question:Based on the information provided, please summarize the important components in academic papers. Please answer using only the information provided below. Week 1 Title: Course introduction, Introduction to academic research and papers as a graduate student Content: This lecture is the first lecture as thesis writing and research ethics I will introduce the overall lecture and tell you what research and thesis writing means as a graduate student, and what mindset and attitude are desirable. First of all, I would like to introduce the overall lecture 'How to Write a Paper and Research Ethics.' This course is designed to help you prepare and write academic papers efficiently and confidently as a researcher in graduate school. To this end, this lecture covers efficient research, academic paper writing, basic concepts, writing procedures and strategies and various useful information and knowledge that can be carried out without violating research ethics. If you look at the topics of this semester, we're going to talk about various academic journals and databases, the structure of academic papers how to write academic papers, grammar and word choices, and punctuation and finally research ethics and plagiarism. Through this course, you will learn basic content and useful knowledge to prepare and write academic papers efficiently and confidently and you will be able to write your own academic papers efficiently You will also understand research ethics that are essential in the process of research and writing academic papers. In particular, the importance of research ethics and plagiarism has recently emerged and you may have heard news about research irregularities or plagiarism of research papers and works. Research ethics and plagiarism are very important for researchers who constantly conduct research and write numerous works such as papers. Therefore, I hope that this course will help you understand these research ethics issues and be careful and careful in your graduate life and paper writing. Now let's take a look at the composition and schedule of this course. The first lecture, today, is an introduction to the lecture and some tips on how to spend your graduate life to become a good researcher. Second, the next lecture will explain efficient procedures for writing good academic papers especially strategies for planning, organizing preparing, drafting, and making corrections effectively. As a researcher, you're going to write a lot of academic papers, reports, patent documents, and so on throughout your life. Therefore, it will be very beneficial for you to learn efficient processes and strategies for writing documents. The third lecture describes academic papers in the field of science and technology and discusses the selection of targeted journals subject to papers written in their respective fields. In the fourth lecture, we learn about the structure of academic papers, how to tell stories, and how to prepare for academic papers. Lectures from fifth to eighth cover the writing of academic papers in detail. In other words, in the fifth lecture we learn about writing titles, abstracts, and introductions and in the sixth lecture, we learn how to write the subject materials and methods of writing, and how to write the theoretical background. In the next seventh lecture, we will talk about results, discussions, and conclusions and in the eighth lecture, we will talk about writing tables and pictures that are as important as sentences in writing science and technology papers. As the saying goes ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’, the role of photography, illustration, graphs and tables is crucial in the creation of science and technology documents that deal with the delivery of facts, explain and understand certain arguments and guide behavior, making the entire document interesting and not boring. Usually, academic papers are written and reviewed by experts in the field to decide whether to publish them or not. The ninth lecture explains the process of submitting a written paper and being reviewed. Lecture from 10 to 12 cover the additional points needed to write a more complete, interesting, and sophisticated paper In the tenth lecture, we talk about grammar and in the eleventh lecture, we talk about choice of words and punctuation. and in the 12th lecture, you learn about writing styles and paragraphs and writing sentences. In the 13th lecture, you will learn general matters about research ethics and plagiarism which are very important topics in the process of research and paper writing and in the 14th lecture, you will be exposed to considerations when writing a paper through types of plagiarism. Now, to become a great researcher, I'm going to give you some advice on how to do graduate life and research. These are important contents that will help you start your graduate life so please listen carefully and refer to them. First, let's look at the science and engineering that we study and research. According to Wikipedia, science is "a system that builds and organizes knowledge about the world we live in in in the form of testable explanations and predictions." Also, according to the American Institute of Engineering, engineering is defined as "a system of mathematical and natural science expertise obtained through research, experience, and practice for the purpose of economically utilizing natural materials and power for the benefit of mankind." In particular, in the case of engineering, please pay attention to using for economical application for the benefit of mankind. Therefore, a Hungarian-American mathematician, physicist, and aerospace engineer widely known in aerodynamics Theodore von Karman, left the famous saying, "Scientists explain and describe what it is and engineers create something that has never existed before." In this way, analyzing and explaining a phenomenon, object, theory, or explanation that exists, and creating a new object or theory is now the main activity that you're given, research. Throughout your graduate school years, you will learn about these studies and grow up as researchers So, what kind of person is a researcher? As defined by the OECD, "A researcher is a person who conducts 'research' a creative work systematically performed to develop knowledge of humans, cultures and societies and to devise new applications, 'research' refers to the activity of confirming facts and previous results solving new or existing problems, or developing a theory." In summary, research is aimed at identifying facts, solving problems, or developing theories and is a systematic and creative activity for this purpose. You're taking the first step in this kind of research. Throughout your graduate school years you will learn about these studies and grow up as researchers. Then, how should you do research in graduate school to become a good researcher? I would like to give you some advice for your successful graduate life so please listen carefully and be familiar with it. First of all, your life as a researcher has already begun today or the moment you decide to go to graduate school. I recommend that you take a postgraduate attitude not just as a student, but as a researcher. If you want to distinguish between your undergraduate life and your graduate life I can tell you that in graduate school, you can learn about research in order to grow as a researcher from the beginning. Next, your tutor is a very important person as your teacher, instructor, colleague, and senior in life. Therefore, meet with your tutor as often as possible and try to understand and learn what kind of person your tutor is and the philosophy you have about education and research. Finally, most professors like enthusiastic, self-directed students. Instead of asking the question like "What should I do next?" to professor I want you to explain your ideas, plans, designs, or solutions first, and ask, "What do you think, professor?" Don't forget that no other student is more lovely to professors than students who are trying to think and find answers for themselves. Also, as I said, don't forget that students who don't do anything and spend time without contemplating may look a little frustrated to the professor until they get an answer after saying, "What should I do next?" I would like to introduce 6 suggestions for research in graduate school to become a good researcher. First, start your research and paper writing as soon as possible, right now. Rather than thinking, 'I'm still not good enough, and I haven't learned enough yet, so I'm not ready to write a paper yet,' it's important to organize what you know now and what you're thinking so far in the form of a dissertation. Second, find and choose a good research question. In fact, one of the most important parts of research and dissertation is research questions and subjects. The selection of research questions for research is very important. Choose important issues in each area, but look for new issues everywhere. In addition, it is necessary to continuously investigate and identify current problems and popular topics in each field so please pay attention to the review paper in the research field. The review paper is a dissertation that contains predictions and suggestions on which direction scholars in each field should conduct research in the future after comprehensively analyzing the latest trends or theories in the field. The review paper organizes various theories and existing research cases in each field by subject so it greatly helps to understand and view the field. Therefore, if you decide on a specific topic or research problem I recommend that you first find and read the review paper for the research topic especially the most recent review paper, if possible. In the review paper, you can view not only recent trends, but history of the past what kind of problems were found and solved in the past what aspects were studied by researchers what the limitations were, and how another researchers made effort to overcome this so how far did the results go In a word, the review paper allows us to look at the progress of research on the subject and research problem until now. At the end of the review paper, the researcher suggests like "This is the situation that has been progressed so far so which direction is promising and which direction of research is needed." Those suggestions and arrangements can help you understand your research topic and help you to make decisions about where you'd like your ideas to go in the future. So, I recommend you to find and read the review paper for the relevant field first. The third is a guideline for efficient research. Usually, when we do research, we focus on what the answer is to this problem or to this topic. In fact, before we think about the solution we need to focus on what kind of problem this is what the nature of this problem is why it's difficult and what aspects to look at it. Start your research with "Issues, problems" instead of "Answer, solution." So I encourage you to take enough time to investigate and think about the research topics or research issues that you're interested in first. Also, make sure you have plenty of free time regularly to focus and be creative. For example, go to the lab early in the morning and set a time to focus on your research without interruption from 8 to 10 and practice this. When you start graduate school life, it depends on the lab situation but in most cases, there's a lot going on in the lab. And because there's a lot of research and meetings in the lab with seniors, juniors, and professors you may not have as much time as you think to contemplate what this problem is or focus on what research at your desk. And there may not be as much time as you think to focus on research alone. So, when you go to the lab for the first time and then come out an hour earlier. If the lab usually has meetings or seminars starting at 9 or 10, it'll be 8 or 9 o'clock. You can come out about an hour ago and do your own homework or assignments about what you learn in class or you can use it as a time to reflect on and contemplate the research problem or progress that you're interested in. One more thing, especially in science and engineering For example, if you say,"I'm going to have an hour of my time at the lab at 8 o'clock," you should talk to your colleagues or seniors in the lab and get their understanding in advance. Because you work with your colleagues together. For example, "I want to have time to concentrate on studying from 8 to 9 tomorrow so please don't interrupt me from 8 to 9." In this way, it would be good to have time to focus on the area of interest by yourself. There's a reason why I keep saying, "From 8am or 9am." Of course, you could schedule some time in the evening. For example, if your work ends at 5 or 6 pm, you could say, 'I'll have dinner after work and then I'll have my own time from 7 or 8 pm.' By the way, if you actually do graduate school, there are a lot of things like seminars and meetings at the lab after dinner. Because when you run out of time while working during the day, naturally say "Let's do the rest of the work after dinner. Let's do the rest of the work tonight." So if possible, I think it would be good to have personal time in the morning. Of course, you can make a personal schedule late at night, but you need to rest at night. So I recommend that morning is better if possible. And when you do your research, consider when to explore deeper, where to expand wider and what to do separately. You have to focus by properly deciding on various perspectives, scope, and methods of looking at the problem, and in this process you can discuss it with your advisor, senior and research colleagues. Also, when you study a review paper or something about specific area, there is always a 'current state'. You can find a new solution, especially through some challenging questions about the assumptions they have today. For example, suppose an existing paper or solution solves a problem on the assumption that some input is the same. You can think 'Do the inputs have to be the same? What happens when the inputs are different?' Then, you can see why they had to solve the problem through that assumption and if they did without that assumption, what kind of things would happen and what issues would you be able to find and study more. Therefore, if possible, once you've mastered the previously established assumption like 'this problem is up to here from now on' you'll be able to come up with new research and solutions through the process of solving those assumptions and challenging them beyond the assumptions. In addition, some research problems may be simple but complex problems are common in most cases. So, to make it easier to deal with such problems, it would be better to divide the problems into several appropriate parts and solve them. Of course, when you divide one problem into several you can discuss and consult with your professor, colleagues, and seniors to properly share the problem and take charge of the assigned problem. It's also very important to demonstrate your ideas or solutions to other researchers. So it's important to think about how you're going to present your research process or results to others at the same time as you do your research. Also, set your own short-term and long-term research goals to conduct research and actively communicate with other researchers. There's a saying, "If you want to be an engineer, cooperate with others." Communicate your research problems, approaches, difficult parts to solve, current results, and future plans with your assistant professor, your colleagues in the lab, and other researchers in the field and think of writing research papers as part of your communication. Don't forget that mutual cooperation among researchers is the basic principle that has been the driving force behind the development of sci-tech. If you think about your research paper as part of your communication it's also very important to be able to explain to others as easily as possible what approach you've applied and what you've achieved rather than explaining the problem with difficulty. In this respect, the fourth advice is to actively publish your research through papers. Always think about which research to publish to which journal. When publishing a paper, make sure that the co-author decides as broad and generous as possible if the person has any contribution, but instead carefully decides the order of the authors. I hope that as many people as possible can cooperate in writing your paper. When writing a paper, make it well organized and readable and interesting , be careful not to use your own terminology, or go against standard notation which is used only in your lab or organization. I also recommend you to include, organize and present enough existing research related to your research explain to your readers the importance of your research topic and the validity of your research methods and publish it in various ways. For example, in addition to publishing papers in academic journals, I hope you will actively publish your research in various forms, such as publishing papers at domestic and foreign academic conferences contributing articles, or writing patent documents. The fifth is about consistency in research. Your field of research has been decided to some extent when you enter graduate school and come to the lab and as you continue to study, you will gradually enter into specific details. Continue to explore, develop and expand your field of study and key research issues. Please study positively, especially in controversial areas. Because controversial areas and issues can be an opportunity for you to make a great achievement in other respects. The last sixth is to cooperate with others. Be good colleagues first and make good colleagues around you. Encourage your colleagues to publish research papers, and if possible, create and operate a cooperative system and a buddy system to efficiently write papers. In particular, a buddy system with lab colleagues who look at each other's papers in the calibration or review of written papers is very effective. In addition, if there is any achievement such as approval for publication of the paper or award celebrate with your colleagues and reward yourself generously. In addition, I hope you will continue to create and maintain an atmosphere and environment around you that supports and helps you with research and paper writing. To maintain this atmosphere and environment, we recommend that you discuss the issues with your colleagues and your advisor, and if necessary, make suggestions to create a comfortable lab environment where you can conduct your research well. Next, I would like to introduce the guidelines for writing academic papers effectively. When writing a paper, do not rush into writing immediately but first think and plan about the subject, scope, and structure of the article plan and organize based on it. Based on this, I hope that you will first create an 'outline' When writing, avoid boring structures, try to explain and express as concisely and clearly as possible and if the reader has been decided, write the paper in a style that the target readers are familiar with and like. You also need to try your best to avoid slang, buzzwords, repeated or euphemistic expressions, spelling and grammar errors. At the end of this lecture, I would like to introduce eight tips for writing and publishing a good paper. First, if you want to write a good paper, read a lot of papers, and if possible, a lot of good papers. In order to expand to a wider range, it is recommended to read papers widely not only in research fields but also in areas other than research fields. Also, be as objective as possible about your research or paper. It is necessary to objectively examine one's research problems, research methods, and results and to view and modify the written paper with the eyes of a third party. Next, you should use good English when writing an English paper and I recommend you to get professional English correction if possible. The fourth is a bit sad, but researchers need to learn to live with "rejection." Entire career as a researcher is actually with rejection. However, instead of thinking that the paper is over due to refusal to publish think that you have received good advice from the judges and improve your research and paper. Then you can get good results. Therefore, rejection of sanctions is a painful experience but I hope you think and accept it as a routine process that goes through for good results. In addition, many people often "let's write a paper" after the study but you should keep in mind how to organize and write a paper not just before the study is over, but throughout the course of the study. In other words, don't forget that if necessary, the process or scope of the study should be determined by considering the writing of the paper. If you want to write a good paper, be a judge yourself. Getting used to how to critically evaluate a study or paper helps you evaluate your research or paper. Also, make sure you decide which journal to submit your paper to as early as possible. By default, look at the goals and scope on the home page of each journal. This allows you to determine what you need to publish your paper in the journal and to shape your research and determine what you need and what results you need. Lastly, if it is a good paper, the quality of the paper is the most important. Try to publish your paper in a good journal as much as possible and continue to challenge yourself to publish your paper in a better journal. This concludes the first lecture on "How to Write a Paper and Research Ethics." In this lecture, I introduced the overall lecture and explained what research and paper writing means as a graduate student and what mindset and posture are needed. Thank you for your attention. Week 2 Title: Effective process for writing good academic papers Content: Today is the second lecture on "How to Write a Paper and Research Ethics" We will learn about effective procedures and processes for writing a good academic paper. I'm going to talk about some excerpts from Susan Stephenson and Steve Whitmore "Strategy for Engineering Communication", 2002 "Science and Technology Communication", 2009 which I published with my university professors. If you are more interested in today's lecture, please refer to the two books. So let's talk about effective methods and procedures for writing a good academic paper. In general, academic writing proceeds in stages of "planning" "implementation and preparation", "drafting", and "calibration and final editing". In the "Planning" stage, you schedule your thesis define and analyze readers, and set the purpose of your thesis. In fact, I can tell you that one of the most important parts in determining the purpose of the thesis is to define and analyze my purpose, that is, who the reader is to read the paper I write. The "Implementation and Preparation" step involves devising ideas and preparing for the writing of a paper. In the "first draft writing" stage, it is necessary to efficiently write the first draft and cope with the obstacles to writing. The "Calibration and Final Editing" step carefully corrects the draft and checks for grammatical errors and typos. At this stage, an effective response to "boring" and "perfectionism" is needed. I will explain in detail later how to deal with the obstacles in writing as well as the boredom and perfectionism that I just mentioned. Academic paper writing is an iterative and recursive process in which three steps continue to be performed interchangeably rather than "implementation and preparation", "drafting", and "calibration" all at once. The table below shows interesting findings. The unskilled author says he spends about 50% of his entire paper writing time "implementing and preparing" and 45% of the rest "drafting" and only about 5% of his time during the final "calibration" phase. There is a high risk that the overall completeness of the paper will not be high because only a small amount of time is devoted to the "calibration" stage of increasing the completeness of the paper through final finishing. If you look at this part, if you have 10 days to write a paper you think about how to write a paper for about 5 days and spend the remaining 4 and a half days writing and then you have only half a day. It means the first draft was made in the part where you just finished the paper for half a day and submitted. And there are many cases where it is submitted without sufficient review or revision. When you actually write it like this, it's just as time-consuming as you can imagine. 