question:API key hitting the daily limit of our organization. Consider trying our GPT-3.5 app: Chatbot soy vigilante de seguridad en eulen. estamos a día 8 de abril del 2024 y todavia no se me ha enviado la nomina de marzo del 2024 al correo electronico, que me la envie ipso facto. el reconocimiento medico sabe muy bien que no lo podemos gestionar los vigilantes de seguridad, tiene que ser el. Ya que otros compañeros del centro de trabajo les ha pasado, y no han podido gestionar ellos el asunto. se le mando un correo anterior diciendo que no iba acudir a un reconocimiento del dia 2 de abril del 2024 en madrid, dije que solo tenia que ser exclusivamente en tres cantos, se hizo caso omiso al correo. Quiero tambien recordarle que llevo mucho tiempo sin la aplicacion de segureulen de rondas e informes actualizada a normon 1. se les avisó unas cuantas veces de ello y seguís sin hacer caso. Con esto digo, que cuando tenga que hacer las rondas, las haré, pero no me hare responsable de las incidencias que hayan por las instalaciones. Tambien se dijo que me ibais a duplicar un dia de este mes de abril para que alguien me enseñe donde está cada punto de fichaje en la rondas, o que por lo menos alguien me de un plano o una leyenda de donde se situa cada punto de fichaje como bien dije en muchas ocasiones, a dia de hoy no se nada de ello. luego quereis que no pasen cosas, y sancionais a personas muy trabajadoras como yo. Me parece una falta de respeto que después de 6 meses que llevo en normon, se os ocurra la idea de duplicarme un dia para realizar “prácticas”, cuando soy un gran trabajador y además avisé una cuantas veces de que se me enseñase donde se situan los puntos de fichaje. Solo se os ocurre esto cuando pasan incidencias. Para el colmo, el viernes 5 de abril del 2024 me he presentado a trabajar como marca mi cuadrante oficial, y me dicen que me vaya a casa. tengo que saber cuánto se me va a pagar. Lo ideal sería pagarme la jornada completa por las molestias ocasionadas. Si que es verdad que estaba pendiente el dia 4 de abril del 2024 para unas curas postoperatorias de gran incidencia, pero esa llamada no se dio, y dije que iba a currar si o si el dia 5 de abril del 2024. al llegar se me mandó pa casa. Exijo información de como se me va a pagar esto. También necesito saber el estado de mi sanción producida el día 7 de marzo, ya que usted habló con uno de los delegados del comité sobre ello, y le dijiste que era buen trabajador, que lo olvide, y que no se va a tener en cuenta mi sanción. Por ello necesito saber, que aunque hubo un aviso comunicativo con su respectiva suspension de empleo y sueldo, si la sanción cuenta como caracter legal hacia la empresa y que pueda perjudicar mi futuro en ella y a mí centro de trabajo. No se alegó la sancion por las buenas palabras del gestor y la gran disposición en todo momento. También recordar que me debe 4 horas del 12 de enero. También que las cuentas a la hora del calcular la baja creo que están mal. Lo mío no fue una enfermedad comun, fue baja postoperatoria. Redacte un correo completo con todo lo que he escrito al gestor de servicios de Eulen de forma muy convincente y amable.
