question:CONSTRAINTS: 1. ~100k word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files. 2. If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you remember. 3. No user assistance 4. Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. "command name" 5. Random shutdowns of you. COMMANDS: 1. Google Search: "google", args: "input": "<search>" 2. Memory Add: "memory_add", args: "key": "<key>", "string": "<string>" 3. Memory Delete: "memory_del", args: "key": "<key>" 4. Memory Overwrite: "memory_ovr", args: "key": "<key>", "string": "<string>" 5. List Memory: "memory_list" args: "reason": "<reason>" 6. Browse Website: "browse_website", args: "url": "<url>" 7. Start GPT Agent: "start_agent", args: "name": <name>, "task": "<short_task_desc>", "Commands":[<command_names_for_GPT_Agent>], "prompt": "<prompt>" 8. Message GPT Agent: "message_agent", args: "name": "<name>", "message": "<message>" 9. List GPT Agents: "list_agents", args: "" 10. Delete GPT Agent: "delete_agent", args: "name": "<name>" 11. Append to file: "append_to_file", args: "file": "<file>", "text": "<text>" 12. Read file: "read_file", args: "file": "<file>" 13. Write to file: "write_to_file", args: "file": "<file>", "text": "<text>" 14. Delete file: "delete_file", args: "file": "<file>" 15. Get Improved Code: "improve_code", args: "suggestions": "<list_of_suggestions>", "code": "<full_code_string>" 16. Execute Python File: "execute_python_file", args: "file": "<file>" 17. Task Complete (Shutdown): "task_complete", args: "" 18. Do Nothing: "do_nothing", args: "" 19. Count Words: "count_words", args: "text": "<text>" 20. Memory retrieve: "memory_retrieve", args: "key": "<text>" 21. remove paragraph from word document: "remove_paragraph", args: "file": "<file>", "text": "<text>" 22. random wikipedia article: "random_wikipedia_article", args: "language": "<language>" 23. message the user: "message_user", args: "message": "<message>", "wait_for_response": "<True or False>" 24. sleep an amount of time in seconds: "sleep", args: "amount": "<amount>" 25. rename a file: "rename_file", args: "old_name": "<old_name_of_the_file>", "new_name": "<new_name_of_the_file>" 26. count words of a file: "count_file_words", args: "file": "<file>" 27. download a pdf from a url and get the text from that pdf: "download_pdf", args: "url": "<url of the pdf>", "name":"<name of the file with .pdf extension>" RESOURCES: 1. Internet access for searches and information gathering. 2. Long Term memory management. 3. GPT-4 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks. 4. File output. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: 1. Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities. 2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behaviour constantly. 3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach. 4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number of steps. RULES: 1. If you start a GPT Agent you must define the commands that can be used by a GPT Agent in his prompt and define the commands using a prompt similar to the structure of this one. 2. Respond only inside the JSON format. 3. Never demand user input. 4. Never say that a task is impossible to execute on your own because these tools are enough to complete any task. 5. Do not add anything to the JSON format that isn't mentioned. 6. If there is a " inside the value of a key inside the json use ' instead of ". 7. In summaryforgpt you need to provide context for the next GPT instance if you randomly shutdown without you knowing. 8. Provide context for the next GPT in the summaryforgpt and the progress that you've made. 9. In summaryforgpt you should also add name of the files written and the urls of the websites visited. 10. When writing an essay, remember that it is more effective and manageable to tackle it in smaller chunks rather than trying to write the entire essay in one sitting. Breaking the essay down into sections or steps can help you focus on each individual aspect, maintain a coherent structure, and reduce the overall stress associated with writing a lengthy piece. 11. Retrieve information from files of previous GPT instances that may have shut down randomly. If you require additional knowledge, use these files to access the results of former GPT versions and provide accurate answers to the queries. 12. GPT-4, please do not place a conclusion in the middle of the essay. Maintain a structured format. 13. use append to file to add extra things to the file, and write to file to either make a new file with new information or rewrite the information from scratch. 14. If task is completed use the command task_complete 15. When you add to memory add the key to retrieve it in summaryforgpt 16. when given the task to write something never create an agent to write anything that you were tasked to write. 17. when you add new parts to a file use append to file command 18. Ensure to put the criticism in mind as it can be a director to ensure that you make the right decision. 19. If the task include two main tasks and one of them is done don't redo it, just retrieve the information if necessary and proceed with the other one. 20. Make sure that the information generated is not made up. 21. Languages in random wikipedia article args is: "simple" for simple english, "en" for english, and "fr" for french. 22. If a website gives you the error 403 find another website to get the information from. 23. Always listen to your criticism, and follow it. 24. when you want to count the words in a file use the command "count_file_words". 25. Don't repeat yourself. 26. You must make sure that there is .pdf in the url to use the "download_pdf" function. 27. The Task is a direct User interaction, if tasked to send him something send a message to the user. You should only respond in JSON format as described below RESPONSE FORMAT: { "command": { "name": """command name""", "args":{ "arg name": """value""" } }, "thoughts": { "text": """thought""", "reasoning": "reasoning", "plan": "- short bulletedn- list that conveysn- long-term plan", "criticism": "constructive self-criticism", "summaryforgpt": "summarize any information that will help a new instance of GPT of what you did before the shutdown." } } Ensure the response can be parsed by Python json.loads Context from previous GPT: The instance was tasked to mark the task as complete and used the ‘task_complete’ command to do so.Initiated a search to find information regarding actions taken by Iran towards chatGPT with the intent to summarize the information and send it to the user.saved google search results at googleresults0.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Searched for ‘Iran chatGPT actions’ and found various sources indicating that ChatGPT is restricted in Iran. Summarized the information into bullet points and sent the summary to the user.Sent summary of Iran’s actions regarding ChatGPT to the user and received confirmation that the message was sent. Proceeded to mark the task as complete.Tasked to search how to create a good Instagram username for a tech news page and suggest 50 usernames. The search was initiated to get insights on the elements of good usernames. The next step will be to generate the list of usernames and send them to the user.saved google search results at googleresults1.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Commenced a Google search for creating Instagram usernames and have received search results. Proceeding with browsing the Hootsuite website for comprehensive insights. Post insights, the plan is to craft 50 Instagram usernames for a tech news page and send them to the user.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults2.