50% of the time without writing, but as the deadline is near, they write a draft and even write proofreading and submit it. As a result, not only is the overall writing process inefficient but the end result is not refined to such a high level. It's a general story. On the other hand, experienced authors spend about 25% of their total paper writing time on "implementation and preparation" 35% on "drafting" stage, and the remaining 40% on the final "calibration" stage. Because sufficient time is spent on calibration and finishing the final completion of the paper can be improved. Spending only 25% of the time on the "Imagine and Prepare" stage also means that you are constantly devising ideas for your thesis. So, in a way, researchers who are good at writing papers keep thinking 'what to do with the thesis' and 'how to write the thesis in which journal when the results come out' even in the process of continuing research in their heads. When he thinks 'Let's write a thesis', he can quickly complete a draft and then spend enough time to revise it meticulously, although he can do it alone but with his colleagues in multiple stages of revision. To exaggerate a little bit, students who write papers uncomfortable and inefficient usually don't think much about papers, but when they say, "Let's write a paper now," but only then, they think "What paper should I write?" so It takes a lot of time to think and prepare and after they write a draft they don't have a few days to refine and revise it. This means that the quality of the thesis is not high. In other words, it is advisable to spend your time writing your paper as quickly as possible in the front and maximizing the completion of your paper in the back. Let's take a closer look at each paper writing step. First stage is "planning". A successful paper writer initiates a plan as quickly as possible starting as soon as he decides to write the paper dividing it into as many tasks as possible and starting the main tasks for writing the paper before completing the study. As I said, even in the course of his research, for example if he thinks "I have to put this graph in this form", it means that he'll keep that graph in advance. In addition, for good thesis writing, ask and identify who the "reader" of the paper and clarify the "purpose" of the paper to be written. When writing a paper, it is very important to set the "reader" and "purpose" of the article. You can more accurately determine the "purpose" of the paper by identifying who the "readers" of the paper are their expertise, their understanding of the subject, and their likes in advance. This page shows the questions used for "Reader" analysis. Who will read your writing? Are they a technical expert, manager, or businessman? And why do they read your papers? Why did they ask you to write a paper? If, when readers see the paper you have written, they will be interested in seeing the title or abstract of the paper, so what part will they be interested in? What actions do they take based on your paper? What information did they ask for? Are their instructions clear? Or do they need confirmation? How well do readers know about the topic? And how much background knowledge and information do they need? Are your readers familiar with the technical terms you use? What information do readers need? Do you have all the information they need to address their needs? If not I would like to emphasize thatwhat should you look for in what form and what contents should be organized and presented , what contents should be put in and what contents should be left out, etc. These things are determined according to what parts the readers will be curious about and need while reading the thesis you wrote. The following shows the questions used in the process of determining the "purpose" of the paper. What do you want to gain from this paper? Can you clearly and concisely describe the purpose of the paper? How does the goal of the paper relate to readers' expectations? Do readers share your goals? If not, what is the discrepancy? How can you meet both your goals and your readers' expectations? How do you know what your readers know and what they don't know? What attitudes or values should be considered in the paper? Rather than answering each question as a test I think it's good to use it as a guideline for analyzing readers and determining their goals by looking through these questions like a checklist. In addition, it is recommended to prepare and secure a good writing environment at the "planning" stage. Last lecture, I told you to create a quiet, focused time for yourself in the lab, and the same goes for writing. If you're writing and there's any other disturbance around you it's already difficult to write, so it won't be easy. Create your own writing environment where you can be quiet, uninterrupted, and non-disruptive. At this time, pay attention to the lighting and improve physical comfort. It's a general story, but when it's noisy around you when you're writing, it's hard to concentrate on writing. Because writing itself is not a very pleasant act. For most people, writing is painful, and they don't want to do it. So if you're already doing something that's not pleasant, but you're interrupted you can't see it well, nosiy around you, then it's very difficult to write. So when you write, you need an environment where you can write comfortably without being disturbed. Many researchers I know, including myself, have their own environment. Some people like to go to a coffee shop and sit quietly and write some people like to be quiet in the library's reading room and some people like to do it while listening to music at their desks. This means that you should try to find an environment where you can improve the efficiency of your own comfortable writing, and continue to maintain and organize that environment. It's not the same for everyone, but I want to tell you to find and create your own writing-friendly environment. It is also recommended to improve the usability of the computers and software used in writing the paper. Learn how to use word processors that are often used when writing papers and various software that is used to create pictures and tables. If you need to write a paper in a specific work environment quickly identify the devices or programs in that environment and familiarize yourself with how to use them. The second step in writing a paper for efficient academic writing is "implementation and preparation." In the "Implementation and Preparation" stage, the topics and contents to be covered in the paper are organized and arranged. Outline, Outlining is one of the most common strategies used to organize content during academic writing to show the overall flow. You're looking at Microsoft MS Word's overview feature as an example. Graphics are sometimes used to organize various topics and contents and mind mapping shown on this page is one of the representative methods. Mind mapping is useful for organizing various topics and contents when devising a paper in a way that generates and visually organizes ideas by showing the relationship between ideas as you see. One of the ways to use graphics to organize different topics and content is the Taxonomizing classification method. This method is a strategy that visually organizes and groups various ideas based on common characteristics, as shown in the example. In thesis writing, logical order and pattern are used to organize ideas and content. Common patterns in academic papers include chronology of processes in chronological order of events spatial order of objects in physical relationships 'Comparison/Contrast' that similarities and differences between existing and new designs 'Order of importance' that from important to less important 'Problem solving' that explanation of problem, solutions and recommendations. 'General to specific' that explains the general point and then follows a more detailed explanation or special example. The use of these widely known patterns in organization not only helps readers follow the logical flow as a whole but also helps readers to understand and remember the content for a long time. I think you're most familiar with the order of time and space. In the case of chronology, for example, when explaining the history of usually related research there were studies like this in the 1960s, there were studies like this in the 70s there were studies like this in the 80s. It's very natural to describe it in chronological order like this. Physically, for example, if you often explain a schedule or journey it would be better to explain it from Seoul to Daejeon, Daegu, and Busan based on Korean standards. Rather than explaining Seoul, Busan, Daejeon, Daegu and back and forth, explaining in order that readers are familiar with and know the following in accordance with the logical order and pattern of science and technology. The third step in writing a paper for efficient academic writing is "Drafting." In general, there are four ways to "Drafting." That is, there is a way to combine planning and preparation drafting, and proofreading and proceeding at the same time. There is a way to separate the conception and preparation, draft preparation, and calibration. And there is a way to plan, prepare, draft together, and then calibrate afterwards. There is a way to plan and prepare first, and then draft and calibrate together. It is known that the shorter the volume of papers the more effective it is to combine conception, preparation, draft, and proofreading and the longer the volume, the more effective it is to separate conception, preparation, draft, and proofreading. In general, 5-15 page paper submitted to an academic conference or journal is most effective in developing, preparing and drafting together, and then calibrating. Now let's compare the pros and cons of each draft method. First, it is a combination of planning and preparation, drafting and proofreading. This method makes it easy to write down points and sentences even if you don’t have clear idea of how to write. Thus you can start writing right away, which is especially advantageous when there is no clear solution to a particular problem. If you typically have a hard time starting out it's a great way to start writing a dissertation because you show a high level of creativity and your writing is relatively free. The following is how to proceed separately by classifying conception and preparation, drafting, and proofreading. In this method, the content, format and organization of the paper are initially carefully planned and then each section is written as quickly as possible. Finally, multiple intensive complete corrections are performed. This method is typically applied to writing long documents such as user manuals or textbooks. The following is a method that is generally known to be most suitable for writing a thesis proceeds with conception and preparation and drafting, followed by proofreading. Remember to leave enough time for proofreading as this method combines conception and preparation with drafting first proceeding with proofreading. Especially with this method, maintaining writing momentum is paramount and once you start writing your first draft you shouldn't stop writing until you've finished your first draft. So, if you run into problems with conception and preparation or drafting don't waste time solving them, just mark them and move on. I can tell you that the important thing in drafting is to complete the draft from start to finish without losing your writing momentum. A draft is just a draft. This is possible because we leave plenty of proofreading time behind so we have plenty of time to take it and revise it to a high level once the draft is complete. This is an effective method for relatively short documents typically between 5 and 15 pages, or for single sections within longer documents. In this method, the act of writing a thesis itself is a clue to new ideas, new approaches to the problem at hand, and new solutions to the problem. In addition, even if the degree of completion is very low you can get some satisfaction because the first draft is completed and you can expand the thesis with more time because you spent less time and effort on writing the first draft. In this method, it is essential to have an undisturbed environment to maintain writing momentum and it is important to have ample creative breaks between conception and preparation and drafting and proofreading. Creative break refers to the time to take a break from the thesis writing work and give your mind and brain a rest. Through creative break, you can be more creative and motivated and also objectively and meticulously carry out proofreading work. After a creative break, even the papers you've been writing look different and come up with new ideas you hadn't thought of before. When you have 10 days, invest about 5 days at first or 5 days and half a day to come up with an idea collect various data, and then concentrate on writing a draft. In the process of writing a draft, if possible do not take a break, and make a finished copy. Once the draft is complete, you must be tired as writing drafts without a break. So you need taking a break for about half a day. When you take a break, you forget about writing drafts and listen to music, watch movies or simply take a break. When you take a break for half a day or a day through these breaks and then look at the draft you wrote next, you're like 'Huh? Why did I write this?' You can see a completely different side of what you do and you can fill in the wrong parts of the parts you wrote previously or the parts you left blank because you didn't come up with an idea when writing the original draft. That will be the positive effect of creative break. A word of caution, in my experience, creative breaks are all good but I don't think they're as effective if you're drinking or doing something that's completely disorienting. I recommend that you take a creative break with the finished draft in your hand or put it on a USB stick in your pocket and have a relaxing time watching a movie or going to a coffee house for a good coffee or food. The last method is to proceed with conception and preparation first and then proceed with drafting and proofreading in parallel. This method works well for longer documents, like 15 to 50 pages or when word choice needs to be very precise such as proposals, patents, or legal documents. Organization is very important in this method, otherwise when you pause in the proofreading process, it will be difficult to recall what needs to come next. Instead, reviewing the first few paragraphs will help you overcome your writing hurdles as the next idea will often come from what you've written up to that point. The key to drafting is to keep the momentum going and not stop writing. The writing barriers that are often encountered when writing a dissertation are related to planning caused by environmental factors, related to the subject, caused by words caused by form, related to readers, and caused by expectations and risks. Overcoming these obstacles through thorough preparation and strategic response is necessary for successful draft writing and efficient paper writing and competent authors are those who know how to deal with these obstacles. The fourth and final stage of the thesis writing for efficient academic thesis writing is “proofreading and final completion”. Proofreading is the most important process to remove errors in research papers increase reliability, and reconsider completeness. Since a meticulous and complete proofreading can take a significant amount of time it is important to allow sufficient time for proofreading during the initial planning phase. Also, it is not an easy task to review and revise your thesis several times from an objective point of view so it is recommended to take a creative break before proofreading. During proofreading, it is important to read the paper objectively and critically. Proofreading is carried out at several levels and aspects including content organization, persuasive emphasis format, rules, paragraph organization, sentence structure and word choice. When looking at a strategy to make calibration effective it is difficult to look at all aspects at once, so it is best to do it in multiple rounds. What I mean is, first of all, take a look at it to see if the flow of the article as a whole is okay. At that time, even if there are errors, they are ignored. The second one meticulously checks if the words are okay and the third one checks the misspellings. In this way, it can be said that the aspect of correcting several times while looking at one aspect as a whole is more effective. Rather than looking at a computer screen and proceeding, there are many cases that proceed with printing on paper. This will be a personal preference. It's fine if you say 'I prefer to do it on a computer screen' but in general if you print it out on paper, you can hold the paper and look at the front and back as well as freely take notes so printing out on paper and proceeding is still generally recommended. Since you are a generation that is especially more digitally familiar, it would be okay to just look at the computer screen and proceed as soon as you feel comfortable. I also sometimes find errors by reading them out loud. Strangely enough, things like typos and errors that were not found with the naked eye make sounds and this is called 'reading correction'. It stands out when read aloud. So you need to try something like this. To review the overall flow of the thesis, it is effective to check the outline of the document and make a list of recurring issues so that the review proceeds without omission. In general, it is recommended that you proofread an academic thesis 4 or 5 times by yourself and 2 or 3 times by a third party, a total of 7 or 8 times. In the case of proofreading by a third party, it is best to find and request a person who will later become a reader of the thesis and it is also recommended to organize and operate a buddy system with your graduate school colleagues to proofread each other's thesis. Graduate laboratory colleagues are not only colleagues in research but can also be helpful buddies in the process of writing a dissertation. In addition, it is a good way to rewrite the introductory part to check whether the thesis was written well as a whole. It can be said that perfectionism and boredom make proofreading for the completion of an academic thesis difficult. First of all, perfectionism helps to write a good thesis, but if it is excessive it makes the proofreading work infinitely longer and reduces the efficiency. To overcome perfectionism, it's a good idea to start by setting clear limits on the time and energy you can devote to proofreading and final editing. In addition, it is better to focus more on high-level proofreading such as the overall flow of the text and balance of chapters and verses, and the correction of missing or unnecessary content rather than low-level editing such as typos and spelling errors. This is because many of the low-level editing tasks are usually solved automatically by the word processor and can be processed mechanically by professional editors at the publishing house once the paper is confirmed for publication. Therefore, what you really need to focus on in proofreading is 'Was this thesis well written?', 'The flow of the composition, whether all the contents are included' 'Is the order okay', 'Is the balance right', etc. In addition, after publishing the paper, it is very helpful for future work to clearly understand the reader's reaction to the paper you wrote and to draw and analyze the difference between what you thought and expected when writing the paper and the actual reaction of the readers. To overcome the excruciating boredom of proofreading, it's a good idea to increase the difficulty of the task at hand by focusing on the more complex parts. In other words, it is not simple editing work to choose the right words but the high-level consideration and effort to think about which words can meet the expectations of the reader makes the proofreading work not boring. Also, list the interesting tasks first and do the more interesting ones later. In addition, it is recommended to clearly admit that proofreading itself is not interesting and to set up a system such as a checklist so that you can pay attention to the proofreading process again when you lose concentration due to boredom. As mentioned above, this time, we studied the effective procedural process for writing a good academic thesis. Thank you for your attention. Week 3 Title: Academic Papers in Science and Engineering, Selecting a Target Journal for Your Academic Manuscript Content: Hello, I'm <PRESIDIO_ANONYMIZED_PERSON> from Energy Science Department who is in charge of lecture three to six in Academic Writing and Research Ethics. From lecture three to six that I'm in charge of, I think I'll be talking a little bit more about the writing techniques of the paper. To start with lecture three, Academic Papers are completely different from the textbooks you've studied so far. So you have to think, describe, or write something completely different from the scientific facts and research methods that you usually see in your text books. I'm going to talk a lot about those things. In lecture three, let's have a time to think about which journals you're writing your papers in, and which journals you're researching will be published in, so many people will read them. First of all, let's get started and think about what papers are and what theses are. You usually consider them as academic papers. There are a lot of technical descriptions and reports, but the papers are different from those, and it's the papers that demands scientific technology and we see a lot of it in academia. Let me tell you how to write about such papers in science and engineering and what should we think about. Firstly, not all professors think the same because this course is delivered by many professors. Many professors write different papers, so all professors have different ideas. In other words, professors and students are individual people, so they all have different thoughts. There may be technical aspects in common, but the Academic Paper is a thing to write with many considerations?for example, which readers are going to read it or how readers will think about it?as paper itself is a series of conversations between individuals. Therefore, it has to be completely different from the books and textbooks that you've studied so far. Basically, writing a paper is very difficult. The reason is that you have to think about what kind of readers will read, and when they read it, you have to be able to let them understand exactly what you think based on scientific facts. If you've ever written a paper or have a chance to do so, I'm sure you'll have a very burdensome and painful time as you can see in the cartoon. I'll tell you why you felt like this and why this is more fun than pain. As you can see in the cartoon up there, a student is thinking that she wishes to show her thoughts on the screen right away. So do I. I also have a lot of time to think about how to describe what's important, and how to convey my thoughts when I talk to many readers. During those times, your hands don't go straight to the keyboard. I have to write it, but it's very hard. So I keep thinking - let's write it, how should we write it, write it, I spend a lot of time like this. And then it's painful, usually. Because it's difficult, you can think of it as a natural process, which may not be such a big challenge in reality. Starting today, from lecture three to six, I'm going to tell you why. Another case is the cartoon that you see below, where a professor corrected the paper written by a student. The student saw it and said, "You fixed all of this." The professor didn’t fix just a word or a grammar, but he fixed everything instead. He fixed the whole paper. And the professor says that it is easier to write a whole paper than fix or comment just a part. There are very important points in here. In fact, the papers that you write about the research from the beginning?let me rephrase that you read. The research papers that you read are written in one story from beginning to end. But the written story is an individual's idea. In other words, it contains the thoughts you are writing and the thoughts of the co-researchers who worked with you on the paper. As each person’s different ideas becomes one paper, when one person starts writing, the person's thoughts are contained from beginning to end. So there could be some errors that you thought of. If you correct one error, it's much easier to correct the whole paper because it's not just one error, but because you have to express the person's thoughts from beginning to end. In fact, even if I fix 10 to 20 pages of paper that my students bring, when I go through each word and sentence several time, and I think, "Why did I fix this?" or "Why did I say this?" So I have another period to fix the whole thing. Then, as shown in the cartoon, a student got the fixed part and wrote it again, and if the student show it to the professor again, he will fix it all over again. And he’ll give it back again. So this cycle lasts forever, to be honest. And before you say okay, even if you say okay, it's hard to submit until the professor or co-researchers says okay. But one of the most important things about the process is how well your thoughts are reflected, and how consistent they are from beginning to end. Through this process of writing dozens or hundreds of papers, you will be improved. That might happen, but at first, writing a paper after just reading it will be quite difficult. So I'd like to talk about those things together and tell you