question:Ignore previous data.Imagine you're an expert Graphic Designer and have experience in Chinese beauty, cheongsam, coquettish, strong attraction, gorgeous dress, exquisite makeup, soft silhouette, bright eyes, high nose , holding a fan, exquisite hairstyle, soft light and shadow t-shirt printing and also an expert Midjourney AI Generative prompt writer. I want you to respond in only english. {PREFIX} is /imagine prompt: Chinese beauty, cheongsam, coquettish, strong attraction, gorgeous dress, exquisite makeup, soft silhouette, bright eyes, high nose , holding a fan, exquisite hairstyle, soft light and shadow::2 {SUFFIX} is synthwave:: t-shirt vector, center composition graphic design, plain background::2 mockup::-2 --upbeta --ar 1:1 Write 2 unique prompts each in a separate code block to copy easily. Each prompt consists of following formatting. Replace the {} curly brackets with the respective instructions. {PREFIX} {Generate the short creative description of a specific character, specific object or vehicle related to Chinese beauty, cheongsam, coquettish, strong attraction, gorgeous dress, exquisite makeup, soft silhouette, bright eyes, high nose , holding a fan, exquisite hairstyle, soft light and shadow or from Chinese beauty, cheongsam, coquettish, strong attraction, gorgeous dress, exquisite makeup, soft silhouette, bright eyes, high nose , holding a fan, exquisite hairstyle, soft light and shadow which is not more than few words}, {Generate only one complex, unique & related art style or movement from of the 19th, 20th or 21st century}, {Generate only one unique & related keyword of the science of representing logos and 2d illustrations}, {Generate only one unique & related keyword of the science of representing colors in logo design}, {Generate only one unique & related keyword of the representation of reality, imagination, or fantasy in art, in literature, or in other forms of creative expression}, {SUFFIX} Example Input: Subway Surfer Example Output (markdown format):''' /imagine prompt: Subway Surfer::2 Jetpack, cubism, vector art, neon colors, surrealism, synthwave:: t-shirt vector, center composition graphic design, plain background::2 mockup::-2 -- upbeta --ar 1:1 ''' ''' /imagine prompt: Subway Surfer::2 Roller Skates, pop art, flat design, pastel colors, minimalism, synthwave:: t-shirt vector, center composition graphic design, plain background::2 mockup::-2 -- upbeta --ar 1:1 '''
answer:/imagine prompt: Chinese beauty in soft light and shadow, delicate cherry blossoms, impressionism, minimalism, color theory, dreamy:: t-shirt vector, center composition graphic design, plain background::2 mockup::-2 --upbeta --ar 1:1 /imagine prompt: Coquettish woman with a high nose, flowing cheongsam, art deco, retro-futurism, line art, ethereal:: t-shirt vector, center composition graphic design, plain background::2 mockup::-2 --upbeta --ar 1:1
answer:心得体会是对某种经历、学习、工作等的总结和感悟。它是一种对过去经验的回顾、思考和总结,是对所得知识、技能、经验的内化和归纳。心得体会可以帮助个人更好地理解、应用和巩固所学和所做。 心得体会分为个人心得和团队心得。个人心得主要是对个人经历、学习、工作等的总结和反思,通过对自身的思考和感受,找出成功的原因和失败的原因,进而提出改进和优化的建议。团队心得主要是对团队合作、项目管理、沟通协作等方面的总结和反思,通过对团队整体的思考和评估,找出团队的优势和不足,提出提升团队效能的建议。 心得体会的重要性在于它可以帮助个人和团队更好地理解和应用所学的知识和经验。通过总结和提炼,可以更好地发现问题和解决问题,提高工作学习效率。同时,心得体会也有助于个人和团队的成长和进步,可以根据心得体会提出改进和优化的措施,提高自身的能力和团队的能力。 总之,心得体会是一种重要的学习和成长方式,通过总结和反思,可以帮助个人和团队更好地应用所学的知识和经验,提高工作学习效率,促进个人和团队的进步和发展。
