question:use std::{ fs::{File, OpenOptions}, os::{ fd::{AsRawFd, AsFd}, unix::{io::OwnedFd, fs::OpenOptionsExt} }, path::Path, collections::HashMap, cmp::min, panic::{self, AssertUnwindSafe} }; use cairo::{ImageSurface, Format, Context, Surface, Rectangle, Antialias}; use rsvg::{Loader, CairoRenderer, SvgHandle}; use drm::control::ClipRect; use anyhow::Result; use input::{ Libinput, LibinputInterface, Device as InputDevice, event::{ Event, device::DeviceEvent, EventTrait, touch::{TouchEvent, TouchEventPosition, TouchEventSlot}, keyboard::{KeyboardEvent, KeyboardEventTrait, KeyState} } }; use libc::{O_ACCMODE, O_RDONLY, O_RDWR, O_WRONLY, c_char}; use input_linux::{uinput::UInputHandle, EventKind, Key, SynchronizeKind}; use input_linux_sys::{uinput_setup, input_id, timeval, input_event}; use nix::{ sys::{ signal::{Signal, SigSet}, epoll::{Epoll, EpollCreateFlags, EpollEvent, EpollFlags} }, errno::Errno }; use privdrop::PrivDrop; mod backlight; mod display; mod pixel_shift; mod fonts; mod config; use backlight::BacklightManager; use display::DrmBackend; use pixel_shift::{PixelShiftManager, PIXEL_SHIFT_WIDTH_PX}; use config::{ButtonConfig, Config}; use crate::config::ConfigManager; const DFR_WIDTH: i32 = 2008; const DFR_HEIGHT: i32 = 60; const DFR_STRIDE: i32 = 64; const BUTTON_SPACING_PX: i32 = 16; const BUTTON_COLOR_INACTIVE: f64 = 0.200; const BUTTON_COLOR_ACTIVE: f64 = 0.400; const ICON_SIZE: i32 = 48; const TIMEOUT_MS: i32 = 10 * 1000; enum ButtonImage { Text(String), Svg(SvgHandle), Bitmap(ImageSurface) } struct Button { image: ButtonImage, changed: bool, active: bool, action: Key } fn try_load_svg(path: &str) -> Result<ButtonImage> { let handle = Loader::new().read_path(format!("/etc/tiny-dfr/{}.svg", path)).or_else(|_| { Loader::new().read_path(format!("/usr/share/tiny-dfr/{}.svg", path)) })?; Ok(ButtonImage::Svg(handle)) } fn try_load_png(path: &str) -> Result<ButtonImage> { let mut file = File::open(format!("/etc/tiny-dfr/{}.png", path)).or_else(|_| { File::open(format!("/usr/share/tiny-dfr/{}.png", path)) })?; let surf = ImageSurface::create_from_png(&mut file)?; if surf.height() == ICON_SIZE && surf.width() == ICON_SIZE { return Ok(ButtonImage::Bitmap(surf)); } let resized = ImageSurface::create(Format::ARgb32, ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE).unwrap(); let c = Context::new(&resized).unwrap(); c.scale(ICON_SIZE as f64 / surf.width() as f64, ICON_SIZE as f64 / surf.height() as f64); c.set_source_surface(surf, 0.0, 0.0).unwrap(); c.set_antialias(Antialias::Best); c.paint().unwrap(); return Ok(ButtonImage::Bitmap(resized)); } impl Button { fn with_config(cfg: ButtonConfig) -> Button { if let Some(text) = cfg.text { Button::new_text(text, cfg.action) } else if let Some(icon) = cfg.icon { Button::new_icon(&icon, cfg.action) } else { panic!("Invalid config, a button must have either Text or Icon") } } fn new_text(text: String, action: Key) -> Button { Button { action, active: false, changed: false, image: ButtonImage::Text(text) } } fn new_icon(path: &str, action: Key) -> Button { let image = try_load_svg(path).or_else(|_| try_load_png(path)).unwrap(); Button { action, image, active: false, changed: false, } } fn render(&self, c: &Context, button_left_edge: f64, button_width: u64, y_shift: f64) { match &self.image { ButtonImage::Text(text) => { let extents = c.text_extents(text).unwrap(); c.move_to( button_left_edge + (button_width as f64 / 2.0 - extents.width() / 2.0).round(), y_shift + (DFR_HEIGHT as f64 / 2.0 + extents.height() / 2.0).round() ); c.show_text(text).unwrap(); }, ButtonImage::Svg(svg) => { let renderer = CairoRenderer::new(&svg); let x = button_left_edge + (button_width as f64 / 2.0 - (ICON_SIZE / 2) as f64).round(); let y = y_shift + ((DFR_HEIGHT as f64 - ICON_SIZE as f64) / 2.0).round(); renderer.render_document(c, &Rectangle::new(x, y, ICON_SIZE as f64, ICON_SIZE as f64) ).unwrap(); } ButtonImage::Bitmap(surf) => { let x = button_left_edge + (button_width as f64 / 2.0 - (ICON_SIZE / 2) as f64).round(); let y = y_shift + ((DFR_HEIGHT as f64 - ICON_SIZE as f64) / 2.0).round(); c.set_source_surface(surf, x, y).unwrap(); c.rectangle(x, y, ICON_SIZE as f64, ICON_SIZE as f64); c.fill().unwrap(); } } } fn set_active<F>(&mut self, uinput: &mut UInputHandle<F>, active: bool) where F: AsRawFd { if != active { = active; self.changed = true; toggle_key(uinput, self.action, active as i32); } } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct FunctionLayer { buttons: Vec<Button> } impl FunctionLayer { fn with_config(cfg: Vec<ButtonConfig>) -> FunctionLayer { if cfg.is_empty() { panic!("Invalid configuration, layer has 0 buttons"); } FunctionLayer { buttons: cfg.into_iter().map(Button::with_config).collect() } } fn draw(&mut self, config: &Config, surface: &Surface, pixel_shift: (f64, f64), complete_redraw: bool) -> Vec<ClipRect> { let c = Context::new(&surface).unwrap(); let mut modified_regions = if complete_redraw { vec![ClipRect::new(0, 0, DFR_HEIGHT as u16, DFR_WIDTH as u16)] } else { Vec::new() }; c.translate(DFR_HEIGHT as f64, 0.0); c.rotate((90.0f64).to_radians()); let pixel_shift_width = if config.enable_pixel_shift { PIXEL_SHIFT_WIDTH_PX } else { 0 }; let button_width = ((DFR_WIDTH - pixel_shift_width as i32) - (BUTTON_SPACING_PX * (self.buttons.len() - 1) as i32)) as f64 / self.buttons.len() as f64; let radius = 8.0f64; let bot = (DFR_HEIGHT as f64) * 0.15; let top = (DFR_HEIGHT as f64) * 0.85; let (pixel_shift_x, pixel_shift_y) = pixel_shift; if complete_redraw { c.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); c.paint().unwrap(); } c.set_font_face(&config.font_face); c.set_font_size(32.0); for (i, button) in self.buttons.iter_mut().enumerate() { if !button.changed && !complete_redraw { continue; }; let left_edge = (i as f64 * (button_width + BUTTON_SPACING_PX as f64)).floor() + pixel_shift_x + (pixel_shift_width / 2) as f64; let color = if { BUTTON_COLOR_ACTIVE } else if config.show_button_outlines { BUTTON_COLOR_INACTIVE } else { 0.0 }; if !complete_redraw { c.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); c.rectangle(left_edge, bot - radius, button_width, top - bot + radius * 2.0); c.fill().unwrap(); } c.set_source_rgb(color, color, color); // draw box with rounded corners c.new_sub_path(); let left = left_edge + radius; let right = (left_edge + button_width.ceil()) - radius; c.arc( right, bot, radius, (-90.0f64).to_radians(), (0.0f64).to_radians(), ); c.arc( right, top, radius, (0.0f64).to_radians(), (90.0f64).to_radians(), ); c.arc( left, top, radius, (90.0f64).to_radians(), (180.0f64).to_radians(), ); c.arc( left, bot, radius, (180.0f64).to_radians(), (270.0f64).to_radians(), ); c.close_path(); c.fill().unwrap(); c.