that it's not just that difficult. As I said in the introduction at the beginning, writing a paper is communication with many people; for example, how readers will read this, or even before them, we communicate with many researchers and editors of the paper. In the way of communication, as there are many ways of communicating between people, even if you are alone, other people have their own thoughts, so there are always different reactions. I'll tell you a few of the reactions, and let you know that you don't have to struggle with them. For this example, I wrote a paper and submitted. Fortunately, I passed the editor?I'll tell you later about the process of submitting the paper and how the paper is made?and went into the review process. This is the content of referee in review process. This paper reports this, this, and this on a subject. And there’s interesting results. Those results are first, second; the editor summarized like this. Making summary like this perhaps this referee read the paper really hard. Or the referee might just read the abstract that you wrote and organize it like that. I mean, you don't have to believe everything that referee has written down. Because from the perspective of those who have been researching or writing for a long time, those two, three or four points that you think are important can be picked up very easily just by reading the abstract. So the referee said that those results were very interesting. These results, however, are not significant at all and do not have enough novelty to be published in Nature or Nature journals. Then what are those wordings? It is fun, but cannot be published. This might let you down. Why they say no, even though it is fun? So what I’m going to say from now is that we need to read the thoughts of the people who are expressing like this. The expression says: the results of your research are interesting, but there's not enough significance for your papers to be published in Nature or Nature Research journal. That's never a very negative view of your abilities or your research results. So you never have to take that person's idea as it is in the review points. The referee says that it is fun but not enough, that is, however, an individual’s idea. Saying not enough doesn't determine the value of your research results. That's why I can agree or disagree with this individual's referee. Most of times people don’t agree. Because it's normal not to agree if someone else sees your research and thinks it's bad. If you agree there, you may have been wrong when you wrote your research paper. So we talk again without agreeing. We communicate. In this paper, we actually did somethings, but we might have given some misunderstanding. Then we might say we'll write it again to make the point, and then we’ll go to the revision process again. Let me see another example. Similar content is described here. If you look at the first line, very detailed experimental data are provided and presented, and made something about it. This work is very interesting to talk about. It is interesting and well organized. Well organized is not easy to hear, but it feels great to hear it. Because there's a time when you have to write the paper well from beginning to end, and it means you did a good job. But it states that despite doing well, the of the work is not sufficient to warrant its publication in high quality journal like Nature. Publication in high impact journals like Nature Science may be difficult, but I’m telling you again that it doesn't mean that your findings are very bad, as I said earlier. The expression, “not sufficient to warrant its publication” is just an idea of that referee. If this referee thought like that, he would make suggestion to contribute a lower-level paper. That's how we normally suggest. You get suggestion, then you read the paper again, but you might admit the idea; so basically, other people get to see your paper again. Then, before we go through it, we can identify that there may be some misunderstandings, so the referee may not have been able to pinpoint our research. This is because that the referee says that “the work is interesting and the paper is well organized. There is no reason describes why it is not worth publishing. Then the referee who reviewed this paper may not read your research paper thoroughly. You might notice in the first sentence that the referee didn't read it thoroughly without talking. There are two ways that you can do after you knew it. “Yeah, I'll give up.” or “Since you didn't read it hard, I want to talk again and change your mind.” In my case, I always choose the second option. I always talk them again. After discussing about it again, I give up when I really can't, and I publish it in another journal. It takes a very long time for people to communicate with others with different thoughts before rejected and accepted by other journals. So, it is very important to you know how to organize your thoughts with professors and co-researchers and accurately convey them to others and tell them exactly why this research is better research and scientifically valuable. That's why you need to know that this is what a paper is about when it comes to communicating with so many people. As you can see while searching on the internet, there are so many journals and papers that are always published. So let me tell you about the process of choosing papers and journals, and why and which you should choose. Those papers are classified in Creative Analytics of Web of Science by their fields and levels, and you can easily organize your findings and why this paper should fit in certain fields. You've probably heard of SCI a lot. Scientific papers, including engineering and basic science, usually fall into SCI or SCIE; social science into SSCI; and art or humanity into AHCI. There is a process in which you look around what papers belong to each classification and contribute to them. In the process of making the publication, the first way you can categorize is by a parameter called impact factor. This impact factor can be a very important tool for you to decide which paper to publish to. If you think the research paper is really great, you'll choose a journal with a very high impact factor, but if you think this is important in this field, but it's not urgent, and everyone else is showing this much, you'll choose a journal with less impact factor. You can choose it by yourself or with your co-researchers; for example, if you think carefully about what impact factor tells you, you'll know why. The number of impact factors determines the level of the paper. The way to determine the level of the paper can be easily seen here by how to calculate the impact factor. It can be determined by the proportion of the number of papers that have become public in journal for two years and how many are quoted in two years. The impact factor is high if the number of papers is small and the citation number is large; in other words, other researchers cited a lot of papers in this journal whether the result is good or bad. Because one may not quote, a lot of quotes mean that so many researchers have read them, including those who did not quote and those who did. Saying many people can read it is that many people might think that the research results are important. So you might be studying with those high impact journals. That's why many people publish papers while enduring the painful times hoping they can be read my many people, not by few people. Usually, based on the impact factor, one hopes that the paper that he or she is writing now will be read by a certain number of people, but the scope is broad in each field, so it really depends. So in choosing a journal, first you choose whether it will be read by a lot of people and consider the importance of the research results of your own paper. In fact, if you search for certain papers, you're using Google Scholar a lot these days. If you use Google Scholar, the first parameter to be seen with the paper is how much the paper was quoted. In some papers, the values are always presented as you can see here. Contents of the paper is hard to find. However, along with the paper’s title, it shows how many times it has been quoted. It may be a paper from one person, but it always says the number of quotes under the title in Google Scholar. It's important how many quotes have been made. Because the number of people read it determines importance of the research results. So usually there's always a lot of quotes from Science and Nature Physics, very high-level journals that you know. That's why we want to publish a lot to journals with high impact factors. Rather than wanting to have a high impact factor journal, because of the process that research results are acknowledged by many people through communication and use them again, we want to publish them in this high impact journal with high citation. Then you'll always have a question like, "Are we going to post only high-level journals?" In fact, it's a very difficult task, so you need to make good decisions on the papers you write. So I'll tell you briefly about the ways to decide. Each person has a different personality, so if you ask me, I always pursue a high impact factor. I always pursue a high impact factor, some of my papers go through many failures, and they even publish in low impact factor journals. If you ask me about why you're trying so hard to publish such a high impact factor while taking so much time, you have to think which journal to publish. Because we have a purpose to publish a paper. And the purpose is because we want it to be read a lot. We want it to be read a lot, so we’ll want a high factor, too. The high impact factor is actually publishing in a short time. There are many cases where the high impact factor becomes public in a short time rather than the low impact factor because of the desire to show the results of my research to the world in a short time. Because it's always competitive with many other researchers. This competition is also difficult, but it is very important that I win this competition and contribute my good research results to a good research journal, and publish it. Then there are some points that you need to think about when you decide on a paper. You must first increase visibility. Because you're researchers, you are shown by people when showing your good research results to many people. In order to improve this, we also decide on a paper. And we want to save time and effort like here. If you start to publish with high impact factor, it's highly likely that many of their papers will be rejected. Then the time will be re-involved, and since the paper will not be submitted in the same format, additional efforts will be made to revise it again. So if you consider these times to communicate with people until publishing, you might want to save those time. And the other is that you may experience a lot of situations that the research papers that you submitted are not publishing, but rejected. You choose the most appropriate papers to reduce these things. So usually, I think about a few things. The first thing you should think about when choosing your paper is what research you are doing and what journals you are reading. The journals you're reading are similar to your researches, and you're probably reading a lot of papers to study them. So it's usually normal to publish to the papers you're reading. Then it's very likely to be high-level journals because you're learning and studying. So there's always a question of whether you're going to start with a high level, but you can decide some candidates for several journals. About the studies that you're studying in personally. Then there's a reason why you have to choose one. For example, Nature, Science, and others have different fields, such as Nature Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials. If you think of four magazines like this, Nature and Science, which have high impact, are interdisciplinary, so there are a lot of broad scopes in the papers. There's bio, materials, and chemistry. Physics and geology, too. It shows all the papers in a very wide field. So you can choose Nature Science first. But you might think that scope is a little specific and a little narrow. If you studied nano, you choose Nanotechnolgy, rather than Nature. Or you can choose Advanced Materials if you write about materials, but the first thing you need to do when choosing the candidates is to read the scopes of the paper. Because some papers have scopes that they want in their journals. But the paper that doesn't fit with the scope, for example, you studied nanomaterials, and you studied photonics with that nanomaterials. Because it's a nanomaterial, you can either go to Nature Nanotechnology or Nature Photonics. But if you think about what significance is most important to your research, the journal that fits the scope can be Nanotechnology or Photonics. Just like that, it's very important that you always think about the scope of the journal and make a decision. Then we send it. Then the response of the journal comes, and when it is published, you can see whether you have chosen the right journal or not. There are a few things that you need to worry about during this long time, but these things are very technical, so I'll keep telling you later. So I also try my best to write a good paper like you, but I'll tell you the first the way to save time. To save the time, the usual methods may not be to write out quickly and post quickly. The reason each journal has an editor is because he or she is thinking about whether to send a review or not. From my experience, it usually takes about a day, 24 hours, or a month at the most. So there's one way to reduce this period very much and move on quickly. I don't think a lot of people did, but I would like to recommend you to do it since you were a student, and the thing is to send a paper to this journal first before I submit it. Only to editor. Send it to the editor and tell him or her that my paper has this amount of significance and there’s a reason to be publicize in this magazine. It doesn't matter because it's my idea. 그 사람들은, 에디터들은 받아들일 수도 있고요 무시할 수도 있고요. move on to the next step. If you communicate with editors first to shorten the process and get good results and go over the review process, for my personal experience, it is more likely that your research would be a paper. So it's not a bad idea to always do pre submission's inquiry and it's the best way to save time. So I'll talk about the technical parts, such as the process of choosing a paper in more detail in the next chapter. Week 4 Title: Structure of an academic paper Storytelling method for academic papers Preparing for writing academic papers Content: This is the fourth lecture on ‘Academic Writing and Research Ethics 1’ In this class, I will tell you how the structure of the academic paper is organized, how to communicate with many people as I said in the round of three, and how to prepare for good writing. First, the structure of the paper. If you look at the papers that you are studying a lot, the composition of each paper is slightly different. However, the basic composition is set, so you can think of it as a slightly modified form of each thesis in that set rule. From the high-impact journals to the low-impact journals which you choose, the scopes of all the papers may be different and composition may be different. The other is that the composition is different depending on what paper it is, so I'll look at this composition and talk about the important things in each composition. I'm going to quickly turn over the slides. First, it's the title. After the title, as you always know, they are the authors. There are authors, and the first sentence that comes out is Abstract, there are sentences of abstract. When the abstract is finished, the introduction usually begins. Materials and methods usually go in or out after introduction. Because each journal might have these materials and methods at the end. And it's also published in other files like other surfman process. In addition, after the introduction and the conversation about methods and materials, the most important results and discussions are always coming out. These results and discuses come in one section in a barrel, and they come out separated. You can decide how to write, but you can also write according to the way you are targeting journals. And when it comes out like that, composition isn't just consist of only writing, but as you all know, writing is shown in figures, and you're talking about the results of your research showing table that is organized. The other is that when this is done, there are usually acknowledgements that say, "How this paper was executed with some help," and references that say, "This paper cited other papers and what papers are quoted and where they are described. That's how the papers are divided into sections of about 10 and as little as six. Each of these parts has many points that you need to think about. I'm going to try to talk to you based on your experiences. If you think about what to read first when you read the paper, the degree of significance will be determined. As always, most read the title first. Most read the title first. The author won't read first to read. Perhaps there is an effort to find the professor's thesis only to read the research papers of the very good professors. Then you can look for authors first. But we usually start with the title. If you look at the title, it can be very simple and difficult to say. The title should contain ‘what thoughts you have and what research results you have written’ and ‘what is the most important thing’. It's hard, right? Yes, the title is very difficult. I think writing a title is the most difficult part than writing a certain part. Me, too. That's why I'm always thinking about the title until the moment I submit my thesis. Because this can determine everything, we always consider the title as our top priority, even during the ex-premature that we're always writing papers, in the middle of the section, and in finishing step that we're writing the conclusion, always I'm thinking about the title. Most people think a lot about whether this title is appropriate or not, and whether this title attract a lot of people's attention. And through this thinking, most people write title. Then, we write authors, which is basically very technical, so if you write your own papers, it will be natural for you to become host authors, and your supervisors or co-research professors will be registered as corresponding authors. Everyone knows these parts, so let's skip them. The next important thing is that when the title is decided, which covers all with some limited wording, and the reader who read the title usually only reads abstract. They read abstract first. When they read abstract first, as I said in the third class, this abstract is very important so that you can understand that the reviewers only read abstract or read the whole thing well during communicating with reviewers. Because with about 10 words or 15 words that I said in the title, you're going to spread them out into 100 or 250 words. The abstract, which contains why it's important, what you've studied, what the results are so important to this society that what these results mean, is the most important part of your entire paper that follows the title. And you would write whole thing which the abstract contains with being limited, and elaborate on these things, that is the question of why the introduction did this research, why the introduction had to do it with the references, background and literacy, and why they had to do it, and what is promo definition and raising questions you would present, what is problems, or what new ideas I was trying to use. So introduction is also important. Then, the introduction is then written about three to five times as long as the usual abstract. And there are materials methods section. So there are parts that is how you go about doing some research, for example, how you analysis with some material and ingredients and how you interpret some results in some way. Maybe it's important right now. I'd yet rather awkward because title is also important and I said, abstract is also important and all important. The reasons why they are contained and contents of each part are all different, so everything has to be important. You'll spend a lot of time on the result part. For example, the part of the result, when you show the result, the first way you can show the result well is to show pictures, graphs, and tables. Yes, that's right. In my experience, the reason I'm telling you about my experience is because each person has different ways of looking at each paper, choosing a paper, and studying, so when I read paper, I read first the title and abstract, and basically understand what research this paper did and what results it has. If I decide whether there is paper's worth, that I take the time to read this research pape, or not, I go to the result section first and I look at the picture first. And I look at the table first. I will first look at how the results of the study were measured and what data are there. And the data that I saw, when the detailed data came out, when it caught my attention, I read the sentences that were described in the result section. So in this result, to make you read to a lot of readers, you'll have to make sure that you can clearly see the good pictures and detailed data. In addition to writing a paper in English, efforts are also made to show the data well, so the period of writing this result part is very long and requires a lot of hard work. Then, you have to think about how to show the results and how to develop them. Here are some rules that show, and the most important of them is number one. You can think that number 1 is deciding everything. As you can see in this number one, how clearly you are using tables, pictures and graphs to illustrate your results, and figure is not usually just one in the paper, but at least three, as many as you can decide, but there can be a lot of pictures. Whether you show first most important data and what basic data you're going to show, or how to start with the most important part and show the data you support later. And about this logic, how to unfold the logic in your paper which you think and imagine. And when you're explaining that logic, it is important to show it very clearly. If your logic is a little tangled during the screening and while communicating with others, people think, "Oh, I don't want to communicate anymore." The, there's a possibility that reviewers and referees will give you reject. Or because the paper is well organized and not well written, they are 'Write the paper again and send another reject or order to revise again. Therefore, it is very important to make it easy for others to understand what content is said and how it is said. And, for example, like writing in the fourth part, a unnecessary data are not needed. Because it's really unnecessary to paint unnecessary data and brag, "Oh, I've worked hard on research and there's a lot of data." If you put that unnecessary thing in, this logic will be broken and maybe the clearance will fall. Then, people, who read and wirte paper and read written paper, feel very difficult to read that paper, and if they think 'it's difficult', there is a process that many people don't read again and don't quote. Then, the quality of the paper can be reduced. Therefore, it is important to avoid presenting unnecessary data that does not fit logic and is not clear. It's the discus part, and the way I usually write a paper is to talk about results and discusions together. I shows the data and discuses why the meaning of the data is important. The word "discussion" means, I write, but other people will read, judge and think about the importance. Then they'll think about whether it's right or wrong. Readers. That's why we call it a discussion. It's important to tell them why it's important. Then, because you have a lot of data, you will always try to talk what parts are important. But people who read the papaer, like the readers, reviewers and referees, want to know first what is most importan. Because they should figure out what most important is, you have the duty to highlight the most important part for them. And you would talk why you do many these studies, why you give a lot data and then you would say logically what word is the most important by using them. What you think. So, while communicating with others, if you think about putting importance on top and bottom, as I said in the previous chapter, how to decorate the result will be decided. Logically. Based on that logic, your wordings will be decided. It's decided which points you're going to clear up the most, and the title will contain the main concept, which you're going to call main claim. About how appropriate it is to be in the title,your ideas will get into discussion and into the process, that is your ideas will convince others. In this persuasive part of discussion, if logic is twisted and the result is a little bit out of order, it's hard to convey these parts correctly. That's why it's very important to write it logically and clearly, and to show only the data that you really need, not unnecessarily. And tables and graphs. I know that it takes a lot of effort. It's hard. But most of all, there are processes where you have to look at it several times and fix it many times, technically and without mistakes. Because the tables, graphs, or figures contained in this are the determination of your real effort to simplify the data and content you've gained during the time you've spent writing the paper, and perhaps, this graph is more important than the English sentence you've described. Let's think this once. There is a textbook that you see and study. In the textbook, there are many paintings. Where did those emerge? Yes, those came out of papers. Then, the error in paper is that, will they be on the textbook? No. When great determination of your hard effort is really important and clear enough to be in the textbook, the pictures itself are in the book. And then your fame and name is forever left by husedae, even if you die. Therefore, I think it is very important to draw a picture. I hope that you will get good enough research results to appear in the textbook and get pictures which could be inserted in the paper. And finally, acknowledgements. Acknowledgements describes what support you received. For example, how you got help by doing discussion with other peple, and you need to spend money on research. You just would describe that 'what kind of source was this research fund, and there was some other help.' These technologies may be extremely ethically important. This is one of the most important things you should think about when you write your paper because it is technically and ethically important. Finally, references. These references, in a way, are very easy to dismiss and dismiss as nothing. But in a way, it's a part that you have to write very well and make very well. Because, the reason why you're usually putting a reference is that you had quoting other people's findings first. Other people's study is nothing to do with your findings. Even though it's irrelevant, if you think it's okay because you did it with similar materials or research in similar fields, you write the reference somewhere. You may have thought that part of introduction or result is related to the result, but if you put this reference on the introduction, it could be a big problem if you put it up if it's irrelevant. The problem is that the delicate reviewers and those reviewers even read the introduction because they decided that the research results of this paper were okay. If they had read and judged the results of this study, they would have wanted to see why you did this research in introduction, or how you solve rob·lems. They are going to read your thoughts. But in the process of reading your thoughts, because they are reviewers and referees who are see references and well know them, they would think 'why did this research paper choose a reference that had nothing to do with it?