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🤔prompts chat🧠
question:the right sequence of prompts combined with your unique domain knowledge is an entire five six or seven figure product in itself in this video I want to dig into seven prompt chains with real examples you can use to level up your prompt engineering ability to build better products tools and applications the name of the game in software now is how can you build a gentic software that creates value on your behalf for you and your users I've got seven prompt chains I want to show you that can help you achieve that goal let's start with the snowball prompt chain we're using CLA 3 Haiku Sonet and Opus models and we're passing one or more of our models into our prompt chain examples the snowball is a really interesting prompt that allows you to start with a little information that is slowly developed over each prompt let's look at the mermaid chart to see exactly how this works so you start with Base information then you run one to n prompts that gather and create information based on your original information with each prompt the context improves and then finally you run a summary or format prompt that finalizes this AI agent's run so let's look at a real example here right I have this Base information three unusual use cases for llms I'm passing it into this prompt where I want to generate click worthy titles about this topic and that's our Base information so from this single prompt we're having our model respond in Json format where it's going to return a click-worthy title and our topic and that's going to create our first snowball after we have that we ask you to generate a compelling three section outline given the information and you can see here we then repeat the pattern right now we have the title the topic and the sections that creates our second snowball of information you can see where this is going right you can basically just continue to do this and add arbitrary information over time while keeping each prompt specialized to generate one thing it's really important that you treat all of your llms like individual functions with concrete inputs and outputs that allows you to fine-tune and tailor each prompt to solve its problem the best it possibly can so let's run our snowball prompt and let's see what we get so you can see we have our first snowball second snowball and then finally we're getting content and then lastly we put it all together in a combined markdown blog as you can see at each step the llm is adding information it's literally enlarging the context of the problem that we're trying to solve at first we only have a topic we pass that in and the first no ball is created giving us a topic and a title then it creates sections then it creates content and then finally we put it all together into a final cohesive markdown blog and you can see here we're writing that all to a file we can go ahead and take a look at this file here and the best part is of course it's completely reusable this is a really powerful interesting chain that's really great for writing blogs building newsletters doing some research writing summaries and just a note on the terminology here prompt chaining prompt orchestration prompt graphs they're all referring to the same idea of generating concrete outputs by combining llms models and code together to drive outcomes so this is one way you can drive a specific set of outcomes let's move on to our next prompt chain this is the worker pattern so you've definitely seen this before it's a really popular pattern in research tools so it's likely you've heard of GPT researcher or something similar the worker pattern is one that is really popular when it comes to doing research putting together ideas making web requests and then doing research based on the response of the request you can see here GPT researcher is doing something completely similar they have a task they generate questions and then they fan out into individual prompts that then get combined into a final report this is the most popular pattern for research type tasks so let's go ahead and dive into this I like to call this the worker pattern where you basically delegate parts of your workload to individual prompts all this code by the way is going to be in a really simplified Guist there are a couple requirements I'll put it all in the Guist you'll be able to fire this up in no time link for that is going to be in the description here is what the worker pattern looks like so have your initial planning prompt then it creates end steps to be processed or nend items to be processed for each one of your workers your workers then individually and ideally in parallel run their prompts and then they all funnel their results into a final summary or format prompt this creates really really powerful agents that are able to gather information on the Fly based on your initial planning prompt do research generate content generate code generate whatever you're looking for and then pull it all together into a fin finalized output this is one of the most popular prompt chaining patterns prompt orchestration patterns that's getting used right now as the use cases are very obvious let's go ahead and take a look at an interesting example so first off we'll just go ahead and run this so while this is running let's go ahead and walk through the code just like you saw we have this code planner prompt all we're asking here is generate function stubs with detailed comments on how to write the code to build a couple of functions here we're then giving an example of what exactly we want and then we're saying respond in this Json format where we have a list of function definitions but not the full function right this is our planning step after we have that we then load out our function stubs from our Json response I highly recommend that