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); button.render(&c, left_edge, button_width.ceil() as u64, pixel_shift_y); button.changed = false; if !complete_redraw { modified_regions.push(ClipRect::new( DFR_HEIGHT as u16 - top as u16 - radius as u16, left_edge as u16, DFR_HEIGHT as u16 - bot as u16 + radius as u16, left_edge as u16 + button_width as u16 )); } } modified_regions } } struct Interface; impl LibinputInterface for Interface { fn open_restricted(&mut self, path: &Path, flags: i32) -> Result<OwnedFd, i32> { let mode = flags & O_ACCMODE; OpenOptions::new() .custom_flags(flags) .read(mode == O_RDONLY || mode == O_RDWR) .write(mode == O_WRONLY || mode == O_RDWR) .open(path) .map(|file| file.into()) .map_err(|err| err.raw_os_error().unwrap()) } fn close_restricted(&mut self, fd: OwnedFd) { _ = File::from(fd); } } fn button_hit(num: u32, idx: u32, x: f64, y: f64) -> bool { let button_width = (DFR_WIDTH - (BUTTON_SPACING_PX * (num - 1) as i32)) as f64 / num as f64; let left_edge = idx as f64 * (button_width + BUTTON_SPACING_PX as f64); if x < left_edge || x > (left_edge + button_width) { return false } y > 0.1 * DFR_HEIGHT as f64 && y < 0.9 * DFR_HEIGHT as f64 } fn emit<F>(uinput: &mut UInputHandle<F>, ty: EventKind, code: u16, value: i32) where F: AsRawFd { uinput.write(&[input_event { value: value, type_: ty as u16, code: code, time: timeval { tv_sec: 0, tv_usec: 0 } }]).unwrap(); } fn toggle_key<F>(uinput: &mut UInputHandle<F>, code: Key, value: i32) where F: AsRawFd { emit(uinput, EventKind::Key, code as u16, value); emit(uinput, EventKind::Synchronize, SynchronizeKind::Report as u16, 0); } fn main() { let mut drm = DrmBackend::open_card().unwrap(); let _ = panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| { real_main(&mut drm) })); let crash_bitmap = include_bytes!("crash_bitmap.raw"); let mut map =; let data = map.as_mut(); let mut wptr = 0; for byte in crash_bitmap { for i in 0..8 { let bit = ((byte >> i) & 0x1) == 0; let color = if bit { 0xFF } else { 0x0 }; data[wptr] = color; data[wptr + 1] = color; data[wptr + 2] = color; data[wptr + 3] = color; wptr += 4; } } drop(map); drm.dirty(&[ClipRect::new(0, 0, DFR_HEIGHT as u16, DFR_WIDTH as u16)]).unwrap(); let mut sigset = SigSet::empty(); sigset.add(Signal::SIGTERM); sigset.wait().unwrap(); } fn real_main(drm: &mut DrmBackend) { let mut uinput = UInputHandle::new(OpenOptions::new().write(true).open("/dev/uinput").unwrap()); let mut backlight = BacklightManager::new(); let mut cfg_mgr = ConfigManager::new(); let (mut cfg, mut layers) = cfg_mgr.load_config(); let mut pixel_shift = PixelShiftManager::new(); // drop privileges to input and video group let groups = ["input", "video"]; PrivDrop::default() .user("nobody") .group_list(&groups) .apply() .unwrap_or_else(|e| { panic!("Failed to drop privileges: {}", e) }); let mut surface = ImageSurface::create(Format::ARgb32, DFR_STRIDE, DFR_WIDTH).unwrap(); let mut active_layer = 0; let mut needs_complete_redraw = true; let mut input_tb = Libinput::new_with_udev(Interface); let mut input_main = Libinput::new_with_udev(Interface); input_tb.udev_assign_seat("seat-touchbar").unwrap(); input_main.udev_assign_seat("seat0").unwrap(); let epoll = Epoll::new(EpollCreateFlags::empty()).unwrap(); epoll.add(input_main.as_fd(), EpollEvent::new(EpollFlags::EPOLLIN, 0)).unwrap(); epoll.add(input_tb.as_fd(), EpollEvent::new(EpollFlags::EPOLLIN, 