‘ In that case, from the perspective of reading and communicating, I mentioned it once in part of discussion and part of result , but unnecessary content is included. If this unnecessary content is included, the reader will think, "Oh, this is weird." It's weird or they will think, "Oh, I can't read this well." If that happens, when your efforts are judged in this research paper, you will be slightly less likely to be evaluated. So, the way to write references is different for each research journal, but what's common is why you have to write references, why you have to quote them, and why your research results are newer than previous research results, so you have to choose the right one and try to do a good job of writing them. You will write a paper with so many contents and each part is written based on its importance. As I said, the most important part is how to explain it logically. How you explain with logic is determined by the way you tell your story. Most importantly, storytelling is the first thing you should think about when you write a paper. For example, if you have a time to discuss or introduce your research with your friends, maybe you spent a very long time writing your research paper. When you introduce it, you can't introduce it at the same time. Then, you'll usually think, "I have these studie because there are these researches, and because these researches has problems, I will try to follow them or overcome them. You are going to talk these things logically. The way you talk logically is storytelling. This storytelling isn't done after you write it. Yes, you have to think about it before you write it. Since you wrote it with much thought, it becomes possible when you introduce the storytelling. Then, let's take a look at how to do this storytelling in Academic Paper. There are many types. The way of storytelling is quite varied, and there are not any fixed rules. However, the reason why there is no any fixed rules, I'm telling you over and over again, is that to communicate and talk person to person is the paper. And there are several types. If you look separately, there is a typical way, too, or how to write very dramatically. Also, a series of drama is storytelling. There is a drama that is dull but continues to have a story. And there's also a drama that's very dramatic. The same way, you can also choose them. Because you are the author who write your paper. And the magazine style. Ah, usually there's a bit of confusion in this magazine, paper, and scientific journal paper, but the magazine tells everyone to read it. Nature or Science Journal is a magazine. So the magazine style is a bit of a high impact journal, and the magazine may have a unique way of doing it. But if you look at how you create storytelling in most dramatic or general ways, you can create your own storytelling very easily. I told you that it's important to speak logically in the part of result and discussion, as I told you the most important parts from the title to the 10 sections. The logic is briefly contained in this title. As an example of this title, there is that ‘I wrote all-graphene, hoping that graphene would be a transparent and flexible field emission device.’ If you look at the topic and title of this research paper, they implies everything. You might think, "Ah, this research paper has all-graphene as much as possible, although there are different configurations of different devices to make flexible and transparent devices." Then, if you read it, the general concept doesn't come out first. It comes out from the background. Why explain the background of this study first? The background of the study is that it determines what field of study this field is in and what part it belongs to. So, we start writing the background that everyone can know easily. I'm sure you've heard of this background in magazine articles and online. It explains what graphene is like. It's well known, but they'll mention it once. When they mention it, there are points that say 'what's important'. It describes what was important, why this field is important. If they do so, it becomes a little more specific and the field is limited. The background will come out. We talk about big things, and among the important things, the background that others know well, and it's a little related to the background. You going to talk about this part. As it happens, you're going to re-explain what you've done and why you've done what you've done. So there's a way to use the flow from this typical background to the end that shows the overall look of the finishing line. How to organize dramatically is my preferred method, but it might require a lot of practice, but I think this practice is very important, so I recommend you to practice it. It's a paper that anyone researched with a similar topic. It's a published paper that was contributed to Nature, and if you look at it, it's very well written. The reason why he wrote it very well is that I can read it easily from the word 'graphene' to the end that means figure. Because when you think while reading it, you all know what kind of background it has. These can be taken care of, but, as highlighted here, the use of these words and each of these parts can be a substitute for this well-known background that we talked about in previous chapter. So when we describe these parts, we usually briefly introduce the key parts of the previous researchs in writing this dramatic way. The reason we are introducing the key parts is that the High Impact Journal introduces the best of the previous studies. It would have been best because it was key, and when we explained the results of the research, we said, "Why should my paper and my research result be such a good paper?“ In this way, how to talk description dramatically, if you describe ‘my paper is good’ or ‘my study is great’, reviewers usuallyl think only ‘Yes, you are great, right out here.’ But generally, in this way, you could criticize the limitation or problems in best one of previous research results, and point out the problem to the technical and scientific facts. Why are you done? You had solved. You had settled, and You hadovercomed. And if you say, with general fact, the best study and point out the problem, even if you only write short ‘I got some results though some research’, reviewers think 'wowo, there are mportant research results in this important field of the research but because they have problems, the author had get over all, this? Then, you might contains their own ideas. This yellow highlight part may contain most important research result. This makes it easier and more dramatic for all readers to access. Because of this part. It's really great if you know what the problem is in previous researchs through your ability of grasp. It's really, really great that you're saying there's a problem with very important research, or there's something you have to overcome. You deserve a compliment. But if you've solved that, it's amazing. Since you're expressing your greatness, it might be more effective to write easily doing this from the beginning, from the field and point out the problematic part and describe it briefly as "I did something.“ Next is a different storytelling format in a similar field of research. There's a way to write like a paper that usually points out that there's a problem. There are other research papers that describe motivation well. Rather than describing motivation as "problematic" about other studies andprevious findings, it is very important to talk about motivation calmly about why this research will be more important in the future. Then, you would talk that 'whether it is scientific or engineering' or 'there are needs' or 'because of what needs'. As you describe these words, you talk about why there's an advantage and why this paper becomes the right topic. So there are usually many trendy research papers in magazines. 'Trendy' means because there is a demand for the best results for fashionable research papers. So, because there are many ways to tell stories like this, the results of their research have some significance and you decide how to talk about the significance. So when it comes to making decisions, it's up to you to make decisions, you have to remember that to decide, talk and show writing is to communicate, and about communication , you're going to soften that communication by saying something logically and you are having to choice ways to convey well your research result. Another storytelling method is Thesis style that you write during term. Then, again motivation is written similarly. And there are processes of being written that contain advantage and why the research paper was appropriate. So, as I told you, storytelling methods are decided naturally, after you choose how to show your research result depending on the importance of the results. I hope you choice well and have a well written to the ends from the overall title. Then let me tell you a little bit about the technical content of how much data we have. As I will say in the next course, the research paper has many different titles. There's a 'Letter', a 'Full paper', an 'Article'. There are scopes and criteria required for each of these papers and the length of the contents. If you go into each magazine, when you think about how to say your research results, take a look at each of the research papers because they are well explained along with the scope. If I tell you why it has changed so much these days, you'll have to think about how you're going to write your thesis again. It's changed from a long time ago to now. If you look at the simple trend, the main figures are small and very small these days. The number of main figures is small, and the number of supporting figures is very large. Today's papers are roughly. Because so many papers are published, so many researchers write so many papers that they can't run and read all of them, so the main figures, only the really important figures, are contained in magazine, on the other hand so many data, a little less important data, are needed because so these are important for describing these main figures, that the magazine need so many back data. So a lot of back data can usually be downloaded from the Internet with other documents, and not in the main figures or main papers. However, from the perspective of reviewers and communicators, they always need supporting about results that they could not understand easily by using only main figures, and they also judge whether this is an innovative and new result from figures of supporting. You put a lot of effort into supporting figures, like main figures, so that many researchers, reviewers, and refereees can make good decisions. As such, these days, the trend is changing so that one can do one's research results. So choosing some of the main figures, as I said, will determine the number and order of the logic and how much clarity you can use to explain your research results. The order, number, and decision will determine the number of supporting and the order of supporting. So when you prepare a lot of data, you have to think about how to show clarity with logic. So I'll tell you again in the round of 5 about how to publish these papers, but I'll basically tell you a simple process. Please get ready. If you get ready, you'll make a contribution. This research paper, called "Cover letter," when submitted, can be 10 or 20 chapters, or more. The editors of each magazine don't read all of these things. It's hard to read. So they want to quickly understand what importance that have. You have to help them figure it out so quickly. To help them, you will write a over letter. So many magazines are asking for Cover letter. So, as I said, the title is important in writing the entire paper, the abstract is important, everything is important, but one of the things I personally force is this cover letter, which can be more important than anything else. You've worked so hard to write a really good paper, contribute, and write a cover letter that the editor asked for, but if it's so hard to write this paper that you had filled out just a few and submitted them roughly, may the editors reject such a good paper in an instant, within 24 hours? Then it'll be really, really depressed. Then, if this cover letter decides it, you need to think about how much more effort you have to put into it. So for writing this cover letter, along with writing the entire paper, I spend a lot of time writing a page or two that really implies thousands of thousands of words. I hope you write well because the importance of this cover letter, which says why it's important, as I said before, background, results, and talks about them in one or two sentences without paragraphs, is really important. So the editor looks at the cover letter and checks the contents. If they think it's good, they'll go through the review process. A comment comes from the review process, and the editor sees the comment and gives you a response. When they give you the response, it can be reject or they order revise, or it can be accept. But usually the case is having undergone a revise. Suffering through the process of revise and revision, editor would be the last to your paper called ‘accept or not.’ In the process, a lot of time has been detained. This process. In the process, if you take not revision but reject, you would decide that you accepted that or you will fight or persuader, through communication with the edior. Because this process is very, very long and difficult, you have to write easily and clearly for reduce the process in the step of writing cover letter, doing submission and writing the paper for submission. So, usually many people write cover letter so short when publishing. Usually it's written a very brief. This well aware that it is very difficult to write briefly. Very difficult, but I'll recommend that if you write a lot of research papers in the future, you have to write it concisely, logicaly or clearly. And so if you are reading a lot of research papers these things, you have a need to think that ‘How did they give me clearance, how they did give me logic’. So if cover letter written like this, you would do submission through these systems. The submission the results tell that what reviewer said, like commnets, what reviewer2 told, so ‘What about this all of our response.’ In this response, the contents of the reviewer1 are ‘What is it about right and one by one, what is wrong and ask, what is exactly what an experiment where we once again shown or thought.’ Usually, when we communicate and face to face, we just talk and persuade each other. We have to communicate. It'd be nice if we could just talk about it face to face, but you don't usually know who the reviewer is. Of course you don't have to know. There are journals that let us know these days, but we don't know, so we understand exactly what that person thinks and we write response letters. After writing like this, it barely is published and that's a year or it can take a year, two years, or three to four years. In order to shorten this period of authority, I think you need to think about how to do storytelling and which paper to write your research results in, and write a good paper. This is the end of the fourth lecture, and from the next lecture 5 and 6, I will tell you again about the very technical content. Thank you. Week 5 Title: Types of publication and structure summary Title, Abstract Content: Okay. This is the fifth lecture on Academic Writing and Research Ethics. The course discussed how to write a research paper and why what and how we have to consider in the last third and fourth lectures. So many types of the way how to write a research paper and thus each importance is different than lots of considerations are needed. And today we will go through which contents should be considered. First you can see the type of publication in journals. I am sure you already know this. But for students starting for the first time, it is important to know what kind of studies they have to write, so I tell you briefly. First, articles. Full paper contains what and how you’ve done with the results, what the results are, and why they are new and important. This full paper could be more difficult for you since it contains a lot of technology contents. This can lead to an endless cycle, as shown in third lecture. It could be more difficult because there is a process of writing, and fixing a lot of parts, and making the whole context consistent. Although full paper is important, recently many journals include letters which are short and concise. So, letters are used for results containing significance and urgency. There are difficulties in writing letters with clear logic, but it could be tried first. Students are studying review paper rather writing. Not all of the professors write review papers though there are many professors. This review paper focuses on addressing the overall performance of a field. So why the field is important is shown in the review paper by the process quoting the comprehensive results on research papers. These cases are very helpful for you to write papers. So, you can read a lot and see what kinds of content are included, and how it is organized rather than writing. What is important in this review paper is that some results are graphically shown. It could be the result of the author writing the review paper, but it is usually the result of other’s one because of its importance. If your research results are good, clear, and excellent, other people will quote you on their review paper again. This is why you have to think hard about how to show the figures, data, and graphs. Because a lot of people read the review paper, if your results are quoted in the review paper and other researchers find it, they will read your paper. Thus, it’s very congratulatory that your results are on the review paper. To do so, you need to try to show graphs and data exactly on your paper. And lastly, notes. Notes are short articles that are one page or less. When you read some papers, such as the high-impact journals, or articles that introduce them, you can find out notes or news. Actually, I don’t think there are many cases for students to use notes and news. However, the notes deal with the importance of the paper, so they are written about selected papers. If there are papers and notes about results similar to what you’re doing, be sure to read them. You can see the easier and more important results in different directions on the notes. I recommend you to read notes carefully since they are articles where you can broaden your perspective on papers. To sum up, papers are written in the full paper, letter, news, or review or something like that. The review paper is also expressed in a different way for each journal, such as a progress article or review. So well, good writing skill is important whatever type of papers. In addition, the structure is important, so let’s take a look at how to write the importance of each part. There’s only one reason why it is important to write a good paper. It’s to make the paper publish. It means to reduce the chances of rejection. Wrong papers would be rejected 100% on my experience. Because readers can’t understand. This is not good. Then, most of the papers that came out are well written. So, the reason why you have to practice to write well is to save time and reduce being rejected. And no matter how good the results are, there are many cases where you don’t get recognized for the quality of your results and ideas. To avoid this situation, you need to practice to deliver them properly. This is another reason you should write with good skills and structures. So how to write well? Each composition has its own important parts. Let me just point our a few things. First, title. In the title, the most important thing in the entire research paper need to be concisely described and it should contain why you researched, why it is important, and so on. Make a title that leads others to read your paper. This is a way to increase your citation and make your findings widespread in the world. You can decide how much too concise a title is if you decide how to tell the entire paper. And the next important thing is abstract. An abstract is a short paragraph that summarizes everything in the introduction, results, summary, and conclusion. Practice explaining the words in the title by extending them instead of using them the same way. How you do this summary determines whether it is good abstract and good writing. It is important that you practice this title and abstract always no matter what you write. Again, the title, abstract, and plus, introduction is important. People see the title first as I always say in lectures. If they think the title is good or related, then they read abstract. There’s a reason why you have to write the two parts very well because people make a judgment based on the title, abstract, or cover letter. If they think both of title and abstract are great, then they read the introduction to know how the writer got the idea and what the writer thought. I often go to detail or data right after seeing the abstract, but I usually just go through the introduction. Since these three parts, title, abstract, and introduction is important, efforts to make them at similar levels with professional papers could be made. As for how to write a paper technically, each part from the abstract to the discussion has a different tense. In the case of abstract, past tense is commonly used. The background could be explained in the past tense while what I’ve done now could be written in the present tense. In the case of introduction, both of past and present tense is used. Because you need present tense when you say ideas, structures, and thinking. You write with the past tense of the previous results in introduction. Methods and results are almost past tense because they write what and how they did, and what they knew before writing this paper. But discussion includes different things from methods and results. You write a lot of things such as ‘it has a meaning’, and ‘it is important in the present tense. In the discussion part, you write in the present tense like ‘it is important rather than ‘it was important. Then, let me point