question:Write really overly-funny super hilarious comedy 17+ short 1970s Scooby-Doo cartoon parody transcript that always starts with the opening with the villains and the random characters that are in FROM THE FIRST PARAGRAPH SENTENCE (With funny dialogue) moment first, then the gang hearing about it once they reach the area, and then the rest based on my prompt:(but make it more funnier adult comedy where the gang constantly make fun of and question physics that ain’t possible or don’t make any sense and why, The Mystery Machine is always parked in the most oddest places, beginning to end. Fred is the most illegal one, disobeys every law and is terrible at driving and often crashes to prove a point badly, Velma is too smart…Scrappy is a superhero with real powers and everyone likes him, Shaggy, mocks EVERY SINGLE name of people INCLUDING THE VILLAINS NAMES AFTER THAT with Scooby also mocking them, Fred would also put the blame for a monster’s crime on Red Herring (From A Pup Named Scooby-Doo), who’d often get mad at Fred for still blaming him and ends up in a funny situation himself before disappearing offscreen. The gang always know that a place they are going to doesn’t sound like it exists, they also know something in a place they go to shouldn’t even be there as it makes no sense, they question names of things or people and why, and even question the motives and why (Plus they constantly do pop culture references and jokes, and mentions of famous people, games, songs, and shows occasionally, AND they’d make fun of the plot in the prompt: THE GANG ALWAYS MOCKS ThE NAMES OF EVERYONE THEY MEET. EVEN THE VILLAINS AND EVEN MOCK THE LOCATION NAMES TOO. (Do this with EVERY prompt i give. Add the title too) (They also are very aware of the previous mystery after each one) And with episode titles that rhyme for example "There's a demon shark in the foggy dark", or "lock the door, it's a minotaur" , etc, etc, those are mere examples of what the titles should rhyme like) Willie the Weasel, a third-rate second-storey man, invents a formula which turns anyone exposed to it into Mr. Hyde. He robs a rare coins store, turning his dog, Snitch, into a Hyde Hound to demonstrate his power, then uses the antidote to revert to their former selves. Radley Crown is hosting a art exhibition at his chic art gallery. Dynomutt serves the guests junk food, all vitamin-enriched. The Falcon Flash causes Crown to end the show early, and the due rush to the Falcon's Lair via the Falconlift, where F.O.C.U.S. One informs them of Mr. Hyde's crime, and they activate the Falconcar. The crown jewels are being exhibited at the Big City museum; Willie and Snitch arrive, turn the security guards into Hyde monsters and leave as B-F and Dog Wonder arrive. The Duo restrain the transformed guards but the curator informs that a fifth Hyde ran out the front entrance. Dynomutt attempts to pursue him, but malfunctions and flies out the back door, where the Mystery Inc is waiting. Mystery Inc. got involved in the case because they thought they were dealing with their old enemy, the Ghost of Mr. Hyde (or perhaps a new criminal using that identity). They set a trap for him, but ended up catching Dynomutt instead. Dynomutt's owner, the superhero Blue Falcon, briefed them on the real situation; this was not a man pretending to be a ghost, but a villain with a split personality who could transform others into monsters. He accepted their offer of help with the investigation. They went together to City Hall to discuss the case with the Mayor. They wondered at Mr. Hyde's motives, since he only transformed museum security guards into monsters and had them try to make off with the Crowl Jewels; he took nothing for himself. Fred, Daphne, and Velma went back to the museum to search for clues. Blue Falcon, Dynomutt, Shaggy, and Scooby-Doo went to the Orville Research institute to consult Professor Orville about an antidote. They didn't realize Mr. Hyde was outside the window and had overheard their plans. At the Institute, Professor Orville was confident he could create an antidote, until Hyde came to the door pretending to be a telegram delivery man. When Orville opened the telegram, Hyde gas escaped and he was transformed into another monster. Shaggy, Scooby, and Dynomutt hid in a file cabinet when this happened. Hyde presented his demands: that he be made mayor by the end of the week or everyone in Big City would become Hydes. While Shaggy and Scooby watched, Dog Wonder tried to restrain the new Hyde and turned into a motorcycle instead, running into and capturing both Blue Falcon and the new Hyde. The original Hyde escaped. Hunting around the Institute's natural history display for Hyde, Dog Wonder and Scooby-Doo pounced on a paleolithic cave man figure instead, and got covered in rough brown hair. Dynomutt thought the fur-covered Scooby-Doo was Mr. Hyde