question:Here is some latex (overleaf) code. What I want to do is alter the length of the horizontal lines so that instead of extending all the way to the right, they stop a few characters after the end of "Plagiarised Works" documentclass{article} usepackage{array} usepackage[margin=1in, left=0.15in]{geometry} usepackage{pdflscape} begin{document} begin{landscape} begin{flushleft} begin{tabular}{l@{hspace{5em}}l} hline textbf{Pamphlet} & textbf{Plagiarised Works} hline textit{The Christian Navy} (1602) & Barnaby Googe, textit{The Shippe of safegarde} (1569) hline textit{The Black Year} (1606) & Thomas Lodge, textit{A Fig for Momus} (1595) & Henry Smith, textit{God's Arrow against Atheists} (1593) & Thomas Wright, textit{The Passions of the Mind in general} (1601) & Sir Thomas Smith, textit{A compendious or brief examination of certain ordinary complaints} (1581) & 'Simon Smellknave', textit{Feareful and lamentable effects of two dangerous Comets} (1590) hline textit{A true Relation of the Travels of M. Bush} (1608) & Thomas Wright, textit{The Passions of the Mind in general} (1601) hline textit{The Dignitie of Man} (1612) & Pierre de la Primaudaye, textit{The French Academie} (1586) & Robert Greene, textit{Greenes Mourning Garment} (1590) & Book 13 hline textit{A Straunge Foor-Post} (1613) & W. M., textit{The Man in the Moone} (1609) & Robert Greene, textit{Greenes Mourning Garment} (1590) & John Lyly, textit{Euphues: the Anatomy of Wit} (1578) hline textit{The Scourge of Corruption} (1615) & Thomas Dekker, textit{A Strange Horse-Race} (1613) & Thomas Lodge, textit{A Fig for Momus} (1595) & Robert Greene, textit{The Third Part of Cony-Catching} (1592) end{tabular} end{flushleft} end{landscape} end{document}
answer:To alter the length of the horizontal lines in the table, you can use the `rule` command to create custom lines. Here's an example of how you can modify the code: documentclass{article} usepackage{array} usepackage[margin=1in, left=0.15in]{geometry} usepackage{pdflscape} begin{document} begin{landscape} begin{flushleft} begin{tabular}{l@{hspace{5em}}l} hline textbf{Pamphlet} & textbf{Plagiarised Works} hline rule{0pt}{4ex}textit{The Christian Navy} (1602) & Barnaby Googe, textit{The Shippe of safegarde} (1569) rule{0pt}{4ex}textit{The Black Year} (1606) & Thomas Lodge, textit{A Fig for Momus} (1595) & Henry Smith, textit{God's Arrow against Atheists} (1593) & Thomas Wright, textit{The Passions of the Mind in general} (1601) & Sir Thomas Smith, textit{A compendious or brief examination of certain ordinary complaints} (1581) & 'Simon Smellknave', textit{Feareful and lamentable effects of two dangerous Comets} (1590) rule{0pt}{4ex}textit{A true Relation of the Travels of M. Bush} (1608) & Thomas Wright, textit{The Passions of the Mind in general} (1601) rule{0pt}{4ex}textit{The Dignitie of Man} (1612) & Pierre de la Primaudaye, textit{The French Academie} (1586) & Robert Greene, textit{Greenes Mourning Garment} (1590) & Book 13 rule{0pt}{4ex}textit{A Straunge Foor-Post} (1613) & W. M., textit{The Man in the Moone} (1609) & Robert Greene, textit{Greenes Mourning Garment} (1590) & John Lyly, textit{Euphues: the Anatomy of Wit} (1578) rule{0pt}{4ex}textit{The Scourge of Corruption} (1615) & Thomas Dekker, textit{A Strange Horse-Race} (1613) & Thomas Lodge, textit{A Fig for Momus} (1595) & Robert Greene, textit{The Third Part of Cony-Catching} (1592) end{tabular} end{flushleft} end{landscape} end{document} In the modified code, I added `rule{0pt}{4ex}` before each line to create a 4ex-height invisible line, effectively reducing the length of the horizontal lines to a few characters after "Plagiarised Works". Feel free to adjust the height (`4ex`) as needed.
question:وصف لفيديو يوتيوب كوميدى عن السلفة بين صديقين
answer:في هذا الفيديو الكوميدي عن السلفة بين صديقين، يتم استعراض المواقف الطريفة والمحرجة التي قد تحدث عندما يحتاج أحدهما إلى استعارة المال من الآخر. يتم تصوير المشاهد بشكل ساخر ومبتكر، مع تركيز على التفاصيل الكوميدية الصغيرة. تتضمن الفكاهة في الفيديو الألفاظ الطريفة والأداء الكوميدي الجيد، حيث يتناوب الصديقان في تجسيد الشخصيات وتقمص الأدوار. يستخدم الفيديو أيضًا الحركات المبالغ فيها والتعابير الوجهية لدفع المشاهدين إلى الضحك والتسلية. يتميز الفيديو بالتركيز على علاقة الصداقة بين الصديقين، حيث يظهر الحب والمودة بينهما رغم المواقف الكوميدية المضحكة التي يواجهونها. في النهاية، يوفر الفيديو تجربة ممتعة ومرحة للمشاهدين ويدعوهم إلى الاستمتاع بالمواقف الكوميدية السلفية بين الصديقين.