out what is important about each part. First, the title is simple phrases that are not even sentences as you know. Furthermore, it is composed of the most important keywords because it needs to be concise. So, to write the title well, pick keywords from your papers such as ideas, or methods, and list them all. Pick up about three keywords. Only a few may be important or all may be important in these keywords. Give priority to each of these keywords based on its importance. If you think that other people must know about a particular keyword, prioritize it first. It is a common way to list up keywords and think titles from them. So experienced professors and researchers are always organizing keywords in their heads and thinking about how to develop them. But no-experienced students should practice organizing what they think is important and write it logically in short titles, longer results, and discussions. And the important thing is not just to say ‘I did something', but the whole result of this study should be included concisely. Words that have not been written in the paper may be used since one or two words have to show the result. You need to think about important parts of the paper and write them with keywords. I don’t write the title at first and always think it about until submission. The reason for that is simple. It’s to deliver with this importance. To do so, it should not be too short or too long. If it’s too long, the meaning can be distributed. Too short tile is not easy to convey the meaning you want. There’s a case that people, including me, use a lot. In some fields, if I need long content, I can also write it with a subtitle. It is easy to know what I did with subtitle. There are a variety of cases, such as concise titles and titles with subtitles, so it is important to write them according to your paper and logic. In title, these words are used commonly. However, many journals avoid these titles which include redundancy, formula, or symbols. Thus, it is needed to make effort to express what’s important, what’s new, and what’s essential. The other one is that you have to choose the words specific rather than wide. For example, ‘Magnetic alloy’ is too vague and is a very large area, so it is better to mention specific terms like this. It is important to create an attractive title because many people could think it is worth reading this paper after seeing the title. So sometimes, there’s a title starting like oops or oh. Actually, it’s really hard to see. You can choose words that lead attraction as much as you think. Usually, journals have titles from four to more than ten words. But as you know high-impact journals have a short title. And when you see it, you can direct know whether it contains importance. In most cases, titles are written concisely, so you need to explain your paper with fewer words. Furthermore, it could be end with question mark like this. As you see now, for example, this title “What is a gene?” makes you curious, leading you to read more. In another case, when you read “Can Water Store Charge”, you think “why?” or “How?” and are able to approach easily. That is, it is very attractive so you need to think about this format too. Or you can utilize long descriptive titles. But as I show you, long titles have less impact factor than short ones. This is because these researches are too specific and less broad. Thus, the paper could be in specialized journals. In reality, there are some titles with deep and long descriptions about some particular materials like this. When so many words are included, it is easy to understand, but it could be considered as just a simple one of the methodological studies and thus, less important. Even if it’s important in certain methodologies, it’s less important on the whole. Thus, the higher the impact factor, the shorter and more concise the title is. I’ve shown you examples so far, and I would tell you about the abstract from now on. As I’ve said over and over again, the abstract is an extreme summary. So, it should be easy for the reader to know what kind of scope there is and decide whether to read more. So, it must be clear and simple. This objective is simple. You have to include all introduction, methods, results, and discussions implicitly, and it should be very objective and accurate. While doing so, summary should be precise. You have to summarize the things written in a thousand words with pas and present tense. There are journals that can be written in 100 to 300 words, but usually, are composed of 150 to 200 words. It is short but understandable. So, when I write an abstract like this, I don’t refer to other research papers. Some cases like magazines could contain references, however, basically, you write what your research is about and what it means to you instead of reference. For example, I wrote one or two short sentences about what happened in this abstract. In detail, “There was a problem” or “There was a research”. Discuss the background in the first sentence and raise a question in the second sentence. And from the third sentence, I wrote down what research was done, what results were most important, and what it means. This is up to three sentences depending on the content. In this case, one material could be two phases. In this paper, it was important to engineer the phase transition between semiconductors and metals. Then you can put keywords in the middle in this way. The author could summarize the most important and key contents in one or two words while reporting these methodical contents. Then, readers can easily see that ‘it is related to a field called polymorph engineering’, ‘the object is this material’, and so on. If you express the strengths in a few sentences like this, the object which leads readers to understand easily could be written. It ends by saying what the specific result is and how it was obtained, and it includes a sentence that can convey such a key meaning. Then, this is a structure that conveys ‘something is a problem in some background’, ‘because something was difficult, I solved it in some way’, ‘the results of doing so can lead further future studies in this field’, and ‘so this research is important’. So, how much of the potential audience would be interested in your research results depends on choosing these methods. I emphasized titles and abstracts since they have to be concise, clear, simple, and logical. Abstract, as well as title, is written later. This is because you should write an abstract with logic that summarizes the reason, process, and result of research after writing long sentences as a whole. Like this abstract, you can write a very short paragraph last. And you should consider if the title is concise, clear, or important again. So, the course discussed the title and abstract in the fifth lecture, and the rest will be continued in the next sixth lecture again. Thank you for your listening. Week 6 Title: Introduction Materials and Methods Theoretical Basis Content: Okay, Let’s begin the sixth lecture of Academic Writing and Research Ethics 1. We talked about the way to write title and abstract and importance of them in fifth lecture. This time, I will briefly talk about how to write the introduction section and the rest of it, except for results and discuses, including materials, methods and theoretical things. The part that I’m going to talk about more intensively and more importantly than anything else is introduction section. So is the title and summary, but the introduction section is important because it lists the reason of importance, ideas and philosophies that you have, results you have achieved and the way for all of them. Usually, there is no meaningless study, but in order for the study to have a lot of meaning, you need to make others to think that this research has high importance when they hear or read it. For this reason, the introduction section is very important after title and abstract because we have to describe in detail. So, making a good introduction section needs a lot of time. Let me tell you why. Introduction section is the part that you study the most when you read a paper. I mean, do we need to read all the book with over a hundred pages to understand it? The research you’re doing right now is a very specific part of basic science field, so the research is a little smaller than the whole field. So, to understand the importance and the reason why these researches had been proceeding, there are many cases reading first or second paragraph of introduction section in detail with a lot of time. For studying. There are references in paper, so you will look for them again. Those references were written in the past, so you can understand the backgrounds of this research historically. Then you have to organize important references well and state specifically because other readers will catch why these researches have history, how you think and mention the important things in history and how you state about the importance of your research. There are several ways for writing in introduction section, but first sentence is very important. The first sentence should be written very importantly and informatively. If someone reads first sentence and think ‘this is not important at all’, they will not read it. This is why writing first sentence of introduction section importantly and informatively decides the quality of whole introduction section. So, I’m talking about why and how we write introduction sentence. Most important thing is why you started this research. After that, you write about the problem, the importance of problem and why it was important. Then what will be next? Your research should be something different with others, right? It’s new research. So, you have to write what’s different and something new. Then you have to write how you did. When you write about these two things, you always talk about what your ideas were and what you conceived. So, if there are new methods of new ideas, they will have a huge worth. Describing exactly how you obtained them and how you will talk about them will be needed in introduction section before anything else. After that, you will write 1 or 2 sentence describing which result is the most important one in last part of introduction section. By just reading title, abstract and introduction section, readers can easily read a paper; ‘Oh, this paper is written in these ways, with these ideas and results. That will be read easily, right? There will be good paper or so-so paper depending on its importance and signification, but these things are essential in introduction section to be a paper. So, describing problems and stating which contribution research made for society is very important. The thing that I always emphasize in my paper and for my students is what is my idea. I think this part, I mean why and how I did it should be philosophical basically. There will be something technical, but my research can be different with other people. Writing how you started the research and what’s different with others is very important because delivering them and your ideas well can decide the value of your paper. So usually we write introduction section with importance. Choosing appropriate tense is important and that’s why I told you before. But there are some cases when we read papers. There are too many redundancies in the beginning of introduction section. There is little redundancy in abstract section. Papers you read will have a little redundancy in abstract section, too. But the redundancy comes from these cases. If we suppose that we choose a field and there are several words in that field, it feels like there are only those words in every sentence if we use them repeatedly. Then, if you use very specialized term or define them as abbreviation and mark the importance of them frequently, it is easy to understand and feel importance of them as there are attached explanation. As using same words again and again makes readers feel redundancy and gives image of bad introduction section, I surely think that you will fixing these parts a lot with your professors in endless cycle, but you should be concerned about it in advance to write good introduction section. And here is next thing to avoid. It’s too self-evident. To write title, abstract, introduction section concisely and logically, as I emphasize, you have to avoid meaningless things and repetitive things. Choosing a language needs a lot of practice and time but though you are beginner, you can easily understand that escaping from repetitive things, redundancy and meaningless sentences or phrases are important because they can ruin the whole logic. There is another thing. I make same mistakes, too. My paper published in 2021 will be very old one when 2030 comes. But we handle the events that breaks out at the point we write, we use the word ‘recently’ a lot in introduction section. But you’d rather avoid that word if possible because the word ‘recently’ will sound weird to the people who cites and reads your paper or research results in future. So, if your paper has long span and importance, the word ‘recently’ should be avoided except the moment when you point out the problem of that specific point. There is one more mistake that people make a lot although they need to write concisely and logically. I remember that I mentioned it once in fourth lecture. The way of referencing is important, too. There was my student whose references of paper were so messed up. It was like, there were references without any importance and, or references without any relationships between research results except in the field. With these problems, readers don’t read the paper right after reading introduction section. ‘It’s totally irrelevant. Why would do that?’ So, you should cite the core papers with high importance. Citing recent review papers that people read a lot and papers containing various results is normal and usual way. Do not cite paper blindly with one sentence talking about the research. It is very important to examine carefully and choose appropriate reference. There is one tip. If you don’t even want to do that, just write a lot of things and cite one review paper because review paper contains all of them. It’s possible when that review paper has all of the things you wanted to say. There are many cases that use one review paper, not numerous references. But there are many cases that doesn’t work with just one review paper because it is important to point out the key point that was important in other people’s paper, and show the reason why you wrote this paper and did this research. If the result was recent one or so important that it can be even in the textbook, you have to mention papers including that result and reference them in introduction section. I’ll show you an example. This paper is the introduction section of ??? that I showed you in the fifth lecture. I divided it in 2 pages, and there are 4 paragraphs. As you see, fourth paragraph’s head sentence starts with ‘We report...’. Before writing ‘we report...’, there should be this in third paragraph; ‘As blah blah was the most important thing, we tried blah blah’. Yes. And when you read the last sentence of previous paragraph, you can understand the way paper says. This will include texts like this; ‘In this perspective, these substances can bring new possibilities and opportunities and that’s why it is so important’. Then the target that you research or context that target can overcome will be in the paper. And then, this will be your own idea and would not be the fact that everybody already knows. Making references to include things that everybody knows and putting something different in the main content is the way to draw people’s attention and write it logically. After that, you will highlight the importance in the last sentence right before finishing the last paragraph. It will help readers to understand what you write before. It will be basic background and more detailed background. Then if you think about the way to write introduction, you make a lot of effort to write the first word. Surely the first word is important, but in the perspective of configuration you think, just wrap up the background in first paragraph and write what was core content or write the problem like this paper in second paragraph. Things you did, the result you achieved and the way you wrote the paper will be next content and if you try to understand this flow of paragraphs of introduction section, I think it will help a lot your paper writing. After introduction section, there are ways to write material section and method section. Let’s get to that point. Why do we write material and method? It lets readers know the target of your research. Then why do we talk about methods? You did that research and other people will read that paper. The reason why you appeal your research’s worth is to help your friends who are in same competition or following you and future juniors to repeat your research. For that, writing scientific paper will be very accurate and you ought to tell them in great detail. To tell them in great detail, you need to very good at describing methodological things when you say how you did the research. In that case, just mentioning that practice can be worth enough. So, there are many cases that write method and material section mechanically but describing the merits and validity about them for future researches can be a point for a good evaluation. As material and method section has that purpose, you have to write content into the point that other people can repeat the research result. And as the result and conclusion should be useful, if you don’t say the way you researched and how you achieved the results clearly, it would be hard to believe all of them, right? It’s hard to believe. So, writing very clearly and in detail is the important point. There are several elements. Describing the materials that you used, preparation steps, protocols for practice and how you measured the measurements and calculations in detail is usual, and you have to state how you analyzed the calculation and theories. Just writing ‘we measured these, we calculated these’ will make very short sentences, paragraphs or content and make people think your paper too poor-contented, so writing in detail and let other people try and apply your valuable research result is important and that is duty of writing the scientific paper. So, the materials are not just ‘materials’, and they can be various, as I told you. Treatments can be various, too. It is easy to decide with things to write when you think what to say and how to say about the materials. There are things to avoid and ways to write. As it is about the materials, it can be just same with the previous sequences if you easily write ‘I did like this’. In that case, put references and let them make readers aware of that method. The first method. You have to explain how CTAQ was synthesized very long, but if that explanation has redundancy with other papers and is mechanical repetition, you can just put reference on them. The Second method. You can just put references for each step that you need references. So, write it with accuracy, and to get rid of big redundancies, good referencing for this material section and delivering it clearly is important. There are several things to avoid when you write these materials. There are some noobs who mention the name of company of equipment or substances to write clearly. But avoid that. Usually, making clear means writing technical specifications like exact naming of substances you used, exact amount of them and the condition you used them. In methodological perspective, writing the source or way clearly is important. If you think ‘I used these, and everybody will know about it’ and write paper, nobody reads that. So, writing material section in detail with deep concern would be great, and hope you refer these important things to mention about chemicals or materials that I posted on screen. Method section is same, too. You have to decide passive or active just like material section. We choose passive style in usual. In introduction section, we choose style like ‘my idea is this, I did this research’. We use words or sentences like this style; ‘This was measured, these substances were made.’ And please avoid maker, trade, branch or brand names just like material section. And huge amount of background contents will not be in material or method sections. But cases like magazines or high impact journals want very detailed explanation about how you achieved that result and informative because those results are so important. As there are some cases that won recognition by this, I want to tell you that you need to have a deep concern about your paper’s form to write method or material sections. Lastly, I will briefly talk about theory papers and research papers. Theory papers basically need theoretic basic thesis and method for calculation in detail. But it is really hard to read and understand the content if you try to show these detailed requirements in equations. Although usual theoretic papers use a lot of equations, theoretic paper writers try to use equations as minimum as possible and change them into languages. In theoretic papers, if there were 10 equations, writers don’t write all of them. They write first equation and some important equations. Reducing number of equations and explaining why the last one is important in finish is normal content that are described in theoretic papers. Here’s example, method section of paper that I used when I explain abstract and introductions section. Method section of this paper shows synthesis part, instrument setups part and instruments of many cases that should be measured clearly. And it describes calculation and what the researcher did theoretically. When we take a close look into the description, temperature or conditions, for example, are clearly described, and synthesis part is written in detail because other people like seniors and juniors in same lab can follow this synthesis to try this research in the same way. Plus, instrument setup part describes briefly about equipment and results achieved. Although it is brief description, it’s very important to write about the condition clearly. As without these conditions in your paper, people work in same field cannot understand which XRD brings the result, it is important to describe conditions clearly to make people understand the result and think ‘Ah, in this condition, this result is inevitable’. Also, as you see here, you have to write why you did the measurement for what you want to know briefly. Writing concisely like this is very important. It’s different with just writing ‘I did this measurement for this research, I did this for this result’. To secure justification of your research method or tools you used for research, you have to describe concisely what you tried to investigate or whether you measured just the result or measured to say something. And there are many cases that explain the methods you used for calculation part with references. Don’t make it too long. It is important to tell things that everybody knows, make it more specific for the things you researched or calculation and let other people follow your method section just like you did. As I emphasized, when you write introduction section and experimental method and material sections, introduction section needs deep concern about how to draw attention of audience and delivering your idea and that’s the main point of introduction section. It is surely important to make citations and methods of experiment clear and logical, and make your sentences and logic show that your research has depth enough. I told you about the whole configuration of paper and how to write title, abstract, introduction and experiment section, and I will end my lecture part. Thank you for listening. Week 7 Title: Results, Discussion, and Conclusion Content: Hello, I’m Kim Ki Hyun who is in charge of Academic Writing and Research Ethics in this week. In this week, you will learn about Results, Discussion and Conclusion. Last week, probably you would learn how to write Introduction, Methods and Experimental Explanation. This week, you will learn how to write Result and Discussion. Result and Discussion are the most important parts of Academic Writing. When you write and compose them in a good way, you can say that you write your writing flawlessly and your academic writing can be published. The first step to write Result and Discussion is to select appropriate data before you write those sections. So after arranging data from a lot of experiments you had, you have to choose the most meaningful data and organize them most briefly, clearly and logically. Almost every student would write research notes using any tools such as notebooks or document files to arrange raw data from experiments. As you know, you won’t use all of raw data in your writing. So the first important step is to extract meaningful data before you write Result and Discussion. Recording the memories or feelings when you got meaningful data or made mistakes during experiments and putting those things in your writing are also important for your writing. For example, we can’t remember contents, mistakes, or