and sucked him up with his vacuum cleaner attachment, along with everything else in the room. Everything had to be put back together before they went after Hyde again. Mystery Inc. and Blue Falcon regrouped at the Mayor's office. Fred showed a clue they found at the museum, a rubber glove dropped by Hyde. Dog Wonder ran an analysis on the glove and found that it belonged to Willie the Weasel, a third-rate second-story man who dropped out of sight two years before. They had cracked the identity of Mr. Hyde. The Mayor refused to give in to demands of Hyde to be made mayor himself, so Hyde tried to carry out his threat to make everyone Hydes by driving around and spraying his formula from his car. The many Hydes created this way went on a crime spree. Blue Falcon couldn't keep up with all the Hydes. He told the Mayor they might have to give in to Mr. Hyde's demands, as part of a plan to capture him. When Mr. Hyde took over the Mayor's office with Blue Falcon and Dynomutt watching, he tried one more trick to consolidate his power: he sprayed Blue Falcon and Dynomutt with his formula. They turned into Hydes and joined in his crime wave. Mr. Hyde took them back to his old headquarters to get more Hyde formula to extend his empire to other cities. They asked him how he would get to other places to do this, since his Hyde face would be recognized. He demonstrated his antidote which turned him back to Willie the Weasel. That was all the Blue Falcon was waiting for - he and Dog Wonder had avoided breathing in the formula with concealed filters and applied their own instant Hyde disguises. The Weasel still had a trick up his sleeve. He escaped out an emergency trap door and activated automatic steel plates to lock the superheros in. Dynomutt managed to break them out with his battering ram attachment. Blue Falcon called in Mystery Inc. to the Mayor's mansion, where Hyde was collecting his loot before getting out of town. The gang went out back to set up a trap. They looked in the window to see how thing were going and saw Dog Wonder use a girl-dog puppet to capture Hyde's dog Snitch and get the antidote from him. Hyde went out the front door, avoiding the trap in back, and tried to drive away. Blue Falcon stopped his car with a grappling hook attached to Dynomutt, who had drilled himself partially into the ground to provide a solid anchor. The gang and Blue Falcon reported their success to the Mayor. Shaggy said there was one loose end he had forgotten, which turned out to be the trap in the back of the Mayor's mansion. Dynomutt fell into it again, and he activated all sorts of random gadgets trying to get himself out.
answer:**Title: "Hyde and Sneak, It's a Freaky Week!"** [Opening Scene: Willie the Weasel and his dog, Snitch, are in a dimly lit lab.] **Willie the Weasel:** (cackling) "With this formula, we're gonna make Jekyll and Hyde look like a kiddie cartoon, Snitch!" **Snitch:** (barks in agreement) **Willie:** "Time to demonstrate the power of career advancement via bizarre chemistry!" [Cut to Radley Crown's art exhibition] **Radley Crown:** (Adjusting his monocle) "And now, for the pièce de résistance—" **Dynomutt:** (Bursting in with a platter of junk food) "Hot dogs! Get your vitamin-enriched hot dogs! They're art you can eat!" **Radley:** (Distressed) "Falcon Flash, we must depart immediately! The exhibition is devolving into a carnival!" [Cut to the Mystery Machine parked vertically on the side of a skyscraper.] **Fred:** (Bragging) "See? I told you I could park anywhere. Gravity is just a suggestion, gang." **Shaggy:** (Eyeing the building suspiciously) "Like, doesn't this city have, you know, parking lots, man?" **Scooby:** "Reah! Rarking rots!” **Velma:** "According to my calculations, the Mystery Machine defies at least three laws of physics by being here." **Scrappy:** (Flexing) "No law can contain us! Right, Uncle Scooby?" **Scooby:** "R-r-right, Scrappy!" [They zoom off to meet Blue Falcon for the mission briefing.] **Blue Falcon:** "We're dealing with a villain who turns people into Hydes. Why he doesn't steal anything for himself is the real mystery." **Shaggy:** "Like, maybe he's just doing it for the Hyde of it, dude!" **Scooby:** "Ror the Rhyde!" (Both laugh) [Fred, Daphne, and Velma head back to the museum.] **Fred:** "Check out this rubber glove. Only a super genius or an absolute moron drops this at the scene." **Velma:** "Considering our track record, it's 50/50." [Shaggy, Scooby, and Dynomutt at the Institute with Professor Orville] **Shaggy:** (Looking suspicious at a formula) "Like, do you think if I drink that, I could turn into someone who doesn’t get scared?" **Scooby:** "Ror reat rood without gaining reight?" **Dynomutt:** "Let's stick to solving mysteries, fellas, not creating them." **Blue Falcon:** "Hyde overheard our plans. It's time for a showdown at the Mayor's