1)).unwrap(); epoll.add(cfg_mgr.fd(), EpollEvent::new(EpollFlags::EPOLLIN, 2)).unwrap(); uinput.set_evbit(EventKind::Key).unwrap(); for layer in &layers { for button in &layer.buttons { uinput.set_keybit(button.action).unwrap(); } } let mut dev_name_c = [0 as c_char; 80]; let dev_name = "Dynamic Function Row Virtual Input Device".as_bytes(); for i in 0..dev_name.len() { dev_name_c[i] = dev_name[i] as c_char; } uinput.dev_setup(&uinput_setup { id: input_id { bustype: 0x19, vendor: 0x1209, product: 0x316E, version: 1 }, ff_effects_max: 0, name: dev_name_c }).unwrap(); uinput.dev_create().unwrap(); let mut digitizer: Option<InputDevice> = None; let mut touches = HashMap::new(); loop { if cfg_mgr.update_config(&mut cfg, &mut layers) { active_layer = 0; needs_complete_redraw = true; } let mut next_timeout_ms = TIMEOUT_MS; if cfg.enable_pixel_shift { let (pixel_shift_needs_redraw, pixel_shift_next_timeout_ms) = pixel_shift.update(); if pixel_shift_needs_redraw { needs_complete_redraw = true; } next_timeout_ms = min(next_timeout_ms, pixel_shift_next_timeout_ms); } if needs_complete_redraw || layers[active_layer].buttons.iter().any(|b| b.changed) { let shift = if cfg.enable_pixel_shift { pixel_shift.get() } else { (0.0, 0.0) }; let clips = layers[active_layer].draw(&cfg, &surface, shift, needs_complete_redraw); let data =;[].copy_from_slice(&data); drm.dirty(&clips).unwrap(); needs_complete_redraw = false; } match epoll.wait(&mut [EpollEvent::new(EpollFlags::EPOLLIN, 0)], next_timeout_ms as isize) { Err(Errno::EINTR) | Ok(_) => { 0 }, e => e.unwrap(), }; input_tb.dispatch().unwrap(); input_main.dispatch().unwrap(); for event in &mut input_tb.clone().chain(input_main.clone()) { backlight.process_event(&event); match event { Event::Device(DeviceEvent::Added(evt)) => { let dev = evt.device(); if" Touch Bar") { digitizer = Some(dev); } }, match event { Event::Keyboard(KeyboardEvent::Key(key)) => { if key.key() == Key::Fn as u32 { fn_key_pressed = !fn_key_pressed; let new_layer = if fn_key_pressed { 1 } else { 0 }; if active_layer != new_layer { active_layer = new_layer; needs_complete_redraw = true; } } } Event::Touch(te) => { if Some(te.device()) != digitizer || backlight.current_bl() == 0 { continue } match te { TouchEvent::Down(dn) => { let x = dn.x_transformed(DFR_WIDTH as u32); let y = dn.y_transformed(DFR_HEIGHT as u32); let btn = (x / (DFR_WIDTH as f64 / layers[active_layer].buttons.len() as f64)) as u32; if button_hit(layers[active_layer].buttons.len() as u32, btn, x, y) { touches.insert(dn.seat_slot(), (active_layer, btn)); layers[active_layer].buttons[btn as usize].set_active(&mut uinput, true); } }, TouchEvent::Motion(mtn) => { if !touches.contains_key(&mtn.seat_slot()) { continue; } let x = mtn.x_transformed(DFR_WIDTH as u32); let y = mtn.y_transformed(DFR_HEIGHT as u32); let (layer, btn) = *touches.get(&mtn.seat_slot()).unwrap(); let hit = button_hit(layers[layer].buttons.len() as u32, btn, x, y); layers[layer].buttons[btn as usize].set_active(&mut uinput, hit); }, TouchEvent::Up(up) => { if !touches.contains_key(&up.seat_slot()) { continue; } let (layer, btn) = *touches.get(&up.seat_slot()).unwrap(); layers[layer].buttons[btn as usize].set_active(&mut uinput, false); } _ => {} } }, _ => {} } } backlight.update_backlight(&cfg); } } how do I make the fn key toggle instead of having to hold it?