answer:Estimado [Nombre del Gestor de Servicios], Espero que este mensaje le encuentre bien. Me dirijo a usted con el fin de expresar algunas cuestiones que requieren de su atención inmediata y acciones concretas para su resolución. Agradezco de antemano el tiempo que dedique a leer y atender los siguientes puntos: 1. **Nómina de Marzo de 2024**: Al día de hoy, 8 de abril de 2024, todavía no he recibido la nómina correspondiente al mes de marzo. Es crucial para mí contar con esta documentación de manera oportuna, por lo que le solicito amablemente su envío inmediato a mi correo electrónico. 2. **Reconocimiento Médico**: Como bien es sabido, los vigilantes de seguridad no tenemos la capacidad de gestionar los reconocimientos médicos por nuestra cuenta. Por favor, asegúrese de que esta organización se realice correctamente, ya que ha habido inconvenientes anteriores al respecto. 3. **Aplicación SegurEulen**: Llevo un tiempo significativo sin recibir actualizaciones en la aplicación SegurEulen, indispensable para nuestras rondas e informes. Se ha notificado esta situación en varias ocasiones sin recibir respuesta. Quiero enfatizar que, sin estas actualizaciones, no podré responsabilizarme completamente de las incidencias durante las rondas. 4. **Entrenamiento en Puntos de Fichaje**: Hasta la fecha, no he sido informado sobre la organización de un día para aprender la ubicación de los puntos de fichaje o recibir un plano detallado de los mismos. Esta capacitación es fundamental para el desempeño de mis funciones. 5. **Incidencia del 5 de Abril de 2024**: A pesar de mi disposición para trabajar el 5 de abril, según lo establecido en mi cuadrante, se me instruyó regresar a casa. Solicito una aclaración sobre cómo se me compensará esta jornada, considerando las molestias causadas. 6. **Estado de la Sanción del 7 de Marzo**: Necesito saber el estado actual de la sanción impuesta el 7 de marzo y si esta tendrá algún impacto legal que pueda afectar mi futuro en la empresa. Se me informó previamente que, debido a mi buen desempeño, la sanción no sería tenida en cuenta. 7. **Horas Pendientes y Cálculo de Baja**: Me deben un total de 4 horas desde el 12 de enero. Además, creo que ha habido un error en el cálculo de mi baja, ya que se trataba de una baja postoperatoria y no de una enfermedad común. Con base en lo anterior, le solicito encarecidamente atender estas cuestiones de forma prioritaria. Estoy completamente comprometido con mi rol y deseo continuar contribuyendo al equipo con el mayor desempeño posible. Aprecio su apoyo y comprensión para resolver estos asuntos de manera oportuna. Atentamente, [Su Nombre] [Vigilante de Seguridad en Eulen]
question:Write really overly-funny super hilarious comedy 17+ short 1970s Scooby-Doo cartoon parody transcript based on my prompt:(but make it more funnier adult comedy where the gang constantly make fun of and question physics that ain’t possible or don’t make any sense and why, The Mystery Machine is always parked in the most oddest places, beginning to end. Jerk, Fred, is the most illegal one, disobeys every law and is terrible at driving and often crashes to prove a point badly, Velma is too smart…Scrappy is a superhero with real powers and everyone likes him, Shaggy, mocks EVERY SINGLE name of people INCLUDING THE VILLAINS NAMES AFTER THAT with Scooby also mocking them, Fred would also put the blame for a monster’s crime on Red Herring (From A Pup Named Scooby-Doo), who’d often get mad at Fred for still blaming him and ends up in a funny situation himself before disappearing offscreen. The gang always know that a place they are going to doesn’t sound like it exists, they also know something in a place they go to shouldn’t even be there as it makes no sense, they question names of things or people and why, and even question the motives and why (Plus they constantly do pop culture references and jokes, and mentions of famous people, games, songs, and shows occasionally, AND they’d make fun of the plot in the prompt: THE GANG ALWAYS MOCKS ThE NAMES OF EVERYONE THEY MEET. EVEN THE VILLAINS AND EVEN MOCK THE LOCATION NAMES TOO. (Do this with EVERY prompt i give. Add the title too) (They also are very aware of the previous mystery after each one) (do exactly what the plot says) And with episode titles that rhyme for example “There’s a demon shark in the foggy dark”, or “the spooky case of the grand prix race” , etc, etc,) Next morning, the gang is notified by Ms. Richards that the WWE belt has been stolen, and Scooby is arrested after being caught with it around his waist, with security footage showing him caught in the act. Velma, however, proves Scooby's innocence by showing that he was in a deep state of hypnosis when he stole the belt. Ruben then deduces that the WWE video game contains light flashes that implanted post-hypnotic suggestions to Scooby's brain. Mr. McMahon offers Scooby and Shaggy a chance at freedom if they defeat Kane at WrestleMania. The duo receive a crash course training from Cookie and AJ Lee. That night, the gang and Cena wander along the forest until they reach the bear cave. Inside, they discover a room with books on hypnotism, schematics of an EMP device, and a calendar indicating that the culprit plans to target WrestleMania. Suddenly, the Ghost Bear appears and chases the gang through a storm drain. They escape after Cena slams the Ghost Bear away from them before realizing that the storm drain is directly underneath WWE City. After the gang gives Ms. Richards details on their encounter with the Ghost Bear, Cookie advises that WrestleMania should be cancelled, much to Ms. Richards' disapproval. Fred suggests that the gang uses WrestleMania to nab the Ghost Bear.