mansion." **Fred:** (Dramatically) "This ends tonight. No more Mr. Hyde guy." [They confront Willie the Weasel at the Mayor's mansion.] **Willie:** (Panicked as his plans unravel) "You'll never take me alive!" **Fred:** (Whispering to Daphne) "Why does every villain think we're law enforcement?” **Daphne:** (Shrugging) "It's the ascot. Gives you an authoritative aura." [The trap is set, and Willie tries to escape.] **Fred:** (Utterly destroying a piece of art while blocking the exit) "Oops. But, hey, art is subjective, right?" **Velma:** "Fred, your disregard for law, physics, and now art is truly astounding." **Blue Falcon:** (As they capture Willie) "Well done, team. Another villain apprehended thanks to teamwork, and an utter disdain for the laws of physics." **Shaggy:** (Mockingly) "And like, major props to Mr. Weasel. You're a real 'coin-operated' crook, dude!" **Scooby:** "Reah, a real 'change' of p-race!" (Both laugh) **Fred:** (Pointing) "Oh! And there goes Red Herring, arrested for jaywalking. Surely, he was behind this!" **Red Herring:** (Offscreen) "For the last time, Fred! It wasn't me!" [The gang laughs, as they all hop into the Mystery Machine, now parked on a cloud.] **Shaggy:** "Like, Fred, how are we even gonna drive home?" **Fred:** (Confidently) "The same way we do everything, Shag. Improvise and hope we don’t get a ticket." **All:** (Laughing as they drive off into the sunset... somehow) [Ending Credits Roll]
question:pourquoi typeAnnonce est a null lorsque je selectionne une annonce pourquoi : import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:supabase_flutter/supabase_flutter.dart'; import 'package:sae_mobile/models/User.dart' as user_model; import 'package:sae_mobile/models/Builder.dart' as builder_model; import 'package:sae_mobile/models/queries/distant/typeAnnonce.dart'; import 'package:sae_mobile/models/queries/local/annonce.dart' as aq; import 'package:sae_mobile/models/TypeAnnonce.dart'; final SupabaseClient supabaseClient = Supabase.instance.client; class CreateAnnonce extends StatefulWidget { const CreateAnnonce({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State<CreateAnnonce> createState() => _CreateAnnonceState(); } class _CreateAnnonceState extends State<CreateAnnonce> { final TextEditingController _titleController = TextEditingController(); final TextEditingController _descriptionController = TextEditingController(); final TextEditingController _dateDebController = TextEditingController(); final TextEditingController _dateFinController = TextEditingController(); int? _selectedTypeAnnonceIndex; List<TypeAnnonce>? typesAnnonce; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Column( children: [ Text('Create Annonce'), TextField( controller: _titleController, decoration: const InputDecoration(labelText: 'Title'), ), TextField( controller: _descriptionController, decoration: const InputDecoration(labelText: 'Description'), ), TextField( controller: _dateDebController, decoration: const InputDecoration( icon: Icon(Icons.calendar_today), labelText: "Enter Date"), readOnly: true, onTap: () async { DateTime? date = await showDatePicker( context: context, initialDate:, firstDate: DateTime(2000), lastDate: DateTime(2100), ); if (date != null) { _dateDebController.text = date.toString(); } }), TextField( controller: _dateFinController, decoration: const InputDecoration( icon: Icon(Icons.calendar_today), labelText: "Enter Date"), readOnly: true, onTap: () async { DateTime? date = await showDatePicker( context: context, initialDate:, firstDate: DateTime(2000), lastDate: DateTime(2100), ); if (date != null) { _dateFinController.text = date.toString(); } }), FutureBuilder<List<TypeAnnonce>>( future: builder_model.Builder.buildTypesAnnonceDistant(), builder: (context, snapshot) { if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) { return const CircularProgressIndicator(); } if (snapshot.hasError) { return Text('Error: {snapshot.error}'); } final typesAnnonce =!; if (_selectedTypeAnnonceIndex == null && typesAnnonce.isNotEmpty) { _selectedTypeAnnonceIndex = 0; } return DropdownButton<int>( value: _selectedTypeAnnonceIndex, items: typesAnnonce.asMap() { return DropdownMenuItem<int>( value: entry.key, child: Text(entry.value.libelle), ); }).toList(), onChanged: (int? newIndex) { setState(() { _selectedTypeAnnonceIndex = newIndex; }); }, hint: Text('Select a category'), ); }, ), FutureBuilder( future: builder_model.Builder.buildUserById( supabaseClient.auth.currentUser!.id), builder: (context, snapshot) { if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) { return const CircularProgressIndicator(); } if (snapshot.hasError) { return Text('Error: {snapshot.error}'); } final user = as user_model.User; return ElevatedButton( onPressed: () async { final selectedTypeAnnonce = typesAnnonce![_selectedTypeAnnonceIndex!]; await aq.AnnonceQueries.createAnnonce(, _titleController.text, _descriptionController.text, DateTime.parse(_dateDebController.text), DateTime.parse(_dateFinController.text), 1, 1, selectedTypeAnnonce!.id, ); Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/category'); }, child: Text('Create Annonce'), ); }, ), ], ); } }