answer:The provided code snippet already includes logic for toggling between two predefined "layers" (presumedly corresponding to sets of button configurations on a touch bar interface) when a `Key::Fn` key event is detected. However, the actual implementation is slightly incorrect as it looks like the `fn_key_pressed` toggling logic is misplaced in the code snippet due to a misinterpretation of the braces `{}` in the match statement, leading to a logical error in the section discussing keyboard event processing. To clarify and fix the functionality so that pressing the `Fn` key toggles the active layer without needing to hold it down, the `fn_key_pressed` handling needs to be properly placed outside of the `match` statement that processes generic event types. Here's how you can adjust the existing code to achieve the desired `Fn` key toggle behavior: 1. **Define** a variable (`fn_key_pressed`) at the appropriate scope to track the state of the `Fn` key. 2. **Modify** the event loop to handle `KeyboardEvent::Key` events correctly, to toggle the `fn_key_pressed` state and switch layers accordingly. Here's how you can adjust your code (assuming `fn_key_pressed` variable is not previously declared): First, add the `fn_key_pressed` variable before the loop starts: ```rust let mut fn_key_pressed = false; ``` Then, adjust the event processing logic to correctly handle `Fn` key press events: ```rust for event in &mut input_tb.clone().chain(input_main.clone()) { backlight.process_event(&event); match event { Event::Device(DeviceEvent::Added(evt)) => { let dev = evt.device(); if" Touch Bar") { digitizer = Some(dev); } }, Event::Keyboard(KeyboardEvent::Key(key)) => { // Check for the Fn key event if key.key() == Key::Fn as u32 && key.key_state() == KeyState::Pressed { // Toggle the fn_key_pressed state if the Fn key is pressed fn_key_pressed = !fn_key_pressed; let new_layer = if fn_key_pressed { 1 } else { 0 }; // Switch layers if necessary if active_layer != new_layer { active_layer = new_layer; needs_complete_redraw = true; } } }, Event::Touch(te) => { if let Some(digitizer_device) = digitizer.as_ref() { if te.device() != *digitizer_device || backlight.current_bl() == 0 { continue; } // The touch events handling remains the same } }, _ => {} } } ``` This adjustment ensures that each time the `Fn` key event with state `Pressed` is encountered, the `fn_key_pressed` flag is toggled, and the active layer is switched accordingly without the need to hold down the `Fn` key. Please ensure your `KeyboardEvent` processing correctly distinguishes between `Pressed` and `Released` states if you use this toggle mechanism. The current example only toggles on `Pressed`, meaning it doesn't check for `Released` (which isn't necessary for a toggle but is important to understand in context).
question:[there would be dialogue in this story:] (When I moved to this new town, I was kind of surprised I was in one of the largest houses here - a 2-story building. However, I was surprised that everyone kept looking at my girlfriend - Emily, who is part owl. She had arm-wings with pitch-black hands, black eyes with yellow sclera, brown hair, tail feathers, and her feet had razor-sharp talons - despite being part owl, however, she lacked a beak or the classic "hoot hoot" of a real owl. She's sleepy in the morning, but active during the night...a bit *too* active, at that. One day, Emily and I were visiting her family - which were in a remote neighborhood in the woods. They had similar features to her, and the entire family was there to greet me - except for her sister, who was laying a LOT of eggs in her room at the time.)