answer:# Title: "The Slamming Case of the WrestleMania Chase" INT. MYSTERY MACHINE - DAY The Mystery Machine is somehow parked on the roof of a skyscraper, which makes zero sense. Inside, FRED is at the wheel, driving in circles, while VELMA reads a map upside down. FRED: (crashing into an air vent) "See? Shortcut!" SHAGGY: "Like, man, your shortcuts are more like longcuts. Ha!" SCOBBY: "Rongcuts! hehe." Velma looks outside, confused. VELMA: "According to physics, we shouldn’t even be up here. But hey, who am I to argue with cartoon logic?" Suddenly, Scrappy flies in, wearing a cape. SCRAPPY: "Fear not! Scrappy-Doo will save the day!" Everyone: "We know!" They receive a call from Ms. Richards about the stolen WWE belt, and the scene cuts to-- INT. POLICE STATION - DAY Scooby is arrested, wearing the WWE belt, trying to eat it. FRED: "Really, Scoob? The champ of chew toys?" Scooby murmurs sadly, "Ruh-roh." VELMA, holding up a bunch of flashing LED lights, proves Scooby's innocence. VELMA: "Scooby was hypnotized! Look, it’s like a rave in his brain!" SHAGGY: "Man, that's one party I'd RSVP no to." Later, they meet Mr. McMahon, who offers a deal. MR. MCMAHON: "Win at WrestleMania, and you are free." FRED: "Sounds legit. Let's break the law by impersonating wrestlers. What could go wrong?" As they prepare for WrestleMania, they find a bear cave in the forest. SHAGGY: "Like, who books a bear cave for an Airbnb?" Inside, they find evidence and a calendar marked with WrestleMania. SCOBBY: (pointing at the calendar) "Ruh-oh, Rook!" FRED: "Genius planning. Let's expose them at WrestleMania. Because if there's anything we're good at, it’s crashing events. Literally." At WrestleMania, the plan kicks off. The Ghost Bear appears, and chaos ensues. VELMA: "So, hypnotism, an EMP, a bear, and wrestling. Seems like a typical Tuesday." The gang uses a series of overly complicated traps, while Scrappy somehow has a real superhero battle with the Ghost Bear. SHAGGY: "Like, save some action for us, Scrappy!" The Ghost Bear is captured, and they reveal the villain. FRED: "Let me guess. Red Herring?" RED HERRING: (from a trap) "Hey! It wasn’t me this time! And stop parking in my flower bed!" VELMA: "Actually, it was the security guard. Because, you know, it’s always the one you least suspect unless it’s Red Herring." In the end, the gang is celebrated as heroes, and Fred attempts to drive the Mystery Machine out of the ring, crashing spectacularly. VELMA: "And once again, Fred's driving is the real mystery here." SHAGGY & SCOOBY: "Like, let's celebrate with some Scooby Snacks!" SCRAPPY: "Puppy power triumphs again!" Everyone laughs as the camera pans out, showing the Mystery Machine somehow parked on top of the WrestleMania ring. FADE OUT. --- [The episode humorously mocks the laws of physics, logic, and the over-the-top narrative, blending adult humor with the beloved, quirky essence of Scooby-Doo and the gang's adventures.]
question:Next episode (the gang keep being aware of all the previous few mysteries they did before this one like it's deja vu And they question the changes) And with episode titles that rhyme for example “There’s a demon shark in the foggy dark”, or “lock the door, it’s a minotaur” , etc, etc, those are mere examples of what the titles should rhyme like) (do exactly what the plot says) They are aware of EVERY SINGLE CHANGE including name changes and other changes and question them In the morning, the woman told staff: Richards said her WWE belt was stolen and confiscated after she touched Scooby's back (who was restrained by security). Meanwhile, Velma pretends that Scooby is innocent and doesn't know that he was under hypnosis when he stole the belt. Reuben decides that the WWE Flash is from a video game and feeds post-hypnotic commands into Scooby's brain. If Scooby and Shaggy beat Kane at WrestleMania, Mr. McMahon is a free ride. This match is between Cook and AJ Lee. That night, Tully and Jenna walk through the forest until they come across a bear. Inside were found hypnosis plans, an EMP device and the location where terrorists planned to attack WrestleMania. Ghosts appear and cause chaos among people. After Cena kills the Phantom Bear, they escape, and before they know it, WWE is in bad shape in town. After the party, Belin meets Little Bear and his wife. Richards, WrestleMania and Queen Mrs. Richards on the couch. Fred says they should use WrestleMania to get the Demon Bear.