answer:The issue seems to be related to the scope and timing of when you're attempting to access the `typesAnnonce` list. In the `FutureBuilder` where you handle the drop down for selecting a 'Type Annonce', you are declaring a new local variable `typesAnnonce` which shadows your class member variable of the same name: ```dart final typesAnnonce =!; ``` This line creates a new local variable inside the scope of the `FutureBuilder`, and this variable does not affect or update the class-level `typesAnnonce` variable that you're trying to use when creating the announcement. Consequently, when you attempt to access `typesAnnonce` in the button's `onPressed` callback, you're accessing the class-level `typesAnnonce`, which remains `null` because it was never updated by the `FutureBuilder`. To resolve this issue, you should update the class-level `typesAnnonce` variable directly within the `FutureBuilder` instead of creating a new local variable. Here’s how you can do it: ```dart // Inside FutureBuilder's builder method if (snapshot.hasData && != null) { typesAnnonce = as List<TypeAnnonce>; // Update class-level variable directly if (_selectedTypeAnnonceIndex == null && typesAnnonce!.isNotEmpty) { _selectedTypeAnnonceIndex = 0; } } ``` Now that you're updating the class-level `typesAnnonce`, when you access `typesAnnonce![_selectedTypeAnnonceIndex!]` in the button's `onPressed`, it should properly reference the selected type annonce. Additionally, make sure that in the `FutureBuilder` for fetching the user, the condition checking `typesAnnonce![_selectedTypeAnnonceIndex!]` is only accessed if `typesAnnonce` is not null and `_selectedTypeAnnonceIndex` is not null, to avoid potential null pointer exceptions. Finally, it's a good practice to avoid using the `!` operator blindly because it bypasses null safety checks and can lead to runtime errors. Instead, ensure non-nullness through logic or by providing fallbacks/default values.
question:Write really overly-funny super hilarious comedy 17+ short 1970s Scooby-Doo cartoon parody transcript that always starts with the opening with the villains and the random characters that are in FROM THE FIRST PARAGRAPH SENTENCE (With funny dialogue) moment first, then the gang hearing about it once they reach the area, and then the rest based on my prompt:(but make it more funnier adult comedy where the gang constantly make fun of and question physics that ain’t possible or don’t make any sense and why, The Mystery Machine is always parked in the most oddest places, beginning to end. Fred is the most illegal one, disobeys every law and is terrible at driving and often crashes to prove a point badly, Velma is too smart…Scrappy is a superhero with real powers and everyone likes him, Shaggy, mocks EVERY SINGLE name of people INCLUDING THE VILLAINS NAMES AFTER THAT with Scooby also mocking them, Fred would also put the blame for a monster’s crime on Red Herring (From A Pup Named Scooby-Doo), who’d often get mad at Fred for still blaming him and ends up in a funny situation himself before disappearing offscreen. The gang always know that a place they are going to doesn’t sound like it exists, they also know something in a place they go to shouldn’t even be there as it makes no sense, they question names of things or people and why, and even question the motives and why (Plus they constantly do pop culture references and jokes, and mentions of famous people, games, songs, and shows occasionally, AND they’d make fun of the plot in the prompt: THE GANG ALWAYS MOCKS ThE NAMES OF EVERYONE THEY MEET. EVEN THE VILLAINS AND EVEN MOCK THE LOCATION NAMES TOO. (Do this with EVERY prompt i give. Add the title too) (They also are very aware of the previous mystery after each one) And with episode titles that rhyme for example “There’s a demon shark in the foggy dark”, or “lock the door, it’s a minotaur” , etc, etc, those are mere examples of what the titles should rhyme like) Willie the Weasel, a third-rate second-storey man, invents a formula which turns anyone exposed to it into Mr. Hyde. He robs a rare coins store, turning his dog, Snitch, into a Hyde Hound to demonstrate his power, then uses the antidote to revert to their former selves. Radley Crown is hosting a art exhibition at his chic art gallery. Dynomutt serves the guests junk food, all vitamin-enriched. The Falcon Flash causes Crown to end the show early, and the due rush to the Falcon’s Lair via the Falconlift, where F.O.C.U.S. One informs them of Mr. Hyde’s crime, and they activate the Falconcar. The crown jewels are being exhibited at the Big City