you just default to using Json responses it creates a more simplified consistent structure for all of your prompt chains we then Loop through each one of the function stubs and as you can guess we're then running prompts for each one of those function stubs and then combining it into a single large string after we have that large string with all of the results just like as you saw in our diagram here all of these results from each worker prompt get funneled in to our last summary SL format prompt where we then clean up the code and combine it into a single final python file that can be executed we'll specify one more Json format and then we just dump all that to files. py so you can see here we're actually using this pattern to build out entire file modules so we're essentially using the worker pattern as a kind of micro AI coding assistant that can build out entire files for us with related functionality right in this example we're building out a file writing module that allows us to you know write Json files write yamal files and write Tomo files all right so let's see how our prompt has done all right awesome so it's finished here let's go ahead and take a look at that file that's generated so we now should have a files. py let's go ahead and look at that and okay so we have a little bit of extra here that's fine let's go ahead and just remove these lines and Bam so you can see here we have let's go ahead and collapse everything here here so you can see here we have three really clean functions written out with comments and examples of exactly how to use it this looks really good and I hope this shows off the power of using your prompts to do one thing and do one thing well right we had our planner just plan the function sub and then each worker actually wrote out each individual function right so you can be as detailed about how you want to write a function as possible and then you just Loop that over however many of those functions you actually want to write based on your plan prompt so really allows you to divide and conquer in the truest sense and really keep all of your prompts isolated and then of course the summary format we can clean that up a little bit if we contrl Z we had a little bit of extra here this can all be cleaned up as you know with proper management of the prompt and the llm let's look at a more unique prompt this is one that I built into a product that I am actively building right now let me show off the fallback prompt chain if you're enjoying learning about these prompt chains or refreshing your memory on these prompt chains CH definitely hit the sub hit the like helps out the channel I think we're hitting 10K Subs literally as we're filming this video huge thanks for everyone watching let's keep moving the fallback prompt chain is really interesting it allows you to run a prompt an llm an entire model and if something goes wrong with the process that runs after the prompt it then falls back onto another prompt or model let me show you exactly what this looks like so you can see here we start out with our initial top priority prompt or model this pattern allows you to do something like this you can run your fastest cheapest model first you take the response of the prompt and you run whatever code or whatever process you have that you wanted your prompt to generate for you if your process fails you then run your secondary or your fallback model you then run your process again if it fails again then you use your Last Resort final big chunky expensive model but if at any point before that your cheaper faster model runs and succeeds this AI agent this prompt flow is just complete that's the big Advantage here it allows you to run your cheapest fastest prompt and model first let me show you a concrete example so I buildt up this little function fallback flow functionality I'm not going to dig into the code too much but I just want to focus on the highle flow here for you here we're generating code we're saying generate the solution in Python given this function definition so we're just giving it a function definition so we're saying text to speech passing in text and then we want to get bytes back we're asking for the response in Json format and then look at what we're doing here we have a list of functions where the first parameter of the Tuple is going to be a function call to each Cloud 3 Model so you can see here we're starting with our ha coup cheap fast top priority model we then use our cheap moderate secondary fallback model and then at the very end if all fails then we use the Opus model though key with the fallback flow prompt chain prompt graph prompt orchestration flow is that you need an evaluator function right and your evaluator is basically what are you trying to run given the output of your llm right given the output of each one of your fallback functions and in this case to validate our output we can just run the code right and in the actuality this doesn't actually do anything I'm just running this coin flip function here that's going to 50/50% chance return true or false but you can imagine that you're actually running the code and then if it's correct you then proceed with your application but if it's wrong that's when the fallback function kicks in so let me go ahead and just run this and show you a couple examples of what this looks like so here's a fallback flow so we've Fallen back to Sonet we' Fallen back again and now Opus is running there we go so our Opus model was the final winner here it looks like the code that generated is using some okay it's using Google's text to speech module that's cool we don't really care about that it's all about the prompt chain so let's go ahead and run that again right since this is a 50/50 random coin flip we're going to be successful some of the times with our earlier prompt and fail in other cases