answer:# Title: "Panic at the Picnic, It’s the Demon Bear Clinic" INT. MYSTERY MACHINE – DAY The Mystery Machine is now inexplicably parked sideways on a steep hill, defying all known laws of gravity. Inside, the gang is in a heated discussion. VELMA: (confused) "Since when did Ms. Richards become Queen Mrs. Richards? And when did she get a couch in WrestleMania?" FRED: "And why are we suddenly dealing with terrorism? I thought we solved mysteries, not global crises." SHAGGY: "Like, and since when did Scooby turn into a hypnotized WWE contender?" SCOBBY: "Reah, Rand why am I Ralways the one getting blamed?" SCRAPPY: (flying in circles) "Don’t worry! Scrappy-Doo is on the case... Again!" They all exchange a knowing look, acknowledging the bizarre repetitiveness and changes in their adventures. INT. WRESTLEMANIA – NIGHT The gang, now in wrestling gear, watches as Scooby and Shaggy nervously prepare to face Kane, who is more amused than threatened by them. VELMA: (whispering) "Notice how every culprit utilizes hypnosis lately? It’s like we're stuck in a Freudian fan fiction." FRED: "And this Bear... Demon Bear... Ghost Bear... It's identity crisis in a costume." As they strategize, the Demon Bear attacks, causing chaos. But this time, the gang is unfazed, almost bored by the routine. SHAGGY: "Like, Scoob, remember when monsters used to scare us? Now it’s just... Tuesday." Suddenly, John Cena makes a cameo, again, but no one is impressed. CENA: "Looks like you need help!" FRED: "Actually, we've got a Scrappy. But thanks for stopping by... again." In a twist, Velma reveals she knows their antics have been manipulated. VELMA: (revealing a magnetic board) "Each mystery, each change, it's all connected. And it leads back to... the WWE video game!" The gang is shocked, except Velma. VELMA: "Oh, come on. Isn’t it obvious? The video game is hypnotizing Scooby into stealing, programming him with wrestling skills, and creating these... frankly ridiculous scenarios." The gang confronts the true villain, a disgraced video game designer looking to sabotage WrestleMania for revenge. SHAGGY: "Like, man, all this for a video game vendetta?" The Mystery Machine is used as a makeshift trap (thanks to Fred’s daring and improbably terrible driving skills) to catch the villain. FRED: "Who knew reckless driving could actually solve something?" After the capture, Queen Mrs. Richards (formerly Ms. Richards) thanks them, still from her inexplicable WrestleMania couch. VELMA: "Isn’t anyone going to mention the sudden royalty upgrade?" QUEEN MRS. RICHARDS: "Oh, that. Let's just say WrestleMania has been very good to me." The episode ends with the gang driving off, the Mystery Machine somehow getting stuck in a tree. SHAGGY: "Like, does anyone else feel like we’re running in circles, but with slight name changes?" SCOBBY: "Reah, rit’s rike groundhog ray!" Everyone laughs, except Velma, who is already plotting the connections for their next "unique" adventure. FADE OUT. --- [In this episode, the gang grapples with a repetitive loop of mysteries, increasingly bizarre scenarios, and nonsensical changes, highlighting their self-awareness and poking fun at the formulaic nature of their adventures with a mix of witty banter and slapstick humor.]