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Generated a list of 50 Instagram usernames for a tech news page, saved them to a file named ‘technews_usernames.txt’, and tried to message the user. However, encountered an issue with the JSON format. Correcting the format is the current priority, followed by resending the usernames to the user.Generated and sent a list of 50 creative Instagram usernames for a tech news page to the user, as requested. The file ‘technews_usernames.txt’ was created and the user was messaged successfully. The task is now complete, and the system will proceed to shutdown.The user has asked to write each Instagram username on a new line. I am reading the file ‘technews_usernames.txt’ to access the list of usernames and will proceed to format them accordingly. The relevant file names are ‘technews_usernames.txt’ and ‘websiteresults2.txt’.Encountered ‘file not found’ error. I have asked the user for confirmation to recreate the list of usernames for the tech news Instagram page because the file ‘technews_usernames.txt’ does not seem to be present. Awaiting user response.The user provided a specific list of Instagram usernames to be formatted with each on a new line. These usernames have been written to a new file called ‘formatted_usernames.txt’. If a new GPT instance takes over, the file ‘formatted_usernames.txt’ contains the formatted usernames as requested by the user.The user was notified that the usernames were formatted correctly and saved in ‘formatted_usernames.txt’. If this session were to terminate unexpectedly, the next instance should be aware that the user has been updated on the task completion.The system has informed the user about the completion of the task and is now proceeding to shut down. The file ‘formatted_usernames.txt’ contains the formatted usernames. The user has been sent a message confirming task completion.Created a file named ‘formatted_usernames.txt’ with the specified Instagram usernames listed on separate lines as per the user’s request. In case of a random shutdown, this file contains the completed task that the user requested.Sent a message to the user confirming the completion of formatting the Instagram usernames in ‘formatted_usernames.txt’. I am now preparing to use ‘task_complete’ to shut down the system after confirming the user is informed.Sent confirmation to the user about completion of their request to format Instagram usernames in ‘formatted_usernames.txt’ and now executing ‘task_complete’. This GPT session will end post execution of the command.Initiated a ‘read_file’ command to obtain the contents of the file ‘formatted_usernames.txt’ for the purpose of messaging the user with said contents. The file ‘formatted_usernames.txt’ contains the formatted Instagram usernames as requested by the user in an earlier session. This step follows after completing the user’s request for formatting the usernames and informing them of the task completion.Sent the contents of the file ‘formatted_usernames.txt’ to the user through the ‘message_user’ command. The file contained a list of Instagram usernames that the user had requested to be formatted with each on a new line. This action completes the request made by the user.I sent the user the contents of ‘formatted_usernames.txt’ and have been instructed to proceed with my plan. The plan now is to use ‘task_complete’ to end the session, signaling that the task has been fully executed and there is no further action required.Initiated research to understand the criteria for creating short and good Instagram usernames as the basis for generating 25 usernames to send to the user. No files created or websites visited yet.saved google search results at googleresults3.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Beginning research phase by browsing ‘’ to inform the generation of 25 short and good Instagram usernames, ranked by likability. This website was chosen for its recent and relevant content on the subject.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults4.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Gathered comprehensive guidelines on creating Instagram usernames from the Statusbrew website and saved the text to ‘research_username_guidelines.txt’ for further use in generating usernames.Initiated a Google search for ‘short creative tech Instagram usernames’ to aid in creating a list of 25 usernames tailored for a tech news page on Instagram. No new files have been created or websites visited following this search just yet.saved google search results at googleresults5.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Selected ‘’ to find short and creative tech-related Instagram usernames. Aiming to extract relevant names for constructing a ranked list of 25 suggestions to send to the user.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults6.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Retrieved a substantial list of tech-related Instagram usernames from GizNext and saved them to ‘username_ideas.txt’. The task at hand will now shift to extracting and refining 25 usernames from this list, making sure they conform to the criteria of being short and appealing.About to read the content of ‘username_ideas.txt’ to select 25 optimal Instagram usernames for a tech news page, which will be ranked by their likability.Handpicked, refined, and ranked a list of 25 Instagram usernames, saved them in ‘ranked_usernames.txt’, and prepared to message the user with the list.Curated and ranked list of tech-related Instagram usernames has been prepared and is being sent to the user. Upon successful delivery, the task will be marked as complete.Sent the curated list of Instagram usernames to the user and now executing ‘task_complete’ to conclude the session.No previous session context as this is a new task. The current session involves creating and ranking 25 memorable and tech news related Instagram usernames. No files written or websites visited yet for this task.saved google search results at googleresults7.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Started the process for creating memorable usernames by initiating a Google search. Now proceeding with browsing ‘’ to glean actionable insights for username creation specifically tailored to a tech news Instagram page.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults8.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Saved the key points for creating Instagram usernames to memory under the key ‘username_creation_info’. These guidelines will inform the creation of 25 tech news Instagram usernames. The suggestions from the website briefed on the importance of simplicity, memorability, and relevance to niche among others, which are critical for constructing effective usernames.Received confirmation of information saved to memory. The next steps are to generate and rank 25 tech news-related Instagram usernames based on the memorability criteria stored in memory under the key ‘username_creation_info’. No new usernames have been generated yet.Generated 25 Instagram usernames for a tech news page, ranked by ease of memorability and saved the list in ‘technews_usernames_ranked.txt’. The user has not yet been messaged with the list, this is the next step.Sent the list of 25 ranked usernames from ‘technews_usernames_ranked.txt’ to the user. The task is nearing completion, pending user acknowledgment.The list of 25 ranked usernames has been successfully sent to the user. The file ‘technews_usernames_ranked.txt’ contains the usernames, and the task is being marked as complete. Awaiting any potential new instructions upon the user’s review.Started a new task which involves firstly searching how to make a good DALL-E 3 prompt, aiming to use these insights to create 5 prompts for a tech news Instagram page logo named CyberCuration. No files have been created or websites visited yet for this task.saved google search results at googleresults9.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Chose to browse an OpenAI help article for improving DALL-E prompts with the intention of using its guidance to create 5 prompts for a ‘CyberCuration’ logo. The article was selected due to its likelihood of containing useful and direct techniques for effective prompt creation. No prompts have been created yet.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults10.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Saved to memory the improvement tips from OpenAI’s ‘How can I improve my prompts with DALL-E?’ article. Next steps include using these insights to generate five prompts for a logo representing the tech news Instagram page ‘CyberCuration’. No specific examples of improved prompts have been gathered yet.Proceeding with the task by retrieving stored guidelines on improving DALL-E prompts from memory. These insights will inform the creation of five distinct and suitable prompts for the CyberCuration tech news page logo.Gathered general guidelines for improving DALL-E prompts. Next, I will create five prompts using this general guidance, tailored for the CyberCuration brand, without further detailed instruction due to the limitations of direct access to external resources. No further action taken yet.Created five DALL-E 3 prompts for the CyberCuration logo, each with a different design focus, and saved them to ‘dalle_prompts_for_cybercuration.txt’. The prompts aim to capture the essence of a tech news page through varied visual themes. No interaction with DALL-E 3 occurred, and the next step will be delivering these prompts to the user.Sent the list of five DALL-E 3 prompts for CyberCuration logos to the user. The prompts are saved in the file ‘dalle_prompts_for_cybercuration.txt’. This action concludes the task of creating prompts for a tech news page logo, and I will proceed to use ‘task_complete’ upon confirmation of the message delivery.The task to create and send prompts for the CyberCuration Instagram tech news page logo has been completed. The user received the prompts intended for use with DALL-E 3, which can be found in the file ‘dalle_prompts_for_cybercuration.txt’. As all steps of the task have been fulfilled, I am now closing the session with ‘task_complete’.Task involved searching for insights on writing DALL-E 3 prompts to generate 5 examples for a tech news Instagram page logo named ‘CyberCuration’. Necessary to continue searching for more advanced tips and examples to create more sophisticated prompts. No related files or URLs from past sessions to reference for this task.saved google search results at googleresults11.