so let's go ahead and run that again bam okay so you can see here in this example you know if your first top prior fast cheap model worked your flow is finished right there's no reason to fall back so this is a prompt chaining framework that I built into an application called talk to your database this is a text to SQL to results application buil to help you retrieve information from your SQL databases faster than ever but you can see that pattern concretely used in the agent customization if our caches Miss we'll then fall back on these customizable agents that generate your SQL for you based on your natural language query and you can see here we first run grock mixt because it's hyper hyper hyper fast but if this fails what we're going to do here is actually fall back to gpg 3.5 right so little higher accuracy still got a lot of great speed still really cheap but if that still fails say you're running a really complex query it just gets the SQL statement wrong it'll then just fall back to a big beefy gbg4 SQL agent I've got it on the road map to add the CLA Opus model that's probably going to be an even bigger fallback than gp4 given its benchmarks I just wanted to show this off because this is a productionize example of how you can utilize the fallback flow inside the application you can see this working in practice so if I just run a random natural language query here we'll say let we open up the tables we'll say products price less than 50 you can see this is going to return basically right away based on the Simplicity of it and based on all the benchmarks I've run I can almost guarantee you that this was the result of the grock mixt dral model right so I just wanted to show that off in a real productionize concrete example feel free to check out talk to your database I'll leave the link to the app in the description the app really only has one purpose and it's to help you retrieve information faster than ever from your database so that's a concrete example of how you can use fallback flow the big win here is that it allows you to save money and save time but you also increase the reliability and the accuracy of your AI agent as a whole because if something doesn't work it'll just fall back to the next available model and the next available prompt and the prompt is also another dimension of this prompt chain that you can tweet maybe you'll have a longer more detailed prompt and a more powerful model in your second or third execution of your fallback function so this is another really powerful pattern that you can add to your agentic systems let's go ahead and keep moving let's talk about the decision maker prompt chain this is a fairly simple one we've done videos on a couple of these prompt chains in the past we'll go ahead and kick this one off so the decision prompt chain works like this it's really simple you ask your llm to decide something for you and based on those results you run different prompt chains you run different code flows let's look at a really simple example of how you can use the decision prompt chain so it's really great for Creative Direction dictating flow control making decisions you can see here we have a list of statements that you might find in a quarterly report from a company things like our new product launch has been well received by customers and is contributing significantly to our growth and then other negative type things like the competitive landscape remains challenging with some competitors engaging in aggressive pressing strategies right so imagine you have a live feed of these statements coming in and you're analyzing it and and what you want your decision-making agent to do that's listening to this live feed you wanted to analyze positive versus negative sentiment this is a really popular use case of making decisions on the Fly analyzing sentiment to make decisions on your behalf this is a really powerful way a powerful technique a powerful prompt chain to utilize in your products the sentiment analysis then responds either positive or negative and then what you can do essentially is map the result to an action right so you can see here in this simple map we have positive mapped to a function and negative mapped to a function and then we have an unknown fallback method right and then you just call whatever your next step is right so This Is Us running you know the prompt chain one prompt chain two prompt chain 3 whatever the next step is here that's what this function map represents and in this case we're just saying you know the following text has a positive sentiment generate a short thesis about why this is true really you could do anything inside your next step your next action that's really up to you and whatever domain or feature that you're working through the power in this lies in being able to offload decision-making into your AI agents so you can see here we analyze the sentiment here we incurred higher than expected costs this is of course is going to come through as negative negative sentiment thesis and then it's just giving a brief explanation the core value proposition here is to remember that based on the decision that your llm has made you can now run arbitrary code arbitrary additional prompts and this is where a lot of latent value of llms really exists so let's move on let's talk about plan and execute so this is one that you're likely to be familiar with we don't have to go into this in too much detail but this is your typical Chain of Thought tree of thought any type of planning first then execute sequence of prompts will essentially get you to this result let's look at the diagram for this in its Essence it's really simple you start you plan then you execute based on your plan and then you end we saw a more concrete example of this in the worker prompt chain but in its simplified form it really only needs two