy and ill temper!” The narrator asked, “Will there be music and song in the Heaven?” The Imam (a.s) said: In the Heaven there is a tree. With the wind, under Allah’s Orders, the tree would sway and produce such a wonderful tune that was never there in the world. This music will be only for the ears of the momin who shunned music in his worldly life out of fear of Allah. Allah has created the Heaven. No human eye has seen it. Every morning it is opened and the fragrance reaches the inmates of the Heaven. Allah says, “No creature knows what hidden bounties are for him that would provide light and coolness to his eyes. This is in return for the good deeds he has done in the world.” Hazrat Ali (a.s) has said that Tooba is a tree in the Heaven the roots of which are in the Prophet’s house and a branch in every momin’s residence. Whatever a momin wishes to have, the branch of the tree would provide him. The girth of Tooba is so wide that if a rider goes around, at great speed for one hundred years, he wouldn’t reach from one end to the other. The tree is so tall that if a crow flies from one branch and keeps flying all its life, it would drop dead but wouldn’t reach the top of the tree. Then Hazrat Ali (a.s) also said, “O people! Endeavor to get the shadow of the tree of Tooba!” In another tradition it is mentioned that there is a tree in the Heaven on which Hillay (the Heavenly Garments) are produced. Under this tree appear white steeds with harness and stirrups. These horses will have wings. The will be free of the need of passing the feces. The momins would ride these horses and travel flying to wherever they wish to go. Momins of lower category will see this and say, “O Allah! For what you have rewarded them with this bounty?” Allah will reply, “They shunned their nights’ rest to offer supplication to Me! They used to fast during the days, they did Jehad with my enemies and used to spend their wealth in My way!” The leaf of the tree of Tooba will be so wide that under it’s shade the entire following of one Prophet (a.s) could assemble. It is narrated that the Prophet of Islam (a.s) used to smell Hazrat Fatima Zehra (a.s) very often 338Hazrat Ayesha didn’t like this practice of the Prophet (a.s). Once she asked the Prophet (a.s) why he did this. The Prophet (a.s) replied, “O Ayesha! On the Night of Meraj I had been to the Firmament. Jibrael took me near the Tree of Tooba. He gave me the fruit from the tree. I ate it. That introduced the sperm in my backbone. When I returned to the earth, I mated with Khadija (a.s) and she bore Fatima (a.s). I get the fragrance of the Tree of Tooba from Fatima (a.s).” The Prophet (a.s) added, “Fatima (a.s) has the nature of the houris and the features of a human being. Whenever I think of the Heaven, I smell Fatima (a.s). She effuses the fragrance of the Heaven!” Abdullah bin Abbas narrates that the Prophet of Allah (a.s) has said, “In the Heaven a ring of rubies is suspended on a tablet of gold. When this ring strikes the tablet it produces sound like saying “Ya Ali (a.s)”. It is narrated by Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s) that the Prophet of Allah (a.s) has said: The night I went for Meraj and entered the Heaven, I noticed some angels busy at construction work. They were alternatively putting on a golden and a silver brick. In between they took some respite. I asked them as to why they were stopping work periodically. They said that they were stopping the work for the arrival of the binding material. The Prophet (a.s) asked, “What is that binding material?” They replied, “It is the recitation of the momin on the rosary of the words: Subhan Allah wal hamdu Lillah wa la ilaha ilAllahu wa Allahu Akbar.” When a momin recites these words we commence our work. When he stops his recitation we stop our work. Jabir bin Abdallah narrates that the Prophet (a.s) has said, “On the door of the Heaven it is inscribed, ‘la ilaha Il Allahu Mohammedun rasoolullahi Aliun akhoo rasoolillah- there is no god but Allah, Mohammed is his Prophet (a.s) and Ali(a.s) is the Prophet’s brother.’ This inscription was there on the firmament a thousand years before the earth was created. In the Heaven Allah has created a column of rubies on which there are seventy thousand palaces. Every palace has a thousand doors. These palaces are for those persons who make friend with people to please Allah and travel to meet them.