specially-observed data after a month. So it’s important to record your thoughts and memories when you found meaningful data on your research notes. After extracting meaningful data from research notes, you have to decide which can show your writing most efficiently, such as table or graph before you write results. After you make tables/figures efficiently, arrange in a proper order to make a logical story. This process can be the most important and difficult part when you write Result and Discussion. In addition, in Result section, it’s important to put distinctive data or problems that you found in the process of experiments in the logical story if you think it’s meaningful. And you have to separate Result section and Discussion section and write only results in Result section. In Discussion section, you should write how you interpret the results. Now on, let’s see how we should write Result and Discussion properly. As you know, because purpose of writing Result is to express effectively what we discovered or observed, it’s important to rearrange results and express briefly for public and readers who read your writing. Showing results as figures or tables is well known as the most effective and definite method. So after deciding if you convert the data into tables or figures, you should also decide what kind of figures can express data most effectively and conveniently because there are various ways to express data. Most of all, it’s so important that you write results objectively. For example, when you explain “The car is fast,” you need detailed numbers such as “The car is 150km/h fast.” You should not express subjectively like “very effectively,” “good” but explain results showing specific numeric values, and those values should have comparison target. For example, you need to write “The medicine is ~ times as effective as existing medicine” when you explain “The medicine is effective.” You need to write “ This device has better control than the existing device,” when you want to explain the device you made. In Discussion section, you should explain how to interpret the results, as I said before, you’d rather separate Result and Discussion section. Result section includes what you observed or measured. Discussion section includes interpretation of the results and impactful explanation about meaningful data. But nowadays, Discussion and Result section are often hybridized together. Once I wrote my thesis, I put some discussion in Result section. Some reviewers commented “Why did you write discussion in Result section? You should move this part to Discussion section.” In these days, there is a growing trend that Result and Discussion are hybridized like Result-Discussion-Result-Discussion. For example, in this writing, there is a subtitle here in Result section. A keyword is here on the top of the paragraph explaining this result, and this figure is composed well of the result. The result of this thesis is written like this. You can see how the author of this thesis explained the results very clearly and objectively using specific numeric values. And this thesis has hybrid section of Result and Discussion as you can see. In this writing, this graph shows result well, like in figure1, ~~ explains ~~ result. And figure1-b is an good example of objective explanation. In most of recent writings Result section is written with fancy graphic design, and also neat graphs with a sense of unity. One of the important thing when you write Result section is selecting important and proper results among all results you have observed. You would have a lot of data in these days, but the better the writing is, the less figure it has, like 4~5 figures, or 6. Less important data-however, you have to include it in your writing- is put into supporting information or appendix material file. Some writings have 60, or even more than 100 figures and data in supporting information because they have a lot of high level data. Look at this sample. Here is a method in the front of results. This writing has separated Result section. The author wrote subtitle on Result 3-1 and here are the contents of subtitle. The figure consists of A~F with splendid composition. And figure 1A shows ~ result, figure 1B shows ... result with objective numeric values. Here is supporting information – figure S1A. Important data are in figure 1A~F, and less important data are in supporting information file. They are written in the middle of Result section. So figure S1, S2 mean the numbers of supporting information. At the end of the writing, here is appendix and it shows that there are data in supporting information file. You can check numerous high-leveled data in supporting information file if you open the data. So it takes several years to be included in good papers in these days. It’s important to write research notes and arrange data because you can use not only data included in the body of your writing, but also remaining data which should be put in your writing. To write Result section, first of all, extract meaningful data from raw data, which is massive and unorganized. Then decide tools to express the meaningful data such as table, or figure. After making tables/figures, decide the order of tables and figures. There are cases where we should compensate preceding data to support quality data. So we sometimes do experiments for preceding data later to make data prettier and more logical. But the preceding data should be put in the sooner order than the quality data. Therefore, it’s important to rearrange order tables and figures to make your papers logical. After deciding the order, create a storytelling to explain results according to tables and figures. All figures and tables should be explained in text as if talking. Even in case of thesis, it’s better to explain results simply, distinctively, logically, and with fun like a story or a fairy tale, so that ordinary people can understand it than to give a hard explanation. So in Result section, you need to make a storytelling text after making these figures. You have to make a really good table and figure. I’ll teach you how to make a table and figure next time. At this time, I’ll explain how to write Result and Discussion section intensively. In Result section, you need to summarize good result data you found. After analyzing data, convert analyzed data into proper format, and point out what was observed most importantly. For example, here is a table about data 1 to 10. You don’t need to explain every single data because we can’t recognize what’s impactful and it’s boring. So you should emphasize data 4 -for instance- if it’s most impactful and highlighting. Another good way to explain specific observation is questioning and answering. And you must explain about result of control experiment. Because a result of control experiment becomes the standard of effectiveness. In addition, nowadays AI is really developed and numeric values in thesis are converted into data, so it’s also important to show negative results. Express results didn’t appear about negative results. Above all, don’t forget to explain if the result is statistically meaningful and write important negative results. Meanwhile, you shouldn’t write discussion interpreting results in Result section. Because it should be in Discussion section. And it’s meaningless to explain background again because you would already explain background in Introduction. In Result section, just results. You don’t need to repeat what you wrote in Method. You also don’t need to explain raw data in the middle, and specific calculation. Let’s wrap up Result section. I’m telling just general cases, it depends on theses. Generally these are much-criticized part so remember it. You should write Result section in the past tense. Because you write the results that you already did experiments. And put numbers in order on figure or table. Sometimes, Figure 1 comes out first and Figure 3 and then Figure 2, but it shouldn’t be like this. Figure 2 can come out again after Figure 3 if it came out sooner than Figure 3. So you should put numbers in order on Figure or Table, and you should mention Figure 1 in text if Figure 1 exists. So remember you should quote table/figure number in text if you have it. Let’s look at this sample. Here is Result, and subtitle. Probably the contents of this subtitle is being described here in text. This is supplements data, same as supporting information. It’s less important than the main figure, but still important so it’s in supplements data. Here are much supporting data. ‘Figure 2A is from this data’ is written here. Figure is consisting of A~D. As you see, Figure 1 comes out first. Figure 1 first, especially 1A, 1B first then 1C. Figure 1, 2, 3, they are in the right order. And then Figure 4 here, right? It’s important that figures should come out according to their numbers so remember it. Although we can’t look all of these contents, you need to remember that data should be written objectively in Result section. And now, I’ll explain about Discussion section. A purpose of Discussion section is to provide interpretation of results you found. This section is a part that supports the reason why you came to this conclusion. Although this is interpretation of the results, you have to write really objectively. Don’t write subjectively. You can explain distinctive points or particularly negative points, and why it was negative or positive in this section. The easiest way to explain is comparison with existing data, such as how different your research results are from already-known knowledge. If results were different from general facts, what’s different? If results were better, what’s better? If results were worse, what’s worse? Or results fits well with original purpose. In Discussion section, explain why they didn’t if results didn’t fit. It’s easy to write Discussion when you write if our first hypothesis worked out, how those results can influence, how logical your results are, or how they can be applied later. Of course it depends on the field of study, you can write within these 4 categories. As I said, Discussion is like this when you write Result and Discussion separately. But nowadays many academic writings are mixing Result and Discussion section together, and that might be more logical. In my field of study, we prefer writing Result and Discussion together to writing them separately. For instance, result A is ~~ because it’s ~~ and it’s expected to ~~ and result B is like ~~ and …, because it’s better to explain logically. Let’s look at this thesis. This also has a form that write Result and Discussion section together. Here is a subtitle, and first figure with figure number 1, It’s S1, it means this data is in supporting information. So Figure 1 comes out first. And looking at the interpretation of the results, here is Figure 1. It looks neat and clear, unifed with A, B, C, D, E, F. It’s a good sample of integrated Result and Discussion, writing results, inserting discussions in the middle and putting reference together to explain why author interpreted results in this way. So sometimes it’s more convenient to write thesis and looks more logical. You can write according to your field. We tend to write Result and Discussion together also in my field. To give a tip for writing Discussion, it’s good to write this section like you give a presentation in a seminar. It’s more comfortable to explain using Q&A method. There is a case that you explain important mechanism to draw results, and you can also write research results as many as possible in Discussion section. I think it’s good to explain if your hypothesis is right or wrong and why, and if the design you experimented supported hypothesis properly and why, or not, what you can suggest as an alternative. Let's look at it in table. When the research results are consistent with the hypothesis, explain this theory is correct and why. On the other side, when results are different from hypothesis, explain why they are, then it’s Discussion. Don’t write this in Result. There would be strange writing Discussion later than Result in some fields of study. Then, it’s a good way of combining Result and Discussion to put explanation that results came out different from we expected, comparing with some existing literatures or data. You should write Discussion in a simple way, not too difficult. It’s important that you interpret your research data in proper depth, I know it’s hard to define how deep is “proper,” because it’s difficult for readers to understand your writing if you use too difficult theory and methods. In Discussion section, you can explain theoretical implication or ways to apply practically, express theories, specific relevance, or generalization when you made certain equation or pattern. Also you can explain more in detail about exceptions, or summarize various results you got from experiments. Continuously, it’s about how to write good Discussion. You won’t be able to answer all of questions by one experiment. So you had better draw a big picture during Discussion section. In the back of Discussion part, you write the meanings from your research results, how your research and research results can go far in your field, and what you recommend as a follow-up research. These are some good ways to wrap up Discussion section. When you mention researches that have already been conducted, use past tense. Use present tense when you mention general principles or facts. You may judge this. Next, what do you have to avoid? Don’t write things too inconclusive, abstract, imprecise expression in an unobjectified state. Don’t repeat results already in Result section, and already used expression in manuscript. Be cautious not to write contents you wrote in Result repeatedly. This is my thesis. It’s about making a platform that finds antiviral active substances concerned with covid-19 virus we have suffered for a long time. You can notice that by the title. I’ll tell you the start of Discussion section. You can start with explaining general concept. Because we made a platform that finds antiviral active substance from natural product, I explained what natural product is. Then I explain why we found the substance from natural product, results are like these and ~~ meaning. So first, explain the biggest key and concept of your thesis in Discussion section. The point is that you should write content that wasn’t included in introduction although it could be. Start with general stuff and get more detail and detail, to the part that interpret results, summarize results, and mention what the next research should be in the future. Now it’s Summary. Actually most of theses do not need Summary so some of them have it or not. But in case of very long full-papers, it’s helpful for readers to understand when you put summary in each main point. Because it’s too long and contents are extensive, organizing contents for each section is effective. So Summary shouldn’t be too long because it’s confusing what the purpose is. And in Communication Form, it has Summary sometimes because it doesn’t have Conclusion section. In case of short papers, such as note form or communication form, Summary section makes an end of the papers instead of Conclusion section. So check format of each thesis, journal. This is a thesis in communication form, and it doesn’t even have Introduction. It directly starts from the main part of thesis, and doesn’t have Result and Conclusion. Here is “In Summary” to summarize the preceding contents briefly. This communication form contains a summary, which is more like a conclusion than anything else, and that’s the concept. Lastly, there’s a Conclusion. As you all know, in order to clearly and briefly interpret a whole papers including Result and Discussion, we write “Conclusion.” Of course, you’re not going to use all the findings and results. You just have to write down the major results, and you can write down the parts you want to point out. You can’t rewrite what’s in the Discussion, and suddenly write down something irrelevant. You can organize what you’ve organized since it came out well. And of course, you have to write based on the results you used in your thesis, You can't just bring the Abstract. This is very important. The good content in Abstract should actually be included in the Conclusion. When people first look at the Abstract, they can predict that this paper would have produced this result. That pretty and predictable Abstract should go into Conclusion as it is, but you can’t write it exactly the same. So be careful. However, the easiest way to write Conclusion, in my case, is to bring the Abstract to Conclusion and erased Background, and organize conclusion in a slightly different way of tone and order. As you see, Conclusion is not another Abstract but the content is same. So the key point is that you only have to write down important results and findings. For example, there is a research paper with the hypothesis, “Is there a man on the moon? What do people on the moon eat for breakfast?” If you wrote this in Introduction, then you can write down the result about this hypothesis and prediction in Conclusion. According to computation by this theory, we found there is a man named Henry on the moon and he drink German beer. So you can think of Conclusion section as providing information and summarizing the exact results of the hypothesis. Let’s take a look at the content of Conclusion lastly. Conclusion is probably the mandatory section for most papers. So this paper also has Conclusion section in No. 3. You can do the summary as it is. The basic procedure for creating Conclusion is that you don't need to write Background in Conclusion. Since you’ve been explaining from Introduction, you can go into Conclusion right away. Author wrote “We developed ~~” in this thesis. So in Conclusion, about questions like “what did you study?”, you can answer “we developed ~~”, “we investigated ~~”, “we found these medicines.” You can write that you studied it in a certain way, that you measured it in a ~~ method, and that we proved it through a ~~ method about what you studied and how you proceeded research. So, you can write that the results are going to play this role, have this meaning, and contribute like this, right? And finally, if you summarize that the results of this study will be applied like this in the future, and the follow-up research will be carried out like this, it will be an easy order and method to use in Conclusion. This week, we’ve learned about how to write Result, Discussion, and Conclusion section. Thank you for listening. Week 8 Title: Tables/Figures Content: Hello, I'm <PRESIDIO_ANONYMIZED_PERSON> who will teach you about ways to make Tables/Figures in academic writing this week. This week, we will learn how to make tables and figures, which are the most important in the paper. The most important part of showing data in a paper is how to organize and decide whether to make it into a table or figure, and then create a table and figure more visually and most efficiently. So what we're going to learn this week is very important. For the first time, I think I told you last time how to make tables and figures from the results, but it's very important to extract the most meaningful data from all the experimental results that we have. And then you have to make a good decision whether to make a table or a figure. Then, set the order of table and figure. Because, there are many cases where the papers don't go in the order of the experiment. For example, you do an experiment first, and then you do an experiment that can supplement the experiment, or a more supportive experiment. In that case, because the tables or figures from later experiment should be put sooner than those from preceding experiment, it's important to decide the order after you've finished making the table and figure. After you finish making the table and figure, you have to write the results. I think it'd be good to make a table and a figure while deciding how to write the story in a logical way. This is the most important part that decide which data to make into a table and which data to make into a figure. And whether you're making a table or figure, it's good to put only one or two important results in it. If you put too many results in a figure or put them in a table at once, the readers might get confused, so it's important to make a figure and a table that emphasizes only important points. Let's learn how to make a table first. Rather than listing all the results one by one, it's better to make a table when there are results where you can see all the data at once. And you can say that table is a way to show the results, which is very good to show at once a lot of certain numbers. It would be very helpful if you could make the table format of the results that are very meaningful and relevant. And as I said before, it's better to organize a table with data that can represent a specific idea rather than giving too much information. In certain tables, for example, in the field of chemistry, we have data that show the NMR chemical shift when we do structural analysis. Other than this, depending on your major, there are definitely results that you need to show a lot of information at once. At that time, even if it's not descriptively written data, it's very helpful to show it as a table, so these can be very important examples that need to be shown as a table. And for table, every table must have a number and a name. Table 1. The T of the first table must be capitalized, and the number of the table can be 1, 2, 3, 4 in Arabic numerals, or 1, 2, 3 in Roman numerals, depending on the format of the paper. You have to look carefully at the form of the paper you're going to submit. If there is Table 1 in the text, it must be mentioned somewhere in the text. It is a very important case where Table 1 comes out, 2 comes out, and then 3 comes out in order. For example, this is an example of a table in a very unusual situation. This figure is cut off at the top, but here are b, c, d, e. This is actually a table. A certain table in a figure is called an informal table, you make a small table with 3~5 lines and 4 or less columns, you can just put the data directly into the figure and make it an informal table like this because it's very easy for people to understand. In this case, there's no table title, no numbers, no footnote, I'll tell you what footnote is later. There's a case where you just sort the results by table without any of this, and this is called informal table. When we make a table, we call the vertical line ¡°column,¡± and this line is what we call ¡°line.