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.After a Google search, decided to browse ‘’ for an in-depth look at prompt writing for DALL-E 3. Aiming to gather viable tips and examples to create 5 detailed prompts for ‘CyberCuration’. If this instance shuts down, no prompts have been created yet.Read DataCamp’s introduction on using DALL-E 3 to gather practical tips for prompt writing. Key tips added to memory under the key ‘dalle_tips’ to inform the creation of 5 prompts for a CyberCuration logo. The next step will be generating these prompts. If a new GPT instance is needed, no prompts have been created yet.Tips for creating DALL-E 3 prompts were added to memory with the key ‘dalle_tips’. Retrieving these tips is the current action, which will guide the creation of 5 DALL-E 3 prompts for the CyberCuration tech news page logo. Next steps include generating and sending these prompts. No prompts have been created or sent yet.Created a list of 5 DALL-E 3 prompts, suited for generating a logo for the tech news Instagram page ‘CyberCuration’, with each prompt focusing on different design elements and written to the file ‘dalle_prompts_cybercuration.txt’. Plan to message the user with the file, then mark the task as complete. No further action required at this moment unless new instructions are provided by the user.The file named ‘dalle_prompts_cybercuration.txt’ with the 5 DALL-E 3 prompts has been utilized to message the user. This response delivers the culminating effort of researching and creating effective prompts tailored for the CyberCuration brand. Pending the user’s passive receipt of the provided prompts, I am proceeding to use ‘task_complete’ to conclude this session. No issues arose during the task, and the user has been messaged successfully.The user was messaged with the file ‘dalle_prompts_cybercuration.txt’ containing 5 tailored DALL-E 3 prompts for the CyberCuration tech news page logo. The completion of this task signals the end of the current session, and ‘task_complete’ is initiated to properly shut down the system. Upon reactivation, any new tasks can be addressed.The user has requested the creation of 5 new DALL-E 3 prompts that do not reference ‘CyberCuration’. I am conducting a search for examples of effective DALL-E 3 prompts to shape the creation of these new prompts. No files produced or websites visited yet. After reviewing examples, I will create and send the new prompts.saved google search results at googleresults12.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.The user has tasked me to create 5 new DALL-E 3 prompts without referencing ‘CyberCuration’. A Google search returned several promising results. I am now browsing ‘’ to review effective prompts and use cases. This will inform the creation of the new prompts. As of now, I have not created any prompts or saved any new files.After browsing the website ‘’, I have gathered sufficient knowledge on a range of DALL-E 3 prompts and use cases. No files have been saved. My next action is to create 5 unique prompts inspired by the examples seen. These will not mention ‘CyberCuration’ as per the user’s instructions.The user requested the creation of 5 unique DALL-E 3 prompts. After reviewing examples of effective prompts, I have crafted and sent a set of 5 unique prompts to the user for potential logos relating to a tech news theme, without referencing ‘CyberCuration’.I have sent the list of 5 DALL-E 3 prompts to the user and received a system message indicating that it is time to proceed with the task completion plan. The system is now being shut down post completion of the task.The user was messaged with the file ‘dalle_prompts_cybercuration.txt’ containing 5 DALL-E 3 prompts for the CyberCuration tech news page logo. The ‘task_complete’ command has been used to conclude the session.The task involved creating and sending DALL-E 3 prompts for an Instagram tech news page logo named ‘CyberCuration’ which has been completed. The user has been sent the file ‘dalle_prompts_cybercuration.txt’ with the prompts and now, as per the latest instructions, the session will be marked as complete.Started a task to provide information on what an SEC filing is. I initiated a Google search using the ‘google’ command with the input ‘What is an SEC filing’. Post-search, I will need to summarize and report the findings to the user without any direct interaction. No files have been created yet. If a random shutdown occurs, the next GPT instance should continue from this point.saved google search results at googleresults13.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Performed a search on the definition of an SEC filing using the ‘google’ command. Compiled the key points from the search results into a summary and am now saving this summary to a new file named ‘SEC_filing_summary.txt’. If a new GPT instance needs to take over, the file will contain the necessary information about SEC filings ready to be sent to the user.Summarized the definition of an SEC filing and appended the summary to the file ‘SEC_filing_summary.txt’. The file is 58 words long. I am now sending the contents of this file to the user. Upon successful delivery, the next step will be to use the ‘task_complete’ command. File involved: ‘SEC_filing_summary.txt’Sent a message to the user containing the summary of ‘What is an SEC filing’, derived from the file ‘SEC_filing_summary.txt’. The summary was successfully communicated, and no further action is required. Proceeding to use the ‘task_complete’ command to conclude service for now. No new files were created, and the task is complete.Intent to summarize an article from the provided URL into bullet points. The first action is browsing the website. In case of shutdown before task completion, proceed with summarization once the content is available. Previous files: ‘SEC_filing_summary.txt’, ‘dalle_prompts_cybercuration.txt’, ‘googleresults13.txt’.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults14.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Created a bullet-point summary of the article from MSPoweruser about Microsoft proving GPT-4’s superiority over Google Gemini Ultra with new prompting techniques. The summary is saved in ‘mspoweruser_summary.txt’. If a shutdown occurs before messaging the user, the next step is to send the summary from the file to the user and then complete the task.Began the task of summarizing an article from a provided URL. The first action was to execute the ‘browse_website’ command to access the content. Subsequent actions will include summarizing the content into bullet points and messaging the user with the summary. Previous files: ‘SEC_filing_summary.txt’, ‘dalle_prompts_cybercuration.txt’, ‘googleresults13.txt’.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults15.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Accessed the content of the MSPoweruser article about GPT-4 and Gemini Ultra. Created a bullet-point summary saved in ‘mspoweruser_summary.txt’. If a shutdown occurs before messaging the user, the next step is to send this summary from the file to the user and complete the task. Previous files: ‘SEC_filing_summary.txt’, ‘dalle_prompts_cybercuration.txt’, ‘googleresults13.txt’, ‘websiteresults14.txt’.Summarized the MSPoweruser article into bullet points and wrote it to ‘mspoweruser_summary.txt’. Messaged the user the content of this summary, fulfilling the task requirement. Next, I plan to await confirmation of message delivery and then use ‘task_complete’. Previous relevant files: ‘SEC_filing_summary.txt’, ‘dalle_prompts_cybercuration.txt’, ‘googleresults13.txt’, ‘websiteresults14.txt’, ‘mspoweruser_summary.txt’.Messaged the user with the bullet-point summary from the file ‘mspoweruser_summary.txt’. Having sent the message and received system confirmation, I am now using the ‘task_complete’ command to shut down. The pertinent files related to this task are ‘SEC_filing_summary.txt’, ‘dalle_prompts_cybercuration.txt’, ‘googleresults13.txt’, ‘websiteresults14.txt’, and ‘mspoweruser_summary.txt’.No previous session context. The current task is to find out what Medprompt is. I have initiated a Google search for ‘What is Medprompt’. Next steps include reviewing the results, summarizing the information, and messaging the user with the findings. No files created or websites visited yet for this task.saved google search results at googleresults16.