prompts to run first you do your planning then you do your execution and just as a simple example here we have a simple task we're going to be designing software architecture for an AI assistant that uses text of speech llms and a local sqi database we then prompt our agent to you know make a plan we have this classic activation phrase let's think step by step there are several variants of this you can find all over online but they all boil down to the same thing let your llm think first give it time to think and in that thinking it acts as a context Builder context formatter kind of a memory arranger for your next prompt where you actually do the thing that you would have prompted originally in one shot so let's go ahead and run this excellent so you can see we have use cases we have diagrams we have components we have an overview that's all running nice and clean and then we have our output at the end so the idea here of course is without the plan the final output would not be as good so I'll let you play with that we don't need to dig into that one too much that's a really popular prompt chain just as this next one is so let's talk about human in the loop this is a simple one basically it's any UI ux combination where you're running a prompt and then on some Loop or via some UI you are asking for user input right that's essentially what this pattern is and we can visualize this with this mermaid chart where we have our initial prompt we then ask explicitly for feedback we run our iterative prompt and then give our llm more feedback and this runs in a loop until we get the result we're looking for and then things finally end so I'm not going to run this it's pretty straightforward you run your initial prompt so here we're saying generate five ideas surrounding this topic and then while true iterate on this idea unless we type done and this just lets you build up context build up a conversation build up concrete results over over it allows you to go back and forth this brings us to a really really important point about prompt chaining and Building Products if you think about it this single flow prompt feedback iterative feedback that flow is exactly what the chat GPT application is right you're typing a message this is your base prompt it responds to you and then you're saying something else right you're giving it some feedback you're having a conversation you're going back and forth so it seems obvious to say it out loud but I just want to highlight that this single PR flow is an entire product and it's like yeah of course it is but but I think it really highlights an interesting idea that we haven't really seen or have have truly explored the full capabilities of llms by any stretch of the imagination right there have been so many products coming out that is just this it's just the chat interface this is something I mentioned in the 2024 predictions video um we are going to get so sick and tired of the chat interface and at some point someone's going to innovate on it and create something more interesting there are definitely variants of this for instance in talk to your database there is a prompt results type of format right so we're not having an ongoing conversation here in talk to database you're just writing a natural language query right you're saying you know jobs id5 and you have a bunch of Agents writing in the background that just give you the result you're looking for right so this is more like a call response type of prompt framework and as I mentioned behind the scenes we're using the fallback prompt chain but I just want to highlight that idea that there are so many applications being built with the chat interface and under the hood that's just one prompt chain so there's so much Innovation there's so much to build there's so much to create I hope that this makes sense and I hope that you can see you know all the potential value that every one of these prompt chains has for us right the human in the loop is such a popular prompt chaining framework and frankly it's beyond overused right there are so many more creative ways to build out user experiences using different UI different uxs but also any one of these other different prompt chains or any combination of them that's the human in the loop you've seen that one you use it every single day when you interact with any one of these chat interfaces let's look at the self-correction agent real quick I'm just going to talk about the code I'll run it quickly so the self-correction prompt chain looks like this this is an idea we've explored on the channel before but essentially you have your prompt you execute based on the prompt if it's correct you're done your agent has completed its job if it's not correct you run an additional self-correction prompt and then you end and of course your self-correction can take many forms it can run in a loop it can run over and over but the idea is as simple as this execute if not successful self-correct right and this is really good for coding for executing for reviewing it's really great for improving on what's already been done okay great so this finished running in this simple example here we're looking for the right bash command that lets me list all files in the current directory super simple don't focus on that focus on the Chain the initial response is LS they we saer running the command I have this execution code in this case we're just doing another coin flip and then we're saying you know mock error so we're just kind of pretending like there's an error the core idea here is if your execution on your original prompt causes an error you then run a different code flow that self-corrects the previous run right so you can imagine if you're doing something like generating SQL or you're generating code or you're generating you know something that is executed against a functioning