museum; Willie and Snitch arrive, turn the security guards into Hyde monsters and leave as B-F and Dog Wonder arrive. The Duo restrain the transformed guards but the curator informs that a fifth Hyde ran out the front entrance. Dynomutt attempts to pursue him, but malfunctions and flies out the back door, where the Mystery Inc is waiting. Mystery Inc. got involved in the case because they thought they were dealing with their old enemy, the Ghost of Mr. Hyde (or perhaps a new criminal using that identity). They set a trap for him, but ended up catching Dynomutt instead. Dynomutt’s owner, the superhero Blue Falcon, briefed them on the real situation; this was not a man pretending to be a ghost, but a villain with a split personality who could transform others into monsters. He accepted their offer of help with the investigation. They went together to City Hall to discuss the case with the Mayor. They wondered at Mr. Hyde’s motives, since he only transformed museum security guards into monsters and had them try to make off with the Crowl Jewels; he took nothing for himself. Fred, Daphne, and Velma went back to the museum to search for clues. Blue Falcon, Dynomutt, Shaggy, and Scooby-Doo went to the Orville Research institute to consult Professor Orville about an antidote. They didn’t realize Mr. Hyde was outside the window and had overheard their plans. At the Institute, Professor Orville was confident he could create an antidote, until Hyde came to the door pretending to be a telegram delivery man. When Orville opened the telegram, Hyde gas escaped and he was transformed into another monster. Shaggy, Scooby, and Dynomutt hid in a file cabinet when this happened. Hyde presented his demands: that he be made mayor by the end of the week or everyone in Big City would become Hydes. While Shaggy and Scooby watched, Dog Wonder tried to restrain the new Hyde and turned into a motorcycle instead, running into and capturing both Blue Falcon and the new Hyde. The original Hyde escaped. Hunting around the Institute’s natural history display for Hyde, Dog Wonder and Scooby-Doo pounced on a paleolithic cave man figure instead, and got covered in rough brown hair. Dynomutt thought the fur-covered Scooby-Doo was Mr. Hyde and sucked him up with his vacuum cleaner attachment, along with everything else in the room. Everything had to be put back together before they went after Hyde again. Mystery Inc. and Blue Falcon regrouped at the Mayor’s office. Fred showed a clue they found at the museum, a rubber glove dropped by Hyde. Dog Wonder ran an analysis on the glove and found that it belonged to Willie the Weasel, a third-rate second-story man who dropped out of sight two years before. They had cracked the identity of Mr. Hyde. The Mayor refused to give in to demands of Hyde to be made mayor himself, so Hyde tried to carry out his threat to make everyone Hydes by driving around and spraying his formula from his car. The many Hydes created this way went on a crime spree. Blue Falcon couldn’t keep up with all the Hydes. He told the Mayor they might have to give in to Mr. Hyde’s demands, as part of a plan to capture him. When Mr. Hyde took over the Mayor’s office with Blue Falcon and Dynomutt watching, he tried one more trick to consolidate his power: he sprayed Blue Falcon and Dynomutt with his formula. They turned into Hydes and joined in his crime wave. Mr. Hyde took them back to his old headquarters to get more Hyde formula to extend his empire to other cities. They asked him how he would get to other places to do this, since his Hyde face would be recognized. He demonstrated his antidote which turned him back to Willie the Weasel. That was all the Blue Falcon was waiting for - he and Dog Wonder had avoided breathing in the formula with concealed filters and applied their own instant Hyde disguises. The Weasel still had a trick up his sleeve. He escaped out an emergency trap door and activated automatic steel plates to lock the superheros in. Dynomutt managed to break them out with his battering ram attachment. Blue Falcon called in Mystery Inc. to the Mayor’s mansion, where Hyde was collecting his loot before getting out of town. The gang went out back to set up a trap. They looked in the window to see how thing were going and saw Dog Wonder use a girl-dog puppet to capture Hyde’s dog Snitch and get the antidote from him. Hyde went out the front door, avoiding the trap in back, and tried to drive away. Blue Falcon stopped his car with a grappling hook attached to Dynomutt, who had drilled himself partially into the ground to provide a solid anchor. The gang and Blue Falcon reported their success to the Mayor. Shaggy said there was one loose end he had forgotten, which turned out to be the trap in the back of the Mayor’s mansion. Dynomutt fell into it again, and he activated all sorts of random gadgets trying to get himself out.