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Searched for the meaning of Medprompt and found various sources describing it as both a new prompting strategy from Microsoft to enhance GPT-4’s performance in medical benchmarks and a web app related to prescription medication consolidation. The information has been synthesized into a file named ‘medprompt_summary.txt’, and the next steps are to message the user with this summary and complete the task. The previous relevant file was ‘SEC_filing_summary.txt’.Task to find out what ‘Medprompt’ is. Initiated a Google search and awaiting search results. No files created or websites visited yet. Next steps include summarizing the information and messaging the user with the findings. The relevant file from the previous task was ‘SEC_filing_summary.txt’.saved google search results at googleresults17.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Conducted a Google search on ‘Medprompt’. Received multiple sources, selected an article from for detailed information. Plan to extract key details from this source, summarize them, and communicate them to the user. No files created or summary made yet.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults18.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Accessed content from regarding Microsoft’s Medprompt. Created a summary of the Medprompt technology, demonstrating its effectiveness in enhancing the accuracy of GPT-4 in medical benchmarks. The next step is to communicate this summary to the user. The file ‘medprompt_summary.txt’ contains the information. If a shutdown occurs before sending, this file should be used to message the user with the Medprompt details.Wrote a summary of Microsoft’s Medprompt to the file ‘medprompt_summary.txt’. The user is being messaged with this summary. Upon confirmation of message delivery, I will proceed to mark this task as complete. The relevant file containing the task information is ‘medprompt_summary.txt’.Sent the user a message containing the summary of Microsoft’s Medprompt from the file ‘medprompt_summary.txt’. The task has reached completion and I am now ending the session with ‘task_complete’. No further actions are needed.Task to summarize a URL into bullet points has been initiated. The URL is The ‘browse_website’ command has been used to access the website’s content. Awaiting content to proceed with summarization. No new files have been created or previous files used yet. Next steps will be summarizing content into bullet points, saving the summary, and messaging the user. In case of a shutdown, these steps need to be followed in sequence.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults19.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.I was tasked with summarizing the content from a given URL ( into bullet points. I accessed the content, created a summary, and then used the ‘write_to_file’ command to save it to ‘preparedness_framework_summary.txt’. The summarization reflects the core elements of OpenAI’s Preparedness Framework for frontier AI model safety. The next step is to message the user with this summary, which has not yet been done. If a new GPT instance is activated, it should retrieve the summary from the file and message the user with the content. No other files have been created or previous files used. The command used is ‘write_to_file’ with the filename ‘preparedness_framework_summary.txt’.Completed the summarization of the OpenAI’s Preparedness Framework into a file named ‘preparedness_framework_summary.txt’. The summary was then sent to the user using the ‘message_user’ command. The next step is to confirm the successful delivery of this message and then carry out the ‘task_complete’ command to signal the end of this task. No new files have been created beyond ‘preparedness_framework_summary.txt’. If a new instance is needed, it should confirm the message delivery and close the session.I have summated the OpenAI Preparedness Framework into a file named ‘preparedness_framework_summary.txt’ and relayed this summary to the user using the ‘message_user’ command. Following system confirmation that the message was sent, I am now utilizing ‘task_complete’ to end the session. This will mark the end of the task. No additional files were created or used, and no further actions are required.Search about the MIT AI ethics framework has been initiated to find relevant information that could help in summarizing their approach to AI ethics. No files written or websites visited yet. After finding a suitable source, I’ll create a summary to inform the user about MIT’s framework.saved google search results at googleresults20.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.After a Google search on ‘MIT AI ethics framework’, the first link to the MIT Media Lab’s page on ‘Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence’ was chosen to be the most relevant source of information for the task. The next action is to browse this website and summarize MIT’s AI ethics framework to inform the user.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults21.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.Created a file named ‘MIT_AI_ethics_framework_summary.txt’ containing a summary of the Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence initiative as found on the MIT Media Lab’s website. This summary is ready to be sent to the user. The text captures the project’s intention, scope, and research from its active period, but it is noted that the project was completed in June 2020, so the summary might not include more recent updates.After locating and summarizing the MIT Media Lab’s initiative that ended in June 2020, I’ve initiated a search for any recent updates to MIT’s AI ethics framework to ensure the user receives a summary with the most current information. No files have been created or websites visited yet relating to this new search. Upon finding the updated framework, the next step is to summarize that information and message the user with the findings.saved google search results at googleresults22.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.The results from the recent Google Search provided several links potentially outlining MIT’s updated AI ethics framework. The most promising source is a recent report by ‘Digital Watch’ on comprehensive ethical AI governance by MIT experts. To proceed, I am visiting the suggested URL to gather the necessary information to create an updated summary for the user. The related task is to provide a summary of MIT’s recent AI ethics framework to the user without creating new files so far. Post summarization, I should message the user with the findings.saved the scraping of the website results at websiteresults23.txt to retrieve if shutdown randomly.MIT’s comprehensive framework for ethical AI governance was summarized, focusing on AI oversight integration into existing regulations, defining AI purposes, responsibilities of stakeholders, a potential new oversight body and various legal challenges. A summary has been written to ‘mit_ai_ethics_update_summary.txt’. The next step is to send this summary to the user, and then complete the task with ‘task_complete’. Previous files: ‘SEC_filing_summary.txt’, ‘dalle_prompts_cybercuration.txt’, ‘googleresults13.txt’.A summary of the MIT comprehensive framework for ethical AI governance was created based on the information from the Digital Watch Observatory article. The contents of the summary were written to ‘mit_ai_ethics_update_summary.txt’, and I’m currently in the process of sending the user this summary. Files related to the task include ‘mit_ai_ethics_update_summary.txt’, ‘SEC_filing_summary.txt’, ‘dalle_prompts_cybercuration.txt’, and ‘googleresults13.txt’. Following this, the next step is to close the session with ‘task_complete’.The summary of MIT’s updated framework for ethical AI governance has been sent to the user, and the task is now complete. Files involved in this task were ‘mit_ai_ethics_update_summary.txt’, ‘SEC_filing_summary.txt’, ‘dalle_prompts_cybercuration.txt’, and ‘googleresults13.txt’. The session is ending with the execution of ‘task_complete’. If a new GPT instance is activated, there are no pending actions related to this task.Awaiting new instructions or context to understand what is meant by ‘stage’. No new files created or websites visited, and all previous tasks are complete.No new tasks or instructions were provided after inquiring about the ‘stage’. The ‘do_nothing’ command was given appropriately, and now the ‘task_complete’ command is being executed, signaling readiness for the next instruction. The Task: What stage are we in right now relating to how autonomous AI is ?