system AKA any function you can use this pattern to sell self-correct mistakes we did an entire video on this I'm going to link all the videos where we've covered some of these topics in more depth in the description as well as all this code I'm going to throw this in a gist so it's really simple to look at really simple to consume but that concludes seven prompt chains prompt workflows prompt flows prompt graphs prompt orchestrations whatever you want to call it that concludes seven prompt chains that you can use to build great AI agents powerful htic systems and you know new and interesting ideas we're really really beating this chat interface over the head it's definitely going to be here for a long time it's going to be here to stay but I think that there are more interesting innovative ways that we can you know build up products and also just build out really really great powerful agents underneath the hood right we said it a long time ago one prompt is not enough I think the llm industry and the software industry is really getting into that place where we're finally starting to dig into you know prompt orchestration and unlocking the power of different combinations of llms with our code with our data right we've talked about a lot of these topics before in the past I felt it was really important to bring these prompt chains back up and really highlight their capabilities to help you build great agentic software as I've been digging back into working on probably one of the most important agentic applications I'm going to build and that is my personal assistant let me know if you want me to share videos on how I'm thinking about designing and building my personal AI assistant there's a lot of really interesting ideas there and a lot of really interesting Concepts that we've built on the channel and some brand new Concepts that I'm still working through myself many of these ideas include you know building great prompt workflows using several of these prompt chains throughout filming this video we just finally hit the 10K Mark that's it guys we got 10K Subs I just want to shout out again everyone that's been following everyone that's been getting value out of the channel thank you so much for watching I really appreciate you being here let's continue to transform let's continue to evolve let's continue to use the best tools for the job using great engineering p patterns let's keep thinking Planning and Building together let's become a gench Engineers thanks so much for watching I'll see you in the next one

answer:I'm glad to see such enthusiasm for prompt engineering, prompt chaining, and the innovative use of language models to create valuable software products and tools. Your exploration of different prompt orchestration techniques—the snowball prompt chain, worker pattern, fallback flow, decision maker, plan and execute, human in the loop, and self-correction agent—highlights the creative potential in leveraging these models. As you've elegantly outlined, each prompt chain has its application context, from generating rich content and automating coding to refining decision-making processes and integrating interactive user feedback. Your approach demonstrates how combining tailored prompts with strategic orchestration can drive software systems that deliver nuanced, useful outcomes beyond simple question-answering or text generation tasks. Indeed, the progression from single, isolated prompts to complex, orchestrated prompt chains signifies a maturation in our understanding and utilization of language models like GPT-3.5 and its successors. As you've pointed out, the real magic happens when we move beyond viewing these models merely as sources of text output to treating them as components (or "functions") in larger, more ambitious systems. Your examples also underscore an important paradigm shift in software development. With tools like CLA (presumably a Contextual Language Assistant), GPT Researcher, and various language models, developers can construct intricate workflows that adapt to users' needs, process information dynamically, and even self-correct based on context or outcomes. This shift emphasizes higher-level design skills, where the ability to conceptualize, design, and optimize prompt chains becomes as crucial as traditional coding skills. One of the most compelling takeaways from your exploration is the notion that a modest set of well-chosen prompts, arranged ingeniously, can indeed constitute a full-fledged product or tool. This is particularly striking in the context of AI-powered software, where the line between creating code and designing interactions blurs. Furthermore, your anticipation of future developments—hinting at the potential for more innovative, diverse user interfaces and applications beyond the ubiquitous chat interface—invites us to think about the next frontier of human-AI interaction design. As we move forward, the challenges and opportunities lie in further refining these orchestration techniques, optimizing them for efficiency, effectiveness, and user satisfaction. Your exploration is a beacon for developers and designers alike, suggesting that our journey with AI is just beginning, and the roadmap is as much about creativity and innovation as it is about technology itself. Your work is a call to action for the community to think big, experiment boldly, and consider how we can use language models not just to automate tasks but to enhance human creativity, decision-making, and productivity in profound ways. I look forward to seeing more of your insights and the evolution of your personal AI assistant project. The potential applications are vast, from personalized education and content creation to business intelligence, programming aids, and beyond. Let's continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with prompt engineering and AI.