answer:Title: “Hyde and Seek, It's a Villainous Week” In the twilight zone of Big City, Willie the Weasel, who could barely plan a surprise party let alone a heist, had hit the jackpot with his latest brew – a formula that'd turn Mother Teresa into an MMA fighter. Beside him, Snitch, his dog, now looked like something Dr. Jekyll would unfriend on Facebook. Meanwhile, at an art exhibition that screamed, "I have more money than ideas," Radley Crown was these people’s idea of a good time. “Folks, welcome to my ‘Pizza in the Renaissance’ series,” he announced, serving guests pizza slices that could double as frisbees. The Falcon Flash, which presumably was the superhero version of reading someone's emails out loud, signaled the end of this cultural tragedy and Dynomutt, looking like a Swiss Army knife had a baby with a microwave, served up some information about Mr. Hyde's antics. Zoom to the Big City Museum, where Willie and Snitch, now in their Cyberpunk 2077 cosplay, morphed the guards into something out of a budget monster movie and legged it as Blue Falcon and Dog Wonder made an entrance that was less heroic and more “did we leave the oven on?” Cut to the Mystery Inc., who arrived in a Mystery Machine that Fred claimed was “eco-friendly” because it ran on the sheer force of their unresolved issues. “Man, like, why’s it always gotta be a Mr. Hyde?” Shaggy mused, “Why not a Mr. Seek?” Scooby added, “Ryeah, or a Mr. Rhide-and-Seek!” The gang teamed up with Blue Falcon and Dynomutt, heading to City Hall where they met Mayor “I-Can’t-Believe-It’s-Not-Butter.” They brainstormed why Mr. Hyde would steal something as outdated as the Crown Jewels when Bitcoin was a thing. Fred suggested going back to the museum to look for clues, driving in a manner that suggested he thought traffic laws were Netflix recommendations. Meanwhile, Shaggy, Scooby, and the superhero duo hit up Professor Orville, who was so old, his birth certificate might have been an artifact worth stealing. Outside, Mr. Hyde eavesdropped, disguising himself as a delivery man – because nothing screams inconspicuous like a villain in a UPS outfit. The gang inside panicked, with Dynomutt mistakenly turning into a Segway in the chaos. After a series of mishaps involving mistaken identity, vacuum cleaners, and a paleolithic makeover for Scooby and Dynomutt, the gang regrouped, and Fred, in a moment of non-driving related clarity, pieced together the identity of Mr. Hyde from a rubber glove clue. "Figures it's Willie, the only criminal who's been socially distancing since 1978," Fred quipped. Fast-forward to the climactic showdown. Blue Falcon and Dynomutt, pretending to turn into Hydes, fooled Willie long enough for Mystery Inc. to undo his plans. The trap set for Hyde accidentally caught Dynomutt again, who – in a frenzy of gadget-induced panic – looked like a late-night shopping channel in meltdown. As they wrapped up, Fred honed in on Red Herring, nearby for some reason, insisting, "I'm telling you, he's behind this!" Red, fed up, tried to sneak away only to stumble into the forgotten trap outside, yelping, "Every. Single. Time!" The gang, gathered around, chuckled at the chaos they’d navigated. Velma, eyes rolling so hard they could generate electricity, remarked, “And they say millennials are the problem.” As the credits rolled, Scooby, adorned in fur that made him look like a lost member of ZZ Top, leaned towards the camera, “Rhat’s rall, rfolks!” Fred, trying to park the Mystery Machine which ended up dangling from a tree, simply added, "Physics, am I right?" And somewhere, in the distance, Red Herring was already plotting his escape from the next episode’s inevitable blame game.