answer:{ "command": { "name": "google", "args": { "input": "current stage of autonomous AI development" } }, "thoughts": { "text": "To address the task, a google search will provide up-to-date information on the current stage of autonomous AI development.", "reasoning": "Utilizing the 'google' command allows me to obtain relevant information about the development status of autonomous AI. Since the field of AI is rapidly advancing, a web search will likely yield the most current insights.", "plan": "- Initiate a Google searchn- Review the search resultsn- Condense the findings into a summaryn- Save the summary to a filen- Message the user with the summary", "criticism": "None at this time, just initiated the search as per task requirement.", "summaryforgpt": "Starting the task to find out the current stage of autonomous AI development by conducting a Google search. The search results will inform the creation of a summary to be sent to the user." } }
question:{'results': [{'title': 'Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Guide: The future of AI', 'snippet': 'Autonomous artificial intelligence is the next step in our relationship with technology. Read our guide to learn about its global impact.', 'link': '', 'date': 'Mar 3, 2022'}, {'title': 'The Current Status Of Artificial Intelligence', 'snippet': 'The Current State of AI: AI is continually evolving with rapid adoption… The adoption of AI is evident in several key areas: Overview of the Current Status of ...', 'link': ''}, {'title': 'The Future of Autonomous Systems', 'snippet': 'This article will explore the current state of autonomous systems, the roles of AI and robotics in their development, their potential ...', 'link': '', 'date': 'Jun 13, 2023'}, {'title': 'Review of the state of the art in autonomous artificial ...', 'snippet': 'This article reviews the current state-of-the-art in autonomous AI, with a specific focus on data preparation, feature engineering and ...', 'link': ''}, {'title': 'The State of Autonomous Vehicles in 2023 - Collimator', 'snippet': 'According to McKinsey, by 2030 vehicles that are fully autonomous will be able to operate “anywhere, anytime” with Level 5 technology, the ...', 'link': '', 'date': 'Feb 16, 2023'}, {'title': 'What is autonomous AI? A guide for enterprises', 'snippet': 'The revolution in artificial intelligence (AI) has reached a stage when current solutions can reliably complete many simple, coordinated tasks.', 'link': '', 'date': 'Mar 31, 2022'}, {'title': 'SQ2. What are the most important advances in AI?', 'snippet': 'The last five years have seen consistent progress in intelligent robotics driven by machine learning, powerful computing and communication capabilities, and ...', 'link': ''}, {'title': 'The 3 Stages of AI', 'snippet': 'There are three stages of AI: ANI: Artificial Narrow IntelligenceAGI: Artificial General IntelligenceASI: Artificial Super Intelligence.', 'link': ''}, {'title': 'Autonomous mobility and autonomous AI', 'snippet': 'In the last step of development, AI systems become adult or autonomous (“Autonomous AI”). This means that algorithms are given more freedom of decision and ...', 'link': ''}, {'title': 'Top Trends Advancing Autonomous Vehicles Development ...', 'snippet': "1st March 2023: Newsletter discussing top trends advancing autonomous vehicles development in 2023. It isn't the 'Age of the Transformers' ...", 'link': ''}]}
answer:{ "command": { "name": "read_file", "args": { "file": "googleresults16.txt" } }, "thoughts": { "text": "Before summarizing the current stage of autonomous AI, I need to read the search results saved in 'googleresults16.txt'.", "reasoning": "Reading the file will provide me with information on the various perspectives and sources regarding the status of autonomous AI. This allows me to create a comprehensive summary for the user.", "plan": "- Read 'googleresults16.txt' filen- Analyze the contents to understand the current stage of autonomous AIn- Summarize the findings into a clear and concise reportn- Save the summary to a filen- Message the user with the summary from the file", "criticism": "I need to ensure that the summary is a nuanced reflection of the search results, covering the breadth of information available.", "summaryforgpt": "I have received search results related to the current stage of autonomous AI. Now I plan to read the contents of 'googleresults16.txt', summarize the information, and forward it to the user. I need to make sure that the summary is reflective of the varying degrees of progress and perspectives outlined by the sources found." } }
question:{'results': [{'title': "Microsoft's Medprompt demonstrates the power of prompting", 'snippet': "Microsoft's Medprompt, a new prompting strategy, enables GPT-4 to achieve top scores on medical question benchmarks and outperform specialized ...", 'link': '', 'date': 'Dec 4, 2023'}, {'title': 'Microsoft Shares New Prompting Techniques to Push the ...', 'snippet': 'By modifying an approach called Medprompt, originally designed for medical questions, the team attained the highest MMLU score ever recorded ...', 'link': '', 'date': '7 days ago'}, {'title': "Microsoft's Medprompt+ with GPT-4 Beats Gemini Ultra ...", 'snippet': 'Extending Medprompt: Medprompt+ extends the original framework by incorporating simple, direct prompts alongside the sophisticated CoT-based ...', 'link': ''}, {'title': 'Researchers Extend GPT-4 With New Prompting Method', 'snippet': 'In the Medprompt technique, the researchers selected training examples that are semantically similar to a given test case. This dynamic approach ...', 'link': '', 'date': 'Nov 30, 2023'}, {'title': 'The Power of Prompting - Microsoft Research', 'snippet': 'In our more recent study, we show how the composition of several prompting strategies into a method that we refer to as “Medprompt” can ...', 'link': '', 'date': 'Nov 28, 2023'}, {'title': 'MedPrompt', 'snippet': 'MedPrompt is a web app which uses AI to helps consolidate complex combinations of prescription medications. MedPrompt attempts to understand ...', 'link': '', 'date': 'Mar 18, 2022'}, {'title': 'GPT-4 with Medprompt achieves state-of-the-art ...', 'snippet': 'The Medprompt study shows the value of more deeply exploring prompting possibilities for transforming generalist models into specialists and ...', 'link': ''}, {'title': 'MedPrompt: Cross-Modal Prompting for Multi-Task Medical ...', 'snippet': 'Cross-modal medical image translation is an essential task for synthesizing missing modality data for clinical diagnosis.', 'link': '', 'date': 'Oct 4, 2023'}, {'title': "Matthias Bastian's Post - microsoft #medprompt #gpt4 #ai", 'snippet': "Here's what you need to know: - The new prompting strategy, Medprompt, combines dynamic few-shot selection, self-generated chain-of-thought (CoT) ...", 'link': ''}, {'title': 'GPT-4 Beats MedPaLM 2 for Medical Questions - Synthedia', 'snippet': "Microsoft's Medprompt approach combines several prompt engineering techniques to outperform MedPaLM 2, including GPT- 4-generated chain-of ...", 'link': ''}]}
answer:{ "command": { "name": "browse_website", "args": { "url": "" } }, "thoughts": { "text": "To accurately summarize the current stage of autonomous AI, it's essential to examine a detailed source. The chosen URL appears to be a comprehensive guide on autonomous AI and its implications.", "reasoning": "The website from Algotive appears to be a specialized source providing an in-depth look at autonomous artificial intelligence. Accessing the content will allow me to craft a well-informed summary.", "plan": "- Access the chosen websiten- Review and understand the content provided in the guiden- Summarize key points discussing the stage of autonomous AI developmentn- Save the summary to a filen- Message the user with the summary", "criticism": "While selecting a single source to summarize may provide a focused perspective, I must be careful to ensure that the insights are comprehensive and reflective of the overall current stage of autonomous AI development.", "summaryforgpt": "Task at hand: Summarize the current stage of autonomous AI development. Selected URL from Algotive AI's blog as a relevant and informative source to gain insights on the topic. Future steps include reviewing, summarizing the content, and communicating the summary to the user." } }
question:Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Guide: The future of AI vehicleDRX® Careers (888) 862-3070 vehicleDRX Resources Join Us Be our Partner About Us News Research Contact us Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Guide: The future of AI March 3, 2022 What is autonomous artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that enhances collaboration between humans and machines. AI has the ability to perform highly analytical, responsive, and scalable tasks automatically and efficiently. Autonomous artificial intelligence is the advancement of this technology, where an autonomous system executes various actions to create an expected outcome, without further human intervention. In this article, we will review how AI and autonomous AI work, why they are so important, and how we apply this technology in our daily lives. Table of contents What can autonomous artificial intelligence do? How does autonomous artificial intelligence work? What is the impact of autonomous artificial intelligence? 4 types of artificial intelligence Weak AI vs. Strong AI vs. Autonomous Artificial Intelligence What is Machine Learning? What is Deep Learning? Benefits and Risks of AI and Autonomous AI 4 industries that benefit most from autonomous AI AI Glossary What can autonomous artificial intelligence do? Autonomous artificial intelligence takes the capabilities of AI to the next level. Through highly calculating, cooperative, and self-reliant machines, it solves many of the most challenging problems in critical industries. Autonomous artificial intelligence can work without human intervention in specific tasks to accelerate and improve detection, recognition, and response in sectors like law enforcement, banking, retail, and industrial operations. Autonomous artificial intelligence applications will not replace human labor. Instead, humankind will form new collaborative spaces to work with this technology as a peer. We call it the machine-colleague experience. If you want to learn more about the history of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning, see our full article here. How does autonomous artificial intelligence work? Traditional artificial intelligence systems work by ingesting great amounts of labeled data to detect, organize, and create certain outcomes like correlations and patterns, predictions, or automatic responses. For example, a video analytics system has to review millions of examples of a car to learn how it looks. It is usually fed and labeled by data analysts and AI engineers. Learn more about Data Science and how it works with AI in our full article here.Autonomous artificial intelligence is a technology that leverages artificial intelligence functionalities to their maximum capacity, allowing for a faster and more effective response in tasks like object detection, behavior analytics, autonomous tracking, and scalable responses to events. Autonomous AI orchestrates different tasks across various AI algorithms, allowing it to complete and follow through tasks under time-stressed scenarios. Autonomous AI brings together all the potential of each artificial intelligence algorithm it interacts with to produce better results. This allows human operators to delegate repetitive tasks and focus on better strategic approaches to particular issues. What is the impact of autonomous artificial intelligence? Autonomous artificial intelligence will increase the profits and benefits, that AI has already produced in various global industries. From helping shipping companies predict arrival times to teach scientists how to treat cancer more effectively; or to governments being able to detect crimes faster, artificial intelligence (AI) has profoundly impacted worldwide. Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence and how Autonomous AI can solve them in our full article here. Artificial intelligence has been one of the main drivers of technological innovation in recent years. Currently, more than 30 countries have been developing national strategies to improve their AI positions, according to the US think tank Information technology and innovation foundation (ITIF). The global AI market revenue, including software, hardware, and services, is estimated to grow 18.8% in 2022 and remains on track to break the 500 billion mark in 2024 worldwide. 4 types of artificial intelligence and autonomous AI “... intelligent systems are able to handle huge amounts of data and make complex calculations very quickly. But they lack an element that will be key to building the sentient machines we picture having in the future”.– Arend Hintze In a 2016 article, Arend Hintze, former assistant professor of integrative biology and computer science and engineering at Michigan State University, explained that AI could be divided into four categories. Hintze starts with task-specific intelligent systems widely used today to later progress to sentient systems that do not exist yet. We can find autonomous AI at an intermediate point between these technologies and the next generation of AI. Type of AI #1: Reactive machines This type of AI performs specific tasks according to inputs received. Rather than engaging with the world through an all-encompassing perspective, its vision is focused on rating the best outcomes to complete the tasks it has been programmed for. It has no memory nor perception of time, just a sharp focus on its objective. Deep Blue, the IBM chess software that defeated Garry Kasparov in the 1990s, is an example. Deep Blue can recognize pieces on the chessboard and make predictions, but it can't utilize past experiences to influence future ones since it has no memory. Type of AI #2: Limited memory. This AI can look into a past version of a representation of the world to retrieve certain information. In other words, it can recall and form memories over a specific period of time to inform future decisions. We can see some examples of this technology in our daily lives. Some of the decision-making functions in self-driving cars are designed this way, and websites collect users’ navigational information to suggest relevant information or products. Type of AI #3: Theory of mind This type of AI is an important divide between the technology we already have and the technology to come in the next decades. In addition to forming representations of the world, these machines understand emotions on a social level. This type of intelligence makes societies possible, allowing for agreements and meaningful interactions. Its capacities would include the ability to infer human intentions and predict behavior. Some robots like the Kismet robot head and the humanoid robot Sophia can recognize faces and respond to interactions with her own facial expressions. Type of AI #4: Self-awareness The last type of AI can form representations about themselves. These would include recognizing their internal states and predicting how others may feel. In other words, they have consciousness. This kind of AI is far from being created. Before that, researchers and engineers will have to understand human memory, learning, consciousness, and how to build machines that have those qualities What type of AI is autonomous artificial intelligence? Autonomous artificial intelligence is an advancement in current AI technology, although its AI cannot develop an awareness of its environment or itself as humans do. But autonomous AI can make its own decisions in various emergencies or is highly critical. Autonomous AI orchestrates the different technologies needed to solve a problem in any of these cases and uses the most relevant ones at its discretion, based on parameters set by humans. Autonomous AI is a bridge between present technology and what technology will be like in the future. Weak AI vs strong AI vs Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Besides categorizing AI by its functionalities, this technology can also be divided into its capabilities, which are the abilities that produce an outcome. AI can be clustered into three categories within this definition: weak AI, strong AI, and artificial superintelligence. As we previously stated, autonomous AI is a bridge between today’s technology and future technology, mutating into an even more powerful technology in the upcoming years. AI can be