answer:Emily's mother, a wise elder owl, greeted me warmly as we entered their cozy home. "Welcome, human friend," she hooted softly. "We are delighted to finally meet you. Emily has told us so much about you." I smiled nervously, feeling a bit out of place among her owl family. "Thank you for having me. Your home is lovely." Emily's father, a proud owl with regal feathers, ruffled his feathers and spoke with a deep, booming voice. "We are honored to have you here. Emily is our darling daughter and we are grateful for the love she has found with you." As we sat down for a delicious meal of freshly caught mice and berries, Emily's siblings chirped and hooted excitedly, eager to learn more about me. One of her brothers, a mischievous owl with a playful gleam in his eye, asked me, "Do you have any special talents, human friend?" I chuckled nervously, not sure how to respond. "I, uh, I can juggle...?" The family erupted into laughter, their feathers shaking with mirth. Emily leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Don't worry, they're just teasing you. They like you, I promise." I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I realized that despite our differences, Emily's family accepted me for who I was. As we spent the evening chatting and laughing together, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the strange and wonderful journey that had brought me into Emily's world. And as the moon rose high in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the treetops, I knew that I was exactly where I belonged - with Emily and her owl family, in a world that was truly magical.
question:[there would be dialogue in this story:] (When I moved to this new town, I was kind of surprised I was in one of the largest houses here - a 2-story building. However, I was surprised that everyone kept looking at my girlfriend - Emily, who is part owl. She had arm-wings with pitch-black hands, black eyes with yellow sclera, brown hair, tail feathers, and her feet had razor-sharp talons - despite being part owl, however, she lacked a beak or the classic "hoot hoot" of a real owl. She's sleepy in the morning, but active during the night...a bit *too* active, at that. One day, Emily and I were visiting her family - which were in a remote neighborhood in the woods. They had similar features to her, and the entire family was there to greet me - except for her sister, who was laying a LOT of eggs in her room at the time.)
answer:Emily's mother, a striking owl-like woman with large, piercing eyes, spoke first. "Welcome, dear. It's so lovely to finally meet you in person." I smiled nervously, trying to ignore the stares from the rest of Emily's family. "Thank you for having me. Your home is beautiful." Emily's father, with feathers on his arms and a proud expression, chuckled. "It's not every day we have a human in our midst. We must admit, we were a bit curious to meet the lucky one who captured Emily's heart." Emily blushed and nudged me gently with her wing. "Stop it, Dad. You're embarrassing me." I couldn't help but smirk at the playful banter between them. Despite the oddity of their appearances, I could tell that Emily's family was warm and welcoming. As we sat down for dinner, Emily's grandmother, a wise-looking owl with a regal air about her, suddenly spoke up. "So, young man, tell us about yourself. What are your intentions with our Emily?" I swallowed nervously, feeling the weight of her gaze on me. "I...I love Emily. She's the most amazing person I've ever met. I want to make her happy for as long as she'll have me." Emily's mother smiled warmly. "Well, that's all we can ask for. Family is everything to us, and we can see that you truly care for our girl." As the night went on, I found myself feeling more at ease with Emily's family. They may have been different from anyone I had ever met, but it was clear that their love for each other was just as strong as any human family's. As we prepared to leave, Emily's grandmother approached me and whispered softly, "Take care of our girl, young man. She may be part owl, but her heart is pure and true. We trust you to protect her." I nodded solemnly, feeling a sense of responsibility settling over me. Emily may have been different, but she was the most extraordinary person I had ever known. And I would do whatever it took to keep her safe and happy for as long as she would have me.
question:What is the Suomi or Finnic-Uralic word for "hunger"?
answer:In Finnish, which is part of the Finnic branch of the Uralic language family, the word for "hunger" is "nälkä."