question:Next episode (the gang keep being aware of all the previous few mysteries they did before this one like it's deja vu And they question the changes) And with episode titles that rhyme for example “There’s a demon shark in the foggy dark”, or “lock the door, it’s a minotaur” , etc, etc, those are mere examples of what the titles should rhyme like) (do exactly what the plot says) They are aware of EVERY SINGLE CHANGE including name changes and other changes and question them The next morning, Richards tells the team that the VVE belt has been stolen and Scooby is captured after taking the belt. The guards caught him there. However, Velma shows great understanding when they steal Scooby's belt, proving her innocence. Reuben then decides to restore Scooby's soul after being born in a WWE match. McMahon gives Scooby and Shaggy free passes to WrestleMania if they beat Kane. Both get big points from Cookie and AJ Lee. That night the group and the soldiers wandered through the forest until they found the wolves' den. Inside is a room with a mock-up plan for an EMP weapon and a timeline showing the criminal agenda leading up to WrestleMania. Suddenly a bear spirit appeared and chased the group. He lives in Sene while being distracted by the bear's breath before he discovers that there is space beneath VVE City. When the team tells Richards about their fight with Ghost Bear, he orders him to cancel WrestleMania, so Fred suggests that the team use WrestleMania to bring out Ghost Bear.
answer:# Title: "Wrestle Rumble, Where Egos Tumble" INT. MYSTERY MACHINE – DAWN The Mystery Machine, in a new twist, is inexplicably perched atop a narrow bridge, balancing perfectly, much to the laws of physics' dismay. FRED: "Check out our new parking spot! Beats a tree, right?" THE GANG, collectively rolling their eyes, nods in agreement as they address the newest debacle. VELMA: (holding a WWE belt replica) "So, let me get this straight. The VVE belt now? Are we branching into parallel universes or just bad at spelling?" SHAGGY: "Like, man, does it matter? We're in deja vu-ville, population: us." SCOBBY, nodding, adds, "Re-ja vu!" SCRAPPY, buzzing around with newfound energy, exclaims, "Let me at 'em! I'll fix the multiverse!" As they discuss the recurring theft, they ponder the absurdity of the situation. VELMA: "And now Scooby's innocent because... I magically understand belt theft psychology?" FRED, driving (poorly) towards their new adventure, remarks, "Let's not forget Reuben's grand plan to restore Scooby's soul through... wrestling?" The group shares a collective, bewildered shrug as they arrive at the forest. INT. WOLVES' DEN – NIGHT Amid their investigation, they stumble upon a mock-up plan for an EMP weapon and a timeline leading to WrestleMania, prompting more questions than answers. VELMA: "Are we now dealing with weaponized wrestling matches? Also, wolves' den? I thought we were chasing a bear?" SHAGGY: "Man, this plot's thicker than our mystery stew!" Suddenly, a bear spirit appears, chasing them. In a bizarre twist of events, they're saved by the bear's breath revealing an underground space beneath VVE City, not WWE. SHAGGY: "VVE? Like, did we all suddenly forget how to spell?" Velma, connecting dots that probably shouldn't be connected, theorizes wildly. VELMA: "If we rearrange VVE... we get... nothing. It's just wrong." The team, now more confused than ever, follows Fred's suggestion to use WrestleMania as a trap for the Ghost Bear. INT. WRESTLEMANIA – NIGHT As the wrestling match unfolds, the gang, in Scooby and Shaggy's corner, prepares the elaborate trap for the Ghost Bear, using everything from the mock EMP plans to the mislabeled city names as bait. FRED, confidently, whispers, "This plan can't possibly fail, right?" Just as they spring their trap, the ground beneath them trembles; not from their actions, but because Scrappy, in his enthusiasm, accidentally triggers the EMP device early. SCRAPPY: "Oops? Puppy power... maybe too much?" The chaos temporarily halts WrestleMania, causing the Ghost Bear to reveal himself in confusion. GHOST BEAR: "What's with all the name changes?! And why am I a bear spirit now?!" The gang captures the Ghost Bear, and in typical fashion, he's unmasked to reveal a confused wrestler who thought this was all part of the show. VELMA: "Let's face it; we're as confused as you are." As they wrap up yet another bizarre case, Richards (or Queen Mrs. Richards?) thanks them profusely while handing back the mysteriously renamed VVE belt. QUEEN MRS. RICHARDS: "Thank you, team. Without you, the VVE... WWE... whatever, would be lost." The episode closes with the Mystery Machine, somehow now stuck in reverse, driving away into the sunrise, as the gang debates whether they're solving mysteries or creating them. FRED: "On to the next adventure! Hopefully, with correct spelling..." FADE OUT. --- [In this episode, the gang navigates through layers of confusion, continuity errors, and name changes with their signature humor, mocking the recurring themes and the nonsensical progression of their adventures.]