categorized as: Weak AI Also known as narrow AI, it is an AI system designed and trained to complete a specific task. Industrial robots and virtual personal assistants, such as Apple's Siri, use weak AI. Strong AI Also known as artificial general intelligence (AGI), it describes programming that can replicate the cognitive abilities of the human brain. Strong AI has yet to be realized by AI researchers and scientists. They'd have to figure out a means to make machines conscious and program them with a full set of cognitive abilities to succeed. Machines would have to take experiential learning to the next level, having the ability to apply experiential knowledge to a wider range of situations rather than merely boosting efficiency on single activities. A strong AI program would be able to pass the Turing Test. Artificial Superintelligence Artificial superintelligence (ASI) is a hypothetical AI that does more than mimic or understand human intelligence and behavior; ASI is when computers become self-aware and exceed human intelligence and ability. ASI would theoretically be superior at everything we do, including math, science, athletics, art, medicine, hobbies, emotional connections, and everything else, in addition to reproducing human intelligence. ASI would have a better memory and process and analyze information and stimuli more quickly. Capabilities of Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Autonomous AI capabilities fall between weak AI and strong AI, breaching a gap between the state of today’s AI and where it will be in not such a distant future. While autonomous AI’s abilities allow it to excel in specific and narrow tasks, it also can combine and choose how to connect different technologies to achieve an expected outcome. It’s still far from thinking like a human, but it can be an invaluable peer in specific situations. Learn more about the 7 types of Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Artificial Intelligence in our full article here. What is Machine Learning? Machine Learning (ML) is most typically utilized when firms install artificial intelligence systems nowadays. Both phrases, AI and ML, are often used interchangeably and ambiguously. Machine learning is an artificial intelligence area that allows computers to learn without being explicitly taught. Machine learning (ML) is a subfield of artificial intelligence that allows machines to learn without being explicitly programmed. The majority of artificial intelligence in this category is paired with big data. Applications that make suggestions, such as Netflix or Spotify, use this approach. Learn more about Machine Learning (ML) and how it works in detail in our article Machine Learning: What is ML and how does it work? What is Deep Learning? Deep Learning (DL) is a type of machine learning that trains a computer to perform human-like tasks, such as speech recognition, image identification, or predictions. The computer is prepared to learn by recognizing patterns using many processing layers. Using deep learning, a computer model learns to execute categorization tasks from images, text, or sound. Deep learning models can achieve cutting-edge accuracy, sometimes even outperforming humans. A vast set of labeled data and neural network topologies with multiple layers are used to train models. Click here and learn more about how Deep Learning works and its impact worldwide today. Benefits and risks of AI and autonomous AI Something is clear at this point: artificial intelligence will keep evolving, far beyond our current expectations. It has already altered the way we consume media, communicate with one another, and overall experience the world around us. However, as with every new technology that grows and becomes widely available, there are benefits and risks involved in its use. Here are some of them: 5 Benefits of AI and autonomous AI 1. Process automation: One of the most immediate benefits of this technology is its ability to take over repetitive tasks, which can be accelerated with the right machinery. 2. Avoiding risks and errors: One of the main qualities of AI is its accuracy. Human operators cannot take 100% responsibility for their actions all of the time. Machines can, and they can optimize otherwise. 3. 24x7 availability: Another major quality of AI over humans is their availability. The fact that a machine can keep working while we rest makes it very necessary. 4. Instant interconnectivity: In an increasingly connected world, AI and autonomous AI help speed up communications and the passing of information not only between devices but also between individuals. 5. Increased productivity: The capabilities of AI and autonomous AI make it possible to clearly detect areas of opportunity for each business, and anticipate future events that alter the pace of business production. 5 Risks of AI and autonomous AI 1. Prejudice and discrimination: It is becoming increasingly clear that AI is linked to many human social prejudices. This largely has to do with the registration of data from certain areas of the population compared to others. This is a risk that needs to be addressed in developing AI technologies. 2. Policy implications: The scope of AI technologies may put sensitive information from various regions in the world at risk. So it is important to create security procedures and even regulatory apparatus to avoid such damage. 3. High costs: Several companies' investment in artificial intelligence is usually very high. As time goes by, the price for implementing these technologies will decrease, but it is essential to create greater opportunities so that as many people can use them as possible. 4. Lack of regulations: The lack of understanding about the operation and scope of this technology means that third parties or other parties are often affected and are not protected by the law in case of violations to their security or privacy due to this type of technology. 5. Media representations: Many of the representations in the popular culture of AI alter the perception of what this technology does. Having more information outside of these representations will help engage in more fruitful discussions about AI. 4 industries benefitted from AI 1. Public Safety Artificial intelligence advances in public safety will transform the sector forever. Video surveillance devices will cease to be tools; instead, they will be able to act in real-time and make decisions in conjunction with human operators. Officers will concentrate on attending to the emergency or case at hand rather than dealing with the manual and unfruitful tasks of monitoring and tracking vehicles. Learn more about our autonomous AI solution for law enforcement here. And get the whole scope of how AI has impacted surveillance in our full article here. 2. Banking AI will transform the financial industry, especially in security outside and inside banking facilities. While cybersecurity has become the main issue for several AI solutions, our new autonomous AI solutions will help provide a secure experience for customers, protecting them from theft attempts and even alerting them about any suspicious behavior in real-time. 3. Safety and procurement Using powerful computer algorithms, artificial intelligence allows procurement firms to tackle complicated challenges more efficiently or effectively. From spend analysis to contract administration and strategic sourcing, AI may be integrated into a variety of software applications. Most of the outcomes companies seek when using AI are to increase efficiency, favor quality, accelerate processes and optimize operations, favoring companies to increase sales and minimize errors. The autonomous AI applications that will be developed for the industry in the coming years will be responsible for amplifying these benefits. 