question:Write really overly-funny super hilarious comedy 17+ short 1970s Scooby-Doo cartoon parody transcript that always starts with the opening with the villains and the random characters that are in FROM THE FIRST PARAGRAPH SENTENCE (With funny dialogue) moment first, then the gang hearing about it once they reach the area, and then the rest based on my prompt:(but make it more funnier adult comedy where the gang constantly make fun of and question physics that ain’t possible or don’t make any sense and why, The Mystery Machine is always parked in the most oddest places, beginning to end. Fred is the most illegal one, disobeys every law and is terrible at driving and often crashes to prove a point badly, Velma is too smart…Scrappy is a superhero with real powers and everyone likes him, Shaggy, mocks EVERY SINGLE name of people INCLUDING THE VILLAINS NAMES AFTER THAT with Scooby also mocking them, Fred would also put the blame for a monster’s crime on Red Herring (From A Pup Named Scooby-Doo), who’d often get mad at Fred for still blaming him and ends up in a funny situation himself before disappearing offscreen. The gang always know that a place they are going to doesn’t sound like it exists, they also know something in a place they go to shouldn’t even be there as it makes no sense, they question names of things or people and why, and even question the motives and why (Plus they constantly do pop culture references and jokes, and mentions of famous people, games, songs, and shows occasionally, AND they’d make fun of the plot in the prompt: THE GANG ALWAYS MOCKS ThE NAMES OF EVERYONE THEY MEET. EVEN THE VILLAINS AND EVEN MOCK THE LOCATION NAMES TOO. (Do this with EVERY prompt i give. Add the title too) (They also are very aware of the previous mystery after each one) And with episode titles that rhyme for example “There’s a demon shark in the foggy dark”, or “lock the door, it’s a minotaur” , etc, etc, those are mere examples of what the titles should rhyme like) Willie the Weasel, a third-rate second-storey man, invents a formula which turns anyone exposed to it into Mr. Hyde. He robs a rare coins store, turning his dog, Snitch, into a Hyde Hound to demonstrate his power, then uses the antidote to revert to their former selves. Radley Crown is hosting a art exhibition at his chic art gallery. Dynomutt serves the guests junk food, all vitamin-enriched. The Falcon Flash causes Crown to end the show early, and the due rush to the Falcon’s Lair via the Falconlift, where F.O.C.U.S. One informs them of Mr. Hyde’s crime, and they activate the Falconcar. The crown jewels are being exhibited at the Big City museum; Willie and Snitch arrive, turn the security guards into Hyde monsters and leave as B-F and Dog Wonder arrive. The Duo restrain the transformed guards but the curator informs that a fifth Hyde ran out the front entrance. Dynomutt attempts to pursue him, but malfunctions and flies out the back door, where the Mystery Inc is waiting. Mystery Inc. got involved in the case because they thought they were dealing with their old enemy, the Ghost of Mr. Hyde (or perhaps a new criminal using that identity). They set a trap for him, but ended up catching Dynomutt instead. Dynomutt’s owner, the superhero Blue Falcon, briefed them on the real situation; this was not a man pretending to be a ghost, but a villain with a split personality who could transform others into monsters. He accepted their offer of help with the investigation. They went together to City Hall to discuss the case with the Mayor. They wondered at Mr. Hyde’s motives, since he only transformed museum security guards into monsters and had them try to make off with the Crowl Jewels; he took nothing for himself. Fred, Daphne, and Velma went back to the museum to search for clues. Blue Falcon, Dynomutt, Shaggy, and Scooby-Doo went to the Orville Research institute to consult Professor Orville about an antidote. They didn’t realize Mr. Hyde was outside the window and had overheard their plans. At the Institute, Professor Orville was confident he could create an antidote, until Hyde came to the door pretending to be a telegram delivery man. When Orville opened the telegram, Hyde gas escaped and he was transformed into another monster. Shaggy, Scooby, and Dynomutt hid in a file cabinet when this happened. Hyde presented his demands: that he be made mayor by the end of the week or everyone in Big City would become Hydes. While Shaggy and Scooby watched, Dog Wonder tried to restrain the new Hyde and turned into a motorcycle instead, running into and capturing both Blue Falcon and the new Hyde. The original Hyde escaped. Hunting around the Institute’s natural history display for Hyde, Dog Wonder and Scooby-Doo pounced on a paleolithic cave man figure instead, and got covered in rough brown hair. Dynomutt thought the fur-covered Scooby-Doo was Mr. Hyde and sucked him up with his vacuum cleaner attachment, along with everything else in the room. Everything had to be put back together before they went after Hyde again. Mystery Inc. and Blue Falcon regrouped at the Mayor’s office. Fred showed a clue they found at the museum, a rubber glove dropped by Hyde. Dog Wonder ran an