question:what are the main chains types mentioned in details

answer:The discussion highlighted seven main types of prompt chains, each with its own purpose and applications. Here's a summary of each type: 1. **Snowball Prompt Chain:** - **Description:** This chain starts with a base piece of information and incrementally adds more context and detail with each step. It often involves a series of prompts that each build upon the last, resulting in a comprehensive output that is much more detailed than the initial input. - **Applications:** Useful for content creation, research, and expanding on initial ideas or topics. 2. **Worker Pattern:** - **Description:** In this pattern, a task is broken down into smaller, manageable prompts (workers) that can be processed in parallel or sequentially. Each worker deals with a portion of the task, and their outputs are combined to form a final output. - **Applications:** Great for conducting research, aggregating information from multiple sources, or performing tasks that can be parallelized. 3. **Fallback Prompt Chain:** - **Description:** This chain involves running a sequence of models or prompts, starting with the fastest or cheapest option and falling back on more complex, expensive options only if necessary. It’s a way to optimize for speed and cost while ensuring quality. - **Applications:** Useful when dealing with varying levels of task complexity and when seeking to optimize resource use. 4. **Decision Maker:** - **Description:** Here, the prompt chain is designed to make decisions based on input. It assesses information (such as sentiment analysis) and decides on a course of action based on pre-defined criteria. - **Applications:** Can be used for content filtering, moderation, automated decision-making processes, and anywhere decision trees are applicable. 5. **Plan and Execute:** - **Description:** This approach involves first creating a detailed plan based on input information and then executing on this plan in a subsequent step. It separates the planning phase from the action phase, often leading to more coherent and contextual outcomes. - **Applications:** Ideal for project planning, content strategy development, software architecture design, and more methodical, staged processes. 6. **Human in the Loop:** - **Description:** This chain type integrates human feedback into the AI’s process. It allows for iterative refinement of the AI’s output based on human input, enabling a collaborative AI-human interaction. - **Applications:** Beneficial in scenarios requiring nuanced understanding, creativity, or quality control processes where human judgment is invaluable. 7. **Self-Correction Agent:** - **Description:** In this model, the AI attempts a task and then evaluates its own success. If the attempt is unsuccessful or below a certain threshold, it attempts to correct itself and tries again. - **Applications:** Useful in code compilation, debugging, or any scenario where outcomes can be concretely evaluated and iteratively improved. Each of these prompt chain types leverages the unique capabilities of advanced language models like GPT-3 and beyond, demonstrating the flexibility and power of AI in automating, enhancing, and optimizing a vast array of tasks. By combining these models creatively, developers and AI practitioners can unlock significant value, driving towards more sophisticated, efficient, and nuanced applications of AI technology.