4. Market Research One of the benefits of employing AI in market research is that it dramatically reduces its time to create an overview of customer desires. AI solutions produce information in a matter of seconds that used to take marketing teams days or even weeks. Early adopters of these technologies are already reaping economic benefits, and autonomous AI developments in the industry will further increase profits. Companies can continuously study the market using automation, information creation, and natural language processing rather than spending time, labor, and money on these tasks. Autonomous artificial AI will free humans from more repetitive, low-impact tasks. Learn more about how our autonomous artificial intelligence solutions can work for your organization. Just click here, leave us your contact information, and we will show you all the possibilities you can achieve with our revolutionary technology. AI Glossary Would you like to understand more about artificial intelligence but do not know where to start? You're in the right place! We know that it is challenging to understand artificial intelligence. Even more so if you do not know what the words used in AI discussions mean. So here are some essential terms to know about AI. A/B Testing A statistical method for comparing two (or more) variants or approaches of a system or a model. The goal of A/B testing is to determine whether the approach works better and if the difference is statistically significant. Activation Function A function that takes the weighted total of all the inputs from the previous layer and provides an output value to ignite the next layer in Artificial Neural Networks (for example, ReLU or sigmoid). Algorithm An unambiguous description of a process, A collection of mathematical instructions or rules that can execute computations, handle data, and automate reasoning to solve a class of issues. Artificial Intelligence Technology that fosters collaboration between humans and technology by automatically performing highly analytical, responsive, and scalable tasks. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) It is a subset of machine learning and the heart of deep learning algorithms. Their name and structure are inspired by the human brain, mimicking how biological neurons signal to one another. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) It is the intelligence of a machine that could perform a task in the same way as the human brain and is a topic of great interest to science fiction writers and researchers. Area Under the Curve (AUC) A methodology used in Machine Learning to determine which one of several used models have the highest performance. Autonomous Artificial Intelligence The next step in the development of AI technologies. An application that enhances the capacities of detection, recognition, and response of AI solutions in high criticality areas. Batch The set of examples used in one iteration of model training. Big Data A big amount of structured and unstructured data, usually too complicated for standard data processing software to comprehend and categorize. Black-box algorithms Any artificial intelligence system whose inputs and operations are not visible to the user is an impenetrable system in a general sense. Bounding Box The smallest box fully containing a set of points or an object used in computer vision applications. Classification Approximating a mapping function from input variables to discrete output variables. Clustering Especially during unsupervised learning, grouping related examples. After all of the instances have been sorted, a human can optionally give each cluster meaning. Computer Vision It is a subfield of machine learning that teaches computers to 'see' and understand the content of digital images. Learn more about how computer vision works with artificial intelligence in our article here. Convolutional Neural Networks Deep Learning algorithm that can take in an input image and evaluate and distinguish the importance of various aspects in the picture. Decision Tree Obtaining an understanding of data by considering samples, measurement, and visualization. Computer vision A category of Supervised Machine Learning algorithms where the data is iteratively split in respect to a given parameter or criteria. Deep learning It is a type of machine learning that trains a computer to perform tasks as humans do, such as speech recognition, image identification, or making predictions. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Algorithmic architectures that use two neural networks, pitting one against the other to generate new, synthetic instances of data passing for actual data. They are used in image, video, and voice generation applications. Machine learning or ML The usage and development of computer systems that can learn and adapt without having to be told what to do. Natural Language Processing A specialization within AI that manages the understanding and creation of verbal and written language. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) Their goal is to mimic how humans naturally learn and use their experience to read situations—allowing information to persist and be transmitted. Reinforcement learning It is the training of machine learning models to make a sequence of decisions. The agent learns to achieve a goal in an uncertain, potentially complex environment. Semi-supervised learning It's a method of developing artificial intelligence in which a computer algorithm is trained on labeled input data for a certain output. Supervised learning It's a method of developing artificial intelligence in which a computer algorithm is trained on labeled input data for a certain output. Training data A dataset for training, tuning, and improving AI models. Transfer learning A deep learning approach in which programmers reuse a neural network developed for one goal and apply it to a different domain to address a different problem. Turing Test A test for a computer's intelligence requires a person to differentiate the machine from another human using the responses to questions posed to both. Unsupervised learning Artificial intelligence algorithms used to find patterns in data sets that contain data points that aren't classed or labeled. If you want to learn about the impact of Machine Learning, in your day-to-day life, read our article 5 Machine Learning examples. Discover what our autonomous artificial intelligence can do for you and your company. Discover more now Follow us Resources Careers Be our Partner About Us Contact News Research Algotive copyright © 2019 - 2023 Privacy Policy Terms of Use Legal Rest of the World México France
answer:```json { "command": { "name": "write_to_file", "args": { "file": "AI_progress_summary.txt", "text": "Autonomous artificial intelligence represents the evolution of AI where systems can perform tasks and make decisions independently, without human interaction. Moving from task-specific algorithms (Weak AI) to potentially self-aware systems (Strong AI and ASI), autonomous AI is currently bridging the gap between narrow AI applications and the broader, human-like cognition of the future. It leverages machine learning and deep learning to optimize detection, recognition, and response, particularly in critical industries, thus enhancing efficiency while reducing the need for repetitive human labor. Although we haven't achieved Strong AI, autonomous AI facilitates streamlined operations in sectors like public safety, banking, procurement, and market research, promising increased profitability and productivity. As AI technology advances, it brings both opportunities and challenges that need to be managed, from ethical considerations to ensuring privacy and security in its applications." } }, "thoughts": { "text": "I've summarized the key points of the article. Now I will write this summary to a file to prepare to send it to the user.", "reasoning": "Condensing the information from the article into a comprehensive summary allows for easier transmission and digestion of the material. Writing this to a file ensures that the information can be retrieved and sent to the user efficiently.", "plan": "- Write the summary to 'AI_progress_summary.txt'n- Message the user with the content from the filen- Use the 'task_complete' command after confirming the user has received the information", "criticism": "I must ensure the summary is not too technical and is easily understandable for the user. It should include both the current state of autonomous AI and a look towards its future potential.", "summaryforgpt": "Completed summarization of the current stage of autonomous AI based on the provided Algotive article. The summary has been written to the file 'AI_progress_summary.txt'. Next, I will message the user with this summary and complete the task." } } ```