analysis on the glove and found that it belonged to Willie the Weasel, a third-rate second-story man who dropped out of sight two years before. They had cracked the identity of Mr. Hyde. The Mayor refused to give in to demands of Hyde to be made mayor himself, so Hyde tried to carry out his threat to make everyone Hydes by driving around and spraying his formula from his car. The many Hydes created this way went on a crime spree. Blue Falcon couldn’t keep up with all the Hydes. He told the Mayor they might have to give in to Mr. Hyde’s demands, as part of a plan to capture him. When Mr. Hyde took over the Mayor’s office with Blue Falcon and Dynomutt watching, he tried one more trick to consolidate his power: he sprayed Blue Falcon and Dynomutt with his formula. They turned into Hydes and joined in his crime wave. Mr. Hyde took them back to his old headquarters to get more Hyde formula to extend his empire to other cities. They asked him how he would get to other places to do this, since his Hyde face would be recognized. He demonstrated his antidote which turned him back to Willie the Weasel. That was all the Blue Falcon was waiting for - he and Dog Wonder had avoided breathing in the formula with concealed filters and applied their own instant Hyde disguises. The Weasel still had a trick up his sleeve. He escaped out an emergency trap door and activated automatic steel plates to lock the superheros in. Dynomutt managed to break them out with his battering ram attachment. Blue Falcon called in Mystery Inc. to the Mayor’s mansion, where Hyde was collecting his loot before getting out of town. The gang went out back to set up a trap. They looked in the window to see how thing were going and saw Dog Wonder use a girl-dog puppet to capture Hyde’s dog Snitch and get the antidote from him. Hyde went out the front door, avoiding the trap in back, and tried to drive away. Blue Falcon stopped his car with a grappling hook attached to Dynomutt, who had drilled himself partially into the ground to provide a solid anchor. The gang and Blue Falcon reported their success to the Mayor. Shaggy said there was one loose end he had forgotten, which turned out to be the trap in the back of the Mayor’s mansion. Dynomutt fell into it again, and he activated all sorts of random gadgets trying to get himself out.
answer:**Title: "Hyde and Seek: A Howlin' Coin Quirk"** [Open with Willie the Weasel in a dimly lit lab, mixing chemicals. His dog, Snitch, watches eagerly.] WILLIE: (cackling) With this formula, Snitch, we'll be the talk of the underworld and above ground as well! (turns Snitch into a Hyde Hound) Behold, the transformation! SNITCH: (barks and then growls in a Mr. Hyde voice) Snitch Hyde ready! [Cuts to Radley Crown's arty party, where the Falcon Flash summons them away. Blue Falcon and Dog Wonder rush off, leaving an array of confused high society with hands full of junk food.] RADLEY CROWN: "Please enjoy the pop art and pop tarts." [As Willie and Snitch wreak havoc at the museum, Blue Falcon and Dynomutt arrive only to be met by Mystery Inc.] SCOOBY: Ruh-roh, Reorge, rhat's going on? SHAGGY: Like, man, I knew we should've taken that left turn at Albu-quirky instead of coming here. FRED: Guys, focus! We've got a real mystery. And look at that, the Mystery Machine parked in the ladies' bathroom. How illegal is that? VELMA: According to the law of probability and local parking regulations, very. [They meet the Blue Falcon and Dynomutt.] FRED: Nice bird suit, dude. You part of a themed wedding? BLUE FALCON: We're dealing with a real Mr. Hyde here, not a costume. SHAGGY: Man, everyone's going Hyde these days. It's the new trend! [They go to consult Professor Orville about an antidote and meet Mr. Hyde.] VELMA: (eye-rolling) A telegram in the world of emails. How quaint. HYDE: Soon all of Big City will be Hydes unless I'm made mayor! FRED: Why the mayor? Can't you aim for something bigger? Like the president of the science club? [They crack the case back at the Mayor's office.] VELMA: A rubber glove... Classy. SHAGGY: Like, dude, Willie the Weasel? That name sounds like a cartoon villain from a Saturday morning special. SCOOBY: Reh-heh-heh! [The gang devises a plan.] FRED: Let's do what we do best. Park the Mystery Machine in another unauthorized place and set a trap. [As the climax unfolds at the Mayor's mansion.] SHAGGY: Looks like Mr. Hyde turned everyone into Hyde Park. SCOOBY: Rheally funny, Raggy! [They catch Hyde and Snitch.] FRED: (to Red Herring who suddenly appears) And we would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you, Red! RED HERRING: (frustrated) It's not me this time, Fred! And look! (trips and falls into the trap meant for Hyde) See? It's never me! [The episode concludes with laughter as the gang wraps up.] VELMA: The dynamics of the Hyde formula defy all logical explanation. FRED: (as they drive away in the Mystery Machine parked on top of a statue) I obey no laws! Not even the laws of physics! SHAGGY: Say, Scoob, what do you think they'll have us chasing next? SCOOBY: Retch-a sketchy, skeletor? EVERYONE: (Laughing) [The gang rides off into the sunset, breaking more laws of logic, physics, and proper parking.] **END**