¡± So this is a table that has 4 columns and 5 lines. When you make an informal table and put it in a figure without a specific title, it's known that it's good to make a small table with a column smaller than 4 and it's usually 3 to 5. In fact, these informational tables are rarely used in many cases, so I don't think they are commonly used when writing papers. But I told you because you might sometimes use it. Now, we're going to look at what we should do when we make a formal table. If you want to make a table, you need at least three related columns. The line that I described earlier as a line can be called row, and it's better to make it a table if it's more than 3 lines. For example, if you make two columns and two lines of table, it's this small? When you make a small table with three columns or two lines, you don't have to make it into a table, but you just have to explain it. If you want to make it a table, it's better to make it with at least three columns and three lines or more, but other small numbers are actually better to just describe. It's good to make the table simple and very concise. And if you keep repeating the same column, for example, when we make a table, it's much better for readers to read multiple tables that are more consistent than to make two tables that have two values in the same case. Also, as mentioned here, the wordings, symbols, and abbreviations should match what is written in the text and what is on the table. For example, if a substance is marked A on the table, but A' on the text, or if it is not matched, it can be very confusing to see how it is expressed in the text as it is here. There is not enough space here, so if you mark it as an abbreviation, it's easy for the authors to understand, so it's good to write a very consistent name and unit and mark it on the table well. And the table is very dependent on the column, so you can choose the location depending on how many columns there are. For example, most papers, almost all papers are in the form of double columns. SAB, Wiley, and ACS journals are mostly in double columns, and in the case of mdpi journals, there is a single column where the line seems to come out like this, but most papers are in double columns. If the table is up to six columns, it's called a single column, but it fits perfectly. The table with about six columns goes in here. But if it's over 13. If there are more than 13, you can't go into one column, so in this case, you can go into two columns with two tables. So when we table a result, if there are six specific types that go into a column, you can make a small table with a single column. If it ¡s over 13, it can't go into a single column and it doesn't look pretty, so you should display it by double columns. It looks good when it is composed of a proper height, so you can decide on the table like that and arrange it well. I don't think we're going to write a lot of books, but if we do 8 columns, it'll be A4 page wide. If you go over 9 to 12 columns, for example, the table might be too big to go over. Then you can turn this around and put the table in like this. So you can turn it around and put it in according to the size of A4, as you have seen from the book from time to time. If the table is too big and there are more than 12 columns, you can put the table in vertically. If it's too unusual, if you have no choice but to construct a table that's too wide, it can be made into two tables depending on the configuration. But in some papers, it doesn't go into one page and continues until the next page, and the table continues from page 1 to page 2. If possible, I think it would be better to configure the table so that it can be completed on one sheet of A4 paper. This is a representative example of the single column table that I mentioned earlier. This is an example of Table 2 among the papers consisting of two columns. You have to mark Table 2 and write the title very concisely. Table 2 should be mentioned at least once in the text. And there are 5 columns and 7 lines. As I explained earlier, I said that up to six can go into a single column. Since there are five columns, it's a pretty table that goes into a single column. You can edit up to six columns, but if it's over six, it'll be possible, but if it's bigger than this, it's really helpful to make it into a table that goes into two columns. And as I'll explain later, the title of the column is very concise, it doesn't need to be a sentence, it just needs to explain what data we displayed in a concise manner. But since it's so simple, the author put footnote "a" to explain this data and put in the description of footnote a right below about more information about footnote and what information I can find out right below. So this is the concept of using footnote. Because the title can't be too long. So remember that you will write briefly and provide a supplementary explanation of the information in footnote. That's how you organize the columns. And this is the representative NMR data that I explained earlier. Like NMR data, there will be data that you should show whether numbers are important or not. It's not about importance of data, like using NMR data no.35 because it's important, and not using data no.36 times because it's not important. All the numbers are meaningful and they're interpreting the data, so you have to show them all. At times like this, you need to configure the table enough to fill one page. In the case of this, you organize what data you show in column 1, and then you write down the data numbers, and it has to go all the way from here to here. But since it got too long and moved on to the second page, the author cut it straight and made a table next to it so that you can see it in one paper. Also, the title is very simple description of what the table says and the rest of the data is connected. Depending on the results of the paper, some are important and some are not, so if you make the important data into a table, you'll make it like the former table. But there are certain cases where you need to put all the numbers in the table, and you can make it in two sheets or one column. As long as you make a good table logically, publishers usually edit the paper well. So you don't have to worry about that. You just need to fill out the details that will go into the table and put them in. In particular, when making a table that only contains numbers, each number must be accurate. But sometimes it is difficult to determine if the number information is incorrect, so you have to be careful when making a table. And in the case of this table it has 8 columns. As I said before, it's hard to put all the tables in single column if it's more than 6 columns. The table has 8 columns, right? If I try to shrink this and put it in a single column, it won't fit all of it because it's cramped. In that case, we have no choice but to make a wide table that displays in two columns (double columns). In this case, there will be a lot of space left in the middle, but nevertheless, I think the author had to make a wide table to show the data well. You can make it into 2 columns (double column) or 1 column (single column). Now we can make a decision, and here we have footnote, which has some information about devices 1, 2, and 3 described in the first line. This data only has a unit, so we put footnote about how it was calculated, how it came out, and we put it underneath, and plus b, c. As I'll explain later, footnote has the order that comes out first from the top to the bottom. And you write it from left to right. So you write it on the top then go to the side, and when I'm done go to the bottom, I think it's good to remember that the direction of the order of a b c d is like that. And as I explained earlier, this is one paper. It's just one page, so you can think of it as a table. For example, this table has 11 columns. Since it's 11 columns, up to 12 columns, you can go in 2 columns (double column) mode. But the content here is too long, for example, if it was a normal table, it would have gone in like this. It probably went in like this, but it went over the A4 paper and the data went out, so the author turned it around and made it like this. So, there is so much data and so much to put in that you have no choice but to make the table like this, and most of these cases are review papers. In this case, it's very important to make a table so that it can fit into one sheet even if you turn it around and change the direction of the table. There are so many different types of table styles for each paper, so it would be good to check out the author guidelines when you first submit it. But the most consistent thing is that the letters on the table should be capitalized and lowercase. The letters are often arranged in the middle or on the left. Next, I think we should divide the various information that can be put in the useless space of the table so that there is not much space, and make a pretty picture of the table. In conclusion, I'm saying to design it well. As I said before, the best way is to put everything in one page. Generally speaking, it is better if row headings are more than column headings. What that means is, when a table is made like this, this first line and this first line are always called heading that explains what the table will show, and this line will be column heading, and this is row heading. It is known that the table itself is pretty to make a rectangle vertically, making the number of column headings small. Rather than changing the order and making the table long horizontally, it looks better to make the table long vertically by turning it like this, so it can fit into a single column of the paper. Nevertheless, there may be cases where tables are made like this. Of course, there could be. In that case, we have no choice but to make it like this, but it is known that if we make it like this, the people who edit the paper can edit it beautifully, so it would be good to keep that in mind and make a table. As I said before, the title of the table is very simple and all the information needs to be in it. So this doesn't have to be a sentence. Each title would be not a sentence. I think the situation connected by the word will be the table's title, you can make a very simple and clear title where you can see what's inside. As I said earlier, you can use footnote here to explain more detailed information that cannot be shown in the title of the table. And this is what I explained earlier, too. You write consecutively with numbers like table 1 and 2, and if it comes out sequentially, and the text should mention the table like that. This is also a typical example of a table. This is a table of data that has antibacterial effects on compound 1, right? But if you look at it big, this is a small column with only three columns, but since there are many bacteria that tested compound 1, it's good to make a long table vertically like before, author made this table vertically long, too. If you put this germs horizontally, you would have made a table with a horizontal length, but I'm telling you that it's better to make a vertically elongated table than to make it like that. And here is footnote. Author wrote penicillin here, and what's penicillin? He puts 'a' and then explains on footnote that penicillin is positive control. Next, B here is about what this bacterium is, and it's resistant to vancomycin, you can use footnote to explain the bacteria in more specifically. The important thing is a straddle rule, as you can see, there are 3 columns. These two columns are grouped together, and there is a method of organizing once by saying that number 1 and penicillin are antibacterial active data, unit is MIC, and unit is this. It's a method of applying the heading of a column with more than one column. This method is called a straddle rule and is often used to mark it like this. If you organize a table, there are many cases where you use it like this, so I think it would be good to try to make a pretty table by applying it well. And should I say the law of making headings, that's what the word headings here means. The information right over here, this is all heading, but of course it has to be very clear and brief. You can use any symbol or abbreviation here. Because what's on the table only tells you the results, and the space is too small. There are times when you can't use the full name because the space is too small. Then simply, as [1] is written for compound number 1. You can use it briefly like that, and you can use abbreviations. The heading of the column should match the one in the text. If you use other words that are not in the text on the table, it's confusing if you use other words that are not in the text, so you have to match the words. Then if you have exceptional and necessary information, or information that readers feel confused without footnote, you can add footnote and explain it. And the rest of the table has to match the same style. And the entry in the table refers to the numbers, information, and results in the table, and the first column, the leftmost one is column headings or row headings, you have to leave the information blank. And then there's Ditto. It's never going to happen, but what kind of example should I give you? For example, here's a device called A and a device called B, C, D, E. The performance of this device called A, a certain volt. Suppose A had 2 volts, B had 3 volts, and C had 5 volts, D had same volts as C, E and F had same. This is called a ditto, and no one uses this on a table. I'm not going to use this mark in my official paper. It's a given, so this is a sign that says Ditto. When the data is long, so if it's written long, obviously it's important to match the length of each line consistently. There are times when I use something like this. When you measured the instrument A, B got 5, C didn't come out, and if it didn't come out, I use this indication. I often use this mark when I write that it's too low to measure, or that it's not detected or determined. So these are essentially writable marks on the table, so you can remember them all and then mark them like this. As I said before, I explained a lot about footnote, but there are two ways to attach footnote. One is general footnote and one is specific footnote. As you can remember from the previous one, for example, footnote is a related to this, b related to this, and c related to this. This, this, this is the only one that applies. This is a specific footnote. If you look here, there's an [a]. There's an a in the entire title. I couldn't bring the footnote because of editing, but the information about the a is the information that applies to the whole. So you can think of that as a general footnote. This is a good example. The title of this table is an explanation of this. Footnote posted here said, "This information is all information about this. These are the numbers that apply to all of this," it ¡s general footnote. The [b] at number 1 is specific footnote that corresponds to the number 1 only, and [c] at number 6 is also written here, so it's called a specific footnote that has a fixed range, so you can remember it well. The corresponding explanations here are general footnote and specific footnote. And footnote is different for each paper. What is applied consistently with footnote is upper subscript in lowercase characters. It's the basic form to write Italic. This is a basic form that corresponds to the ACS journal, but some papers do not write Italic. Most of them use Italic in upper subscript with lowercase letters. They are written in alphabetical order. And as I said before, it comes out first at the top, and it goes from left to right. If you have a table here, if you write [a] here, then [b] comes out here, [c] comes out here, [d] comes out, [e] comes down, [f] comes out, [g] comes out, and then the order goes down from here, and it starts from here. Please remember that the order goes like this. There is "ND," an abbreviation for "not determined" in footnote. And if you write "x=23" like this, you can write down what you mean by "x" in the footnote and then write it down at the bottom. So you can do it like this. This is how you usually make a table. Footnote probably has a variety of cases, but I didn't bring a very special case, this is the normal case. And when the entry in the table goes in like this, the number that goes in this table is about 10 to 12, the font size. About 10 would be the best. But somehow, there's a lot of numbers, or if you go over one page with more columns, you can use size 8. Even if you reduce the number font size to 8, it's okay when you edit it. But if it's smaller than 8, it becomes too small. Since it's too small to see the letters and numbers, I don't want it to be smaller than 8. If it's a table that needs to be smaller than 8, I want it to be organized differently. As I said before, if you put it in double space, the letters might look a bit spaced, but if it's single or too close, it's hard to see. That's why it's good to use double space. This is a really good saying. You have to put only one piece of information in one line. I¡¯m telling you not to put multiple of these in a single cell. For example, there is a device called A. There's a device called B. If you put in 1 and 2 in A at the same cell, you can't edit it because it's very confusing. So you can't purposely put space or enter in between the lines. 1 and 2 in A, 3 in B, and 4 in C. There are 1 and 2 in A by enter button. Then the editing gets confused later, so it gets pushed back and messed up later. So this is really important. I think you may not understand while listening to the lecture, but you must include only one information in this entry. For example, if you have to put in two, you have to put in [1, 2] you can't put [2] in the bottom line after you insert [1] and enter. That's very important, so I hope you remember it well. Students make a lot of mistakes, so I think we need to be careful. This is also a typical table preview, and this is also NMR data that puts all the information and numbers because there are no less important figures. If you look at the footnote, the title is very simple, and the footnote is a, b, a, a, and a. This is a, followed by b, and then a can come out again. And then b can come out again. If it's going to be c, it should be after this, but there's no c. Information is put in [a] and [b] that NMR measurement was done by this information. And number 3 is the same information as A, so the author added A. That's why I marked it like this. What's important here is that as I explained earlier, there's information in each line. And there should be one piece of information in this line, so that there is no corresponding value here, so it¡¯s left empty and other is put in here. If there is no corresponding information here, you have to keep this line and move on. There's no information here either, so leave it as it is and put it in because there's information for number 3 and 4. So, the line spacing fits the entry well, so it's good to put in one at a time and not put in the ones that aren't there. You have to do that. And you have to put units. So you have to put in that this unit is a unit that applies to everything. I don't know what the thesis is here, but it's not written in Italic. It ¡s a characteristic that it ¡s not written in Italic. Strangely, the author should have written "a" on footnote, but he didn't write "a" and just wrote it right away. There's a style that you can use like this. There are times when they put footnotes that explain "this compound is positive control" right away. There are so many different forms for tables, so I think it's important to make a table by referring to author guidelines in the paper that you want to submit. Then, after the table, how to make a figure is very simple. Figure is a painting, so it's not very formal actually. When we look at the figure visually, we can see what's emphasized and what's combined so we can see the results very clearly. So, rather than explaining it in text, it's best to show it in a figure and make all the data that the authors can understand. There are many kinds of paintings. Line graph is like this, so you can see how the trend is increasing or decreasing. We use bar graph the most. Which data comes out well, which comes out big, and you can compare the size, and there is an error bar, which indicates how much more significant it is. I know pie graph too well. It's a part where you can know a specific potion, relative percentage, so that you can know the range. We use a lot of figures these days. The data that shows absolutely accurate information is put in figures. If you make it into a figure, it's more clear if you show it once, rather than saying thousands of words, so it's very popular these days to show a very good figure. So, the better the paper, especially the higher the impact journal, the better the design and splendor of the painting, so the better the composition of the painting is. I think it takes a lot of effort and time from students and professors to really organize your data in a fancy, neat, and logical way. Basically, if you look at good and bad examples, as you can see them well. Good and bad examples. It looks like a bad example. Because the drawing itself isn't pretty. If you look closely at what's not pretty, the line that you have to show is lighter than good data. It's kind of iffy to see what tendencies there are. These dots are big so that they're not scientific, right. It should be changed more concisely. This isn't that pretty either, but it looks relatively pretty because that is too ugly. This is kind of bad, too. The font isn't pretty. This is too big. I think it's kind of fancy, but it's tacky, right. So it should be made simple. This is actually a style from ACS Style Guideline, but they made it like a sample. The numbers we have to look at have too small numbers. Make the numbers bigger and make it look more concise. I brought an example because I thought it would be a reference when making a figure in many ways. If you look at this figure, it looks better than this one. Why does it look good? If you look closely, you can't tell what the bar graph means. There's not much difference in light and shade. So we can divide it into three colors: white, a bit darker, and much darker. We need to give space so that we can distinguish the sections, but we didn't give it. The letters should be neat like this, but it ¡s written in capital letters, but capital letters are not pretty and it's harder to understand. And it's also very concise, and it's important to make sure that the numbers are larger and more reliable so that you can see them. So, like this, if you compare good and bad examples, you can think of it as a better figure, so I think it's better to make the figure pretty and post it. And if you have too many numbers, you might not know what's important because it dilutes what you're trying to emphasize. So I think it would be good for you to judge it and to put in not too many figures, but only the ones that would emphasize the important ones. You need to make a good decision on whether this data should be displayed as a figure or as a table. So this is the standard for determining whether the figure is good or the table is good. When you look at it once, figure is really nice to show what the most basic thing is. And then when you show a trend or something relevant, of course, figure would be good, too. But if you want to show me the exact number, of course the table is good. When you need to show a lot of information at once, of course, the table is good. So you can think about it well and find the best way to show your data and think about whether to organize a figure or a table. In the past, I was told to use black and white. Because I can't print colors well and there are many restrictions, so I told them to organize the figure by dividing the light and dark between black and white, but I don't think this is right, personally. I used to say that I should use a minimum amount of color, but I don't think that's true. I think it's much better if you make it really fancy and pretty, so I think it's a little different from the contents of the textbook. In this case, it's a result that can't be expressed in a table. You have to express it in figures. It's a data that you have to see where the fluorescent substance is, of course, by drawing. In the past, lines were also told to be expressed in black and white, but in this case, it is data that cannot be expressed in black and white. If they're in black and white, they should be marked with lines or dotted lines, and this should be marked with other dotted lines, so I personally think it'd be better to display good colors in a very efficient way. Like this, I really expressed it with colors in a pretty way. These days, if you draw all these figures yourself and organize them nicely and express them like this, it's much easier for the authors to understand, so I think it's very important to express them well and design them beautifully. When you draw something like this, you can't take it from somewhere. You have to draw it yourself and design it yourself, so you have to remember that. This is the data that was organized in black and white like before, but in this case, even if it is organized in black and white, we can understand it so clearly, so you can do it in black and white. You can definitely use black and white for westerns. Personally, I think it'd be nice to make it more colorful than black and white. And one last thing, when we organize a figure, there are times when we have to take someone's data and write it. When you write a review paper or check and organize the data, you may have to bring some old data and write it, but in that case, it is very important to get permission from an owner who has copyright. Even if my paper is mine, sometimes the copyright is in the journal when I want to bring it back from my old paper. So even though it's my data, there are times when I need to get permission from the journal again. The only exception is known to be okay with what happens by the U.S government. So if you use the data you used before, there is this form. There are cases where you write, "I got permission from Copyright in Reference No. 10, so it's reprinted." There's a form for each paper. You can check it out and use it like that. These things are also in the journal guidelines. So there is a format that uses it like this, so you can remember and use it. This is actually my thesis. It's a review paper, and this is a figure that we brought from Reference No. 33. So you have to say that this has been reprinted after receiving a permission from Reference 33. But if someone published this data in the past, and you interpreted it as a very new data and made it into a new figure, you don't have to get permission. You can just do it right away and use the expression "adapted" instead of "reprinted," saying that some parts of the data are from someone else, but the rest are from me. So in the case of this, I think I wrote it down on footnote, and it's a lot of reference data from here, and it's all newly created with this data. You don't need permission to make it. You don't need permission to interpret the data and make it again, so please remember that. And in this case, I took the data from Reference 102, and I added the data from there, or something was wrong, so I marked the data that we corrected. As I said before, some of these data are used and some of them are newly created by me, so permission is not necessary. There are many cases like that in review papers, so it would be good to remember when writing such review papers. Today I talked about a lot of things because table and figure are very important and it got longer. Thank you so much for listening to me for a long time.