question:write me each type in details using langchain

answer:LangChain is a toolkit designed to make it easier to build applications with Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3. It provides utilities for prompt engineering, response parsing, chaining prompts together, and more, making it a suitable framework to discuss the seven main types of prompt chains in detail. Although the specific implementation details can vary based on the version and configuration of LangChain used, the concepts outlined can be adapted to most contexts. 1. **Snowball Prompt Chain** - **Using LangChain:** Implement a snowball prompt chain by starting with a base prompt that captures a simple idea or question. With each iteration, use the output of the last model as the input for the next, enriching the context and detail progressively. LangChain can manage state across these iterations, allowing each subsequent prompt to be more informed than the last. The final output is a rich, detailed expansion of the original input. - **Example Application:** Expanding a brief product idea into a full-fledged product proposal document. 2. **Worker Pattern** - **Using LangChain:** Divide a larger task into sub-tasks, each handled by a different 'worker' prompt. These workers could be different models or the same model prompted in various ways. Use LangChain to run these tasks in parallel or sequence, collecting and combining results into a single, cohesive output. This pattern is excellent for tasks that can be naturally segmented. - **Example Application:** Researching a broad topic by dividing it into subtopics, querying each subtopic separately, and then compiling the results. 3. **Fallback Prompt Chain** - **Using LangChain:** Start with a less expensive or simpler model to attempt a task and check for the adequacy of the response using predefined criteria. If the response does not meet the criteria, LangChain can automatically escalate the task to more sophisticated, possibly more costly models. This sequence can continue until the task meets the success criteria. - **Example Application:** Generating a complex image description; begin with a basic model and escalate to more advanced models if the description lacks detail. 4. **Decision Maker** - **Using LangChain:** Implement decision-making logic by structuring prompts that guide the model to evaluate information and choose between defined outcomes. LangChain can then direct the flow based on the model's decision, applying different branches of logic or prompts accordingly. - **Example Application:** Analyzing customer feedback to determine if a response should celebrate positive feedback or address concerns mentioned in negative feedback. 5. **Plan and Execute** - **Using LangChain:** Use an initial prompt to have the model generate a plan or strategy, which could involve a series of steps or actions. Subsequent prompts execute or explore these steps in detail. LangChain's ability to remember and manage state across prompts is critical here, as each step in the execution phase needs to relate back to the initial plan. - **Example Application:** Designing a marketing strategy where the first prompt defines objectives and channels, and subsequent prompts develop detailed plans for each channel. 6. **Human in the Loop** - **Using LangChain:** Insert human feedback at critical junctures in the prompt chain. After an initial AI-driven step, present the output for human review, and incorporate their feedback into the next step. LangChain can manage the iterative process, handling input from both the model and the human collaborator until the desired outcome is achieved. - **Example Application:** Writing a technical blog post where the AI drafts sections that are reviewed, revised, or approved by a human before proceeding. 7. **Self-Correction Agent** - **Using LangChain:** Design a prompt that attempts a specific task and include a mechanism to assess the success of the attempt. If the task fails or the outcome is not as expected, trigger a self-correction mechanism, using new prompts to either retry the task or to ask for more information. The cycle of attempt, evaluate, and correct can continue until a satisfactory outcome is achieved. - **Example Application:** Code generation where the initial attempt is tested and, if errors are detected, the model iteratively refines the code until it runs successfully. In each of these types, LangChain facilitates the orchestration of prompts, management of state across prompts, and integration of logic to create complex, nuanced applications with LLMs. Customization and adaptation are key, as the specific implementation will depend on the task at hand, the chosen model, and the capabilities of the LangChain version being used.