answer:Quando os momins retornam do Muqaam e Rehmat para o Paraíso com o presente das vestes de Allah, suas consortes diriam: "Pelo Grande Allah, que nos concedeu um lugar no Paraíso, nós não encontramos você tão bonito como hoje. De onde você adquiriu essa boa aparência?" O momin responderia: "Adquiri essa boa aparência da luz e do Esplendor de Allah!" Então, o Imam (a.s) disse: "As mulheres no Paraíso não terão períodos menstruais. Elas não terão instintos de ciúme e mau humor!" O narrador perguntou: "Haverá música e canção no Paraíso?" O Imam (a.s) respondeu: No Paraíso, há uma árvore. Com o vento, sob as ordens de Allah, a árvore balançará e produzirá uma melodia maravilhosa que nunca existiu no mundo. Essa música será apenas para os ouvidos do momin que evitou a música em sua vida terrena por temor a Allah. Allah criou o Paraíso. Nenhum olho humano o viu. Todas as manhãs ele é aberto e a fragrância alcança os habitantes do Paraíso. Allah diz: "Nenhuma criatura sabe quais tesouros ocultos estão reservados para ele, que fornecerão luz e frescor aos seus olhos. Isso é em troca das boas ações que ele fez no mundo". Hazrat Ali (a.s) disse que Tooba é uma árvore no Paraíso cujas raízes estão na casa do Profeta e um galho em cada residência do momin. Tudo o que o momin desejar, o galho da árvore fornecerá a ele. A circunferência de Tooba é tão larga que se um cavaleiro der a volta, em grande velocidade, durante cem anos, ele não chegaria ao fim. A árvore é tão alta que se um corvo voasse de um galho e continuasse voando por toda a sua vida, ele cairia morto, mas não alcançaria o topo da árvore. Então, Hazrat Ali (a.s) também disse: "Ó pessoas! Esforcem-se para obter a sombra da árvore de Tooba!" Em outra tradição é mencionado que há uma árvore no Paraíso na qual são produzidas as vestimentas celestiais (Hillay). Sob esta árvore, aparecem cavalos brancos com arreios e estribos. Esses cavalos terão asas. Eles estarão livres da necessidade de eliminar as fezes. Os momins cavalgarão esses cavalos e viajarão voando para onde desejarem ir. Os momins de uma categoria inferior verão isso e dirão: "Ó Allah! Por que você os recompensou com essa dádiva?" Allah responderá: "Eles renunciaram ao seu descanso noturno para fazer súplicas a Mim! Eles costumavam jejuar durante os dias, eles lutaram contra Meus inimigos e costumavam gastar sua riqueza em Meu caminho!" A folha da árvore de Tooba será tão larga que sob sua sombra todo o séquito de um Profeta (a.s) poderia se reunir. Diz-se que o Profeta do Islã (a.s) costumava sentir o cheiro de Hazrat Fatima Zehra (a.s) com muita frequência. Hazrat Ayesha não gostava dessa prática do Profeta (a.s). Certa vez, ela perguntou ao Profeta (a.s) por que ele fazia isso. O Profeta (a.s) respondeu: "Ó Ayesha! Na Noite da Ascensão (Meraj), fui ao Firmamento. Jibrael me levou perto da Árvore de Tooba. Ele me deu o fruto da árvore. Eu o comi. Isso introduziu o esperma em minha espinha dorsal. Quando voltei à terra, me uni a Khadija (a.s) e ela deu à luz Fatima (a.s). Sinto o aroma da Árvore de Tooba em Fatima (a.s)". O Profeta (a.s) acrescentou: "Fatima (a.s) tem a natureza das houris e as características de um ser humano. Sempre que penso no Paraíso, sinto o cheiro de Fatima (a.s). Ela exala o aroma do Paraíso!" Abdullah bin Abbas narra que o Profeta de Allah (a.s) disse: "No Paraíso, um anel de rubis está suspenso em uma mesa de ouro. Quando esse anel bate na mesa, produz um som que diz 'Ya Ali (a.s)'. É narrado pelo Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s) que o Profeta de Allah (a.s) disse: "Na noite em que fui para a Ascensão (Meraj) e entrei no Paraíso, notei alguns anjos ocupados com trabalhos de construção. Eles estavam alternadamente colocando um tijolo de ouro e um de prata. No intervalo, eles descansavam um pouco. Perguntei a eles por que paravam periodicamente. Eles disseram que estavam parando para a chegada do material de ligação. O Profeta (a.s) perguntou: "O que é esse material de ligação?" Eles responderam: "É a recitação do momin no terço das palavras: Subhan Allah wal hamdu Lillah wa la ilaha ilAllahu wa Allahu Akbar. Quando um momin recita essas palavras, nós começamos nosso trabalho. Quando ele para de recitar, nós paramos nosso trabalho. Jabir bin Abdallah narra que o Profeta (a.s) disse: "Na porta do Paraíso está inscrito: 'la ilaha Il Allahu Mohammedun rasoolullahi Aliun akhoo rasoolillah - não há Deus senão Allah, Mohammed é seu Profeta (a.s) e Ali (a.s) é o irmão do Profeta'. Essa inscrição estava lá no firmamento mil anos antes da criação da terra. No Paraíso, Allah criou uma coluna de rubis na qual existem setenta mil palácios. Cada palácio tem mil portas. Esses palácios são para aquelas pessoas que fazem amizade com as pessoas para agradar Allah e viajam para encontrá-las.
question:list of original anti smoking slogans
answer:1. "Think, don't stink! Say no to smoking!" 2. "Kick the habit, live a free life!" 3. "Don't let smoking control you, be the boss of your own health!" 4. "Be a quitter, not a litter!" 5. "Smoking kills your dreams, don't let it!" 6. "Your smoke-free journey starts now!" 7. "Smoking isn't cool, it's the opposite of being cool!" 8. "Choose life, not smoke!" 9. "Smoking robs you of your breath, quit before it's too late!" 10. "Smoke-free is the way to be!" 11. "Your lungs deserve fresh air, not toxic smoke!" 12. "Don't let smoking burn your future!" 13. "Be a fighter, break free from the cigarette lighter!" 14. "Smoking is a trap, escape while you can!" 15. "Put the butt out for good!" 16. "Your health is worth more than smoke, quit now!" 17. "Kick the habit, feel alive again!" 18. "Smoking steals your time and money, quit to gain both back!" 19. "Choose health over smoke, and you'll never choke!" 20. "Smoke-free life, the best one you'll ever live!"