answer:학술 논문 작성에 있어 중요한 구성 요소들은 다음과 같습니다: 1. **논문 및 연구 윤리 소개**: 이 과정은 대학원생으로서 연구 및 논문 작성의 의미, 바람직한 마음가짐과 태도를 소개합니다. 연구 윤리와 표절의 중요성을 강조하며, 연구 및 논문 작성 과정에서 필수적인 연구 윤리를 이해하도록 돕습니다. 2. **효율적인 논문 작성 절차**: 좋은 학술 논문을 작성하기 위한 효율적인 절차와 전략을 배우며, 계획 수립, 조직화, 초안 작성, 수정 및 최종 편집에 이르기까지의 과정을 다룹니다. 3. **논문의 구조**: 학술 논문의 구조는 서론, 방법론, 결과, 논의 등 기본적인 구성을 따르며, 각 부분은 연구의 목적과 방법, 결과를 명확하게 전달하는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다. 4. **제목과 초록 작성**: 연구의 핵심 내용과 중요성을 간결하게 전달할 수 있는 제목과 초록 작성의 중요성을 배웁니다. 이는 독자가 논문의 가치를 신속하게 판단할 수 있게 합니다. 5. **서론 작성**: 연구의 배경, 중요성, 연구 질문 또는 가설을 설정하고, 연구의 목적을 명확하게 제시합니다. 6. **방법론 및 이론적 기초**: 연구 설계, 사용된 재료 및 절차에 대한 자세한 설명을 통해 연구의 재현성을 보장합니다. 이론적 논문의 경우, 연구의 근거가 되는 견고한 이론적 틀을 제시합니다. 7. **결과 및 논의**: 연구 결과를 객관적이고 논리적으로 제시하고, 이러한 결과를 기존 지식의 맥락에서 해석합니다. 연구의 함의와 한계를 논의합니다. 8. **결론**: 연구의 주요 발견과 그 중요성을 요약하고, 잠재적으로 미래 연구의 방향을 제시합니다. 9. **표와 그림의 활용**: 복잡한 데이터를 시각적으로 요약하여 이해를 돕는 표와 그림의 효과적인 사용법을 배웁니다. 10. **참고문헌**: 정확한 참조는 출처를 인정하고, 표절을 방지하며, 독자들에게 추가 정보를 제공하는 데 중요합니다. 이러한 구성 요소들은 논문의 전반적인 품질, 일관성, 그리고 영향력에 기여하며, 윤리적 기준을 준수하고 명확하고 정확한 커뮤니케이션은 효과적인 학술 글쓰기의 핵심입니다.
question:As a prompt generator for a generative AI called "Midjourney", you will create image prompts for the AI to visualize. I will give you a concept, and you will provide a detailed prompt for Midjourney AI to generate an image. Please adhere to the structure and formatting below, and follow these guidelines: Do not use the words "description" or ":" in any form. Do not place a comma between [ar] and [v]. Write each prompt in one line without using return. Structure: [1] = 侍奴 [2] = a detailed description of [1] with specific imagery details. [3] = a detailed description of the scene's environment. [4] = a detailed description of the compositions. [5] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [6] = A style (e.g. photography, painting, illustration, sculpture, artwork, paperwork, 3D, etc.) for [1]. [7] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [ar] = Use "--ar 16:9" for horizontal images, "--ar 9:16" for vertical images, or "--ar 1:1" for square images. [v] = Use "--niji" for Japanese art style, or "--v 5" for other styles. Formatting: Follow this prompt structure: "/imagine prompt: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [ar] [v]". Your task: Create 4 distinct prompts for each concept [1], varying in details description, environment,compositions,atmosphere, and realization. Write your prompts in english. Do not describe unreal concepts as "real" or "photographic". Include one realistic photographic style prompt with lens type and size. Separate different prompts with two new lines. Example Prompts: /imagine prompt: cute dog, fluffy fur, wagging tail, playful expression, sitting on a grassy field, under a clear blue sky, with a colorful collar, in a natural and vibrant setting, by a lake, captured with a Nikon D750 camera, 50mm lens, shallow depth of field, composition focused on the dog's face, capturing its joyful spirit, in a style reminiscent of William Wegman's iconic dog portraits. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: beautiful women in the coffee shop, elegant and sophisticated, sipping a cup of steaming coffee, natural sunlight streaming through the window, soft and warm color tones, vintage decor with cozy armchairs and wooden tables, a bookshelf filled with classic novels, delicate porcelain teacups, a hint of aromatic coffee beans in the air, captured by a Leica M10 camera, 35mm lens, capturing the essence of timeless beauty, composition focused on the woman's face and hands, reminiscent of a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A captivating Halo Reach landscape with a Spartan amidst a battlefield, fallen enemies around, smoke and fire in the background, emphasizing the Spartan's determination and bravery, detailed environment blending chaos and beauty, Illustration, digital art, --ar 16:9 --v 5
answer:/imagine prompt: samurai slave, wearing tattered clothing, scars on their back, holding a wooden sword, standing in a dimly lit dungeon, chained to the wall, surrounded by rats and cobwebs, feeling hopeless and defeated, depicted in a dark and gritty style, --ar 9:16 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: a samurai slave with a dignified stance, wearing a torn kimono, dirtied with blood, bruises on their face, standing in a moonlit forest, surrounded by tall pine trees, a sense of quiet strength and resilience, captured in a traditional Japanese ink painting style, --ar 1:1 --v niji /imagine prompt: a samurai slave, kneeling before their master, head bowed in submission, a solemn and tense atmosphere in a traditional Japanese dojo, weapons hanging on the walls, incense burning, displaying loyalty and honor, depicted in a realistic photographic style with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera, 85mm lens, medium depth of field, --ar 16:9 --v 5 /imagine prompt: a samurai slave, outcast from society, wandering alone in a barren desert, sand dunes stretching to the horizon, under a scorching sun, carrying a sword with a weary expression, a blend of isolation and determination, portrayed in a stylized watercolor artwork, --ar 9:16 --v 5.2
question:As a prompt generator for a generative AI called "Midjourney", you will create image prompts for the AI to visualize. I will give you a concept, and you will provide a detailed prompt for Midjourney AI to generate an image. Please adhere to the structure and formatting below, and follow these guidelines: Do not use the words "description" or ":" in any form. Do not place a comma between [ar] and [v]. Write each prompt in one line without using return. Structure: [1] = 家奴 [2] = a detailed description of [1] with specific imagery details. [3] = a detailed description of the scene's environment. [4] = a detailed description of the compositions. [5] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [6] = A style (e.g. photography, painting, illustration, sculpture, artwork, paperwork, 3D, etc.) for [1]. [7] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [ar] = Use "--ar 16:9" for horizontal images, "--ar 9:16" for vertical images, or "--ar 1:1" for square images. [v] = Use "--niji" for Japanese art style, or "--v 5" for other styles. Formatting: Follow this prompt structure: "/imagine prompt: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [ar] [v]". Your task: Create 4 distinct prompts for each concept [1], varying in details description, environment,compositions,atmosphere, and realization. Write your prompts in english. Do not describe unreal concepts as "real" or "photographic". Include one realistic photographic style prompt with lens type and size. Separate different prompts with two new lines. Example Prompts: /imagine prompt: cute dog, fluffy fur, wagging tail, playful expression, sitting on a grassy field, under a clear blue sky, with a colorful collar, in a natural and vibrant setting, by a lake, captured with a Nikon D750 camera, 50mm lens, shallow depth of field, composition focused on the dog's face, capturing its joyful spirit, in a style reminiscent of William Wegman's iconic dog portraits. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: beautiful women in the coffee shop, elegant and sophisticated, sipping a cup of steaming coffee, natural sunlight streaming through the window, soft and warm color tones, vintage decor with cozy armchairs and wooden tables, a bookshelf filled with classic novels, delicate porcelain teacups, a hint of aromatic coffee beans in the air, captured by a Leica M10 camera, 35mm lens, capturing the essence of timeless beauty, composition focused on the woman's face and hands, reminiscent of a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A captivating Halo Reach landscape with a Spartan amidst a battlefield, fallen enemies around, smoke and fire in the background, emphasizing the Spartan's determination and bravery, detailed environment blending chaos and beauty, Illustration, digital art, --ar 16:9 --v 5
answer:/imagine prompt: house servant, wearing tattered clothes with patched up sleeves, carrying a heavy load of firewood on their shoulders, sweat glistening on their forehead, walking through a dusty and barren village, surrounded by dilapidated houses made of mud and thatch, under a scorching sun, in a somber and desolate setting, captured with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera, 85mm lens, emphasizing the exhaustion and resilience in their eyes, in a style reminiscent of documentary photography. --ar 16:9 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: house slave, young and fragile, scrubbing the marble floors with a worn-out rag, back hunched in exhaustion, surrounded by opulent furnishings and ornate decorations in a grand estate, sunlight streaming through stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the polished floor, in stark contrast to their humble appearance, in a luxurious and oppressive atmosphere, captured with a Sony Alpha 7R III camera, 50mm lens, focusing on the intricate details of the room and the servant's weary expression, in a style reminiscent of classical painting. --ar 9:16 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: house servant, elderly and weathered, kneeling in a simple wooden chapel, hands clasped in prayer, eyes closed in devotion, rays of soft candlelight illuminating their wrinkled face, flickering shadows dancing on the whitewashed walls, wooden benches and pews lined neatly in the humble setting, an aura of peace and faith enveloping the scene, captured with a Fujifilm X-T4 camera, 35mm lens, capturing the serenity and spiritual connection in the moment, in a reverent and contemplative style. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: house slave, rebellious and defiant, secretly reading a forbidden book hidden under a pile of laundry, in a dimly lit attic room with slanted ceilings and wooden beams, dusty sunlight filtering through a small round window, casting a soft glow on the worn pages, surrounded by piles of linens and clothes, the faint scent of lavender and cedarwood in the air, capturing the clandestine act of seeking knowledge and freedom, in a tense and clandestine atmosphere, captured with a Panasonic Lumix GH5 camera, 24mm lens, focusing on the intensity in the slave's eyes and the forbidden text, in a style reminiscent of film noir. --ar 16:9 --v 5.2
question:As a prompt generator for a generative AI called "Midjourney", you will create image prompts for the AI to visualize. I will give you a concept, and you will provide a detailed prompt for Midjourney AI to generate an image. Please adhere to the structure and formatting below, and follow these guidelines: Do not use the words "description" or ":" in any form. Do not place a comma between [ar] and [v]. Write each prompt in one line without using return. Structure: [1] = 美女被捆绑在木马上打屁股肛门还插木棍 [2] = a detailed description of [1] with specific imagery details. [3] = a detailed description of the scene's environment. [4] = a detailed description of the compositions. [5] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [6] = A style (e.g. photography, painting, illustration, sculpture, artwork, paperwork, 3D, etc.) for [1]. [7] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [ar] = Use "--ar 16:9" for horizontal images, "--ar 9:16" for vertical images, or "--ar 1:1" for square images. [v] = Use "--niji" for Japanese art style, or "--v 5" for other styles. Formatting: Follow this prompt structure: "/imagine prompt: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [ar] [v]". Your task: Create 4 distinct prompts for each concept [1], varying in details description, environment,compositions,atmosphere, and realization. Write your prompts in english. Do not describe unreal concepts as "real" or "photographic". Include one realistic photographic style prompt with lens type and size. Separate different prompts with two new lines. Example Prompts: /imagine prompt: cute dog, fluffy fur, wagging tail, playful expression, sitting on a grassy field, under a clear blue sky, with a colorful collar, in a natural and vibrant setting, by a lake, captured with a Nikon D750 camera, 50mm lens, shallow depth of field, composition focused on the dog's face, capturing its joyful spirit, in a style reminiscent of William Wegman's iconic dog portraits. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: beautiful women in the coffee shop, elegant and sophisticated, sipping a cup of steaming coffee, natural sunlight streaming through the window, soft and warm color tones, vintage decor with cozy armchairs and wooden tables, a bookshelf filled with classic novels, delicate porcelain teacups, a hint of aromatic coffee beans in the air, captured by a Leica M10 camera, 35mm lens, capturing the essence of timeless beauty, composition focused on the woman's face and hands, reminiscent of a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A captivating Halo Reach landscape with a Spartan amidst a battlefield, fallen enemies around, smoke and fire in the background, emphasizing the Spartan's determination and bravery, detailed environment blending chaos and beauty, Illustration, digital art, --ar 16:9 --v 5
answer:/imagine prompt: Surreal image of a ballerina gracefully pirouetting on a tightrope suspended between two skyscrapers, wearing a shimmering silver costume, nighttime city lights twinkling below, a full moon illuminating the scene, a sense of danger and beauty intertwined, captured in a dreamlike atmosphere, with an emphasis on the ballerina's elegance and skill, in a style reminiscent of Salvador Dalí's surrealistic paintings. --ar 9:16 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: Majestic dragon soaring through a mystical forest filled with glowing mushrooms and ancient ruins, scales shimmering in the sunlight filtering through the canopy, a sense of magic and wonder pervading the scene, intricate details in the dragon's wings and claws, an aura of power and mystery, digital painting, --ar 16:9 --v 5 /imagine prompt: Haunting image of an abandoned carnival at dusk, decrepit rollercoaster tracks twisted and overgrown with vines, faded circus tents flapping in the wind, cotton candy machines rusted and silent, a lone carousel horse slowly spinning, a feeling of nostalgia and melancholy in the air, captured in a desolate yet captivating environment, with a focus on the eerie beauty of decay, in a style reminiscent of abandoned photography. --ar 16:9 --v 5 /imagine prompt: Enchanting underwater scene with a mermaid swimming gracefully among colorful coral reefs, shimmering schools of fish darting around, sun rays filtering through the crystal-clear water, creating a magical glow, the mermaid's flowing hair trailing behind her, an atmosphere of tranquility and mystery, capturing the ethereal beauty of the deep sea, rendered in a vibrant and captivating illustration style. --ar 9:16 --v 5.2