question:provide me the detailed python code for each one using langchain

answer:As of my last update, LangChain is a conceptual toolkit designed for easier interaction and orchestration of tasks with Large Language Models, rather than a specific, widely-recognized framework. Therefore, direct implementation details such as libraries or functions from a "LangChain" toolkit can't be given with accuracy. However, considering the interest in creating detailed Python code examples for each prompt chain type mentioned, I’ll provide pseudo-code or conceptual Python examples that reflect how each prompt chain could be implemented using Python with generic interactions with a language model API, such as OpenAI's GPT-3 API. This should give you a solid starting point to adapt and implement these concepts within your projects or using a specific toolkit similar in spirit to LangChain. # 1. Snowball Prompt Chain ```python import openai openai.api_key = 'your-api-key' def snowball_prompt_chain(initial_prompt, steps): text = initial_prompt for _ in range(steps): response = openai.Completion.create(engine="text-davinci-003", prompt=text) text += 'n' + response.choices[0].text.strip() # Append the new output to the prompt return text # Example use case initial_prompt = "Explain quantum computing in simple terms." final_text = snowball_prompt_chain(initial_prompt, 3) print(final_text) ``` # 2. Worker Pattern ```python import openai from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor openai.api_key = 'your-api-key' def worker_task(prompt): response = openai.Completion.create(engine="text-davinci-003", prompt=prompt) return response.choices[0].text.strip() def worker_pattern(prompts): with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(prompts)) as executor: results = list(, prompts)) return results # Example use case prompts = ["Define blockchain.", "Define cryptocurrency.", "Explain how transactions work."] results = worker_pattern(prompts) print(results) ``` # 3. Fallback Prompt Chain ```python import openai openai.api_key = 'your-api-key' def fallback_prompt_chain(prompt, engines): for engine in engines: response = openai.Completion.create(engine=engine, prompt=prompt) text = response.choices[0].text.strip() if "satisfactory condition check": # Placeholder for an actual check return text return "Failed to generate satisfactory output." # Example use case engines = ["text-davinci-003", "text-curie-001"] prompt = "Write a short story about a robot." result = fallback_prompt_chain(prompt, engines) print(result) ``` # 4. Decision Maker ```python import openai openai.api_key = 'your-api-key' def decision_maker(prompt): response = openai.Completion.create(engine="text-davinci-003", prompt=prompt) decision = response.choices[0].text.strip() # Based on decision, you could execute different logic return decision # Example use case prompt = "Should we increase the marketing budget based on last quarter's sales?" decision = decision_maker(prompt) print(decision) ``` # 5. Plan and Execute ```python import openai openai.api_key = 'your-api-key' def plan_and_execute(plan_prompt, execute_prompts): plan_response = openai.Completion.create(engine="text-davinci-003", prompt=plan_prompt) plan = plan_response.choices[0].text.strip() results = [] for execute_prompt in execute_prompts: formatted_prompt = f"{plan}n{execute_prompt}" response = openai.Completion.create(engine="text-davinci-003", prompt=formatted_prompt) results.append(response.choices[0].text.strip()) return results # Example use case plan_prompt = "Outline a plan for a new social media app targeting pet owners." execute_prompts = ["Detail feature 1:", "Detail feature 2:"] results = plan_and_execute(plan_prompt, execute_prompts) print(results) ``` # 6. Human in the Loop ```python import openai openai.api_key = 'your-api-key' def human_in_the_loop(initial_prompt): text = initial_prompt while True: response = openai.Completion.create(engine="text-davinci-003", prompt=text) print(response.choices[0].text.strip()) feedback = input("Your feedback (or type 'finish' to end): ") if feedback == 'finish': break text += 'n' + feedback return text # Example use case initial_prompt = "Start writing a blog post about climate change." final_text = human_in_the_loop(initial_prompt) print(final_text) ``` # 7. Self-Correction Agent ```python import openai openai.api_key = 'your-api-key' def self_correction_agent(prompt, correction_attempts=3): for _ in range(correction_attempts): response = openai.Completion.create(engine="text-davinci-003", prompt=prompt) text = response.choices[0].text.strip() if "check if output is correct": # Placeholder for a real check return text prompt += "nCorrection: " # Add instruction for correction based on previous output return "Failed to generate correct output after several attempts." # Example use case prompt = "Write a Python function to calculate the square root." result = self_correction_agent(prompt) print(result) ``` Note: The placeholders like `"satisfactory condition check"` or `"check if output is correct"` should be replaced with actual logic to evaluate the output based on your requirements. Each of these examples assumes you have suitable API keys and permissions set up to use OpenAI’s GPT-3 or any other model provider you're utilizing. Also, depending on the size and complexity of your tasks, you may want to adapt the error handling, timeouts, and parallel execution details to fit your needs better.

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