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answer:《始终发挥先锋模范带头作用,永远做新时代文明实践和社会主义核心价值观的践行者,示范者,传播者,引领者》结业报告 尊敬的导员、全体辅导员: 非常荣幸能够在您的指导下完成这份结业报告。在过去的一年中,我以《始终发挥先锋模范带头作用,永远做新时代文明实践和社会主义核心价值观的践行者,示范者,传播者,引领者》为主题,通过积极参与各种活动和实践,不断提升自己践行核心价值观的能力和水平。在报告中,我将详细阐述我在这方面所做的努力和成果,同时也会对未来的发展提出展望和建议。 一、新时代文明实践的践行者 新时代文明实践主要体现在学习和生活中。学校是培养社会主义核心价值观的地方,我积极参与各种文明实践活动。例如,我积极参与学校组织的社团活动,通过学习和参与社团,锻炼自身的能力和素质,同时也向他人传递正能量。在社区义务服务活动中,我积极参与环境整治和扶贫活动,为社会做出了一份贡献。此外,我还参与了志愿者活动,帮助老年人和留守儿童解决生活中的困难。通过这些实践活动,我深刻体会到了个人行为对社会的影响力,同时也在践行中成长和提升。 二、社会主义核心价值观的践行者 社会主义核心价值观是当代中国发展的基本价值观念。在学习和生活中,我始终将社会主义核心价值观融入实际行动中。我努力培养和践行爱国主义精神,关心社会大事,努力学习国家的文化、历史和发展。我重视民主法治,尊重他人,遵纪守法,积极参与类似选举和评议等民主活动。此外,我坚持公平正义,反对任何形式的歧视和不公。通过践行社会主义核心价值观,我不仅使自己受益,还希望能够为社会做出一份贡献。 三、示范者和传播者的角色 作为新时代的青年先锋模范,我认识到示范者和传播者的重要性。在学校,我争做学风建设的示范者,通过进取和勤奋的学习态度,为同学们树立了一个好榜样。我积极参与社团活动,帮助同学们发展兴趣爱好,培养团结协作的意识。在社区,我努力发挥示范者的作用,引导居民树立正确的价值观念,做出积极的行为。此外,我还参与了一些社会组织和团体,积极推动社会公益事业的发展,引领更多的人关注社会问题,并主动采取行动。通过示范和传播,我希望能够为社会传递正能量。 四、引领者的责任和使命 作为新时代的青年引领者,我深刻认识到自身的责任和使命。在学校,我积极参与学生工作,担任学生会干部,组织和引导同学们参与各种实践活动,培养他们的社会责任感和批判思维。在社区,我努力发挥引领作用,引导居民积极参与社区建设,共同创造美好生活。此外,我还参与了一些社会组织和团体,积极推动社会公益事业的发展,引领更多的人关注社会问题,并主动采取行动。通过引领作用,我力求成为社会的改革者和青年学生的领路人。 五、展望和建议 通过对新时代文明实践和社会主义核心价值观的践行,我深刻感悟到了个人成长和社会进步的重要性。在未来的学习和工作中,我将继续保持积极向上的心态,发挥示范者和传播者的作用,积极参与社会实践,用实际行动影响身边的人,为社会的发展和进步做出更大贡献。为了更好地践行核心价值观,我还有以下建议: 1. 加强思想理论学习,深入了解和掌握社会主义核心价值观的内涵和实施方法,为践行核心价值观提供理论基础和行动指导。 2. 主动参与各种实践活动,锻炼个人能力和素质,在实践中不断提升自己的践行能力,并影响他人。 3. 强化自身的道德修养,严守道德底线,注重个人行为的榜样作用,将道德观念转化为实际行动。 4. 积极参与社会组织和团体,担当起社会责任,推动社会问题的解决,对弱势群体进行关心和帮助。 5. 深入了解国家政策和社会动态,关注社会问题,积极参与公民议事和社会治理,为社会发展和进步提供智力和力量。 结语 通过对新时代文明实践和社会主义核心价值观的践行,我深刻感悟到了个人的成长和进步。在今后的学习和工作中,我将继续保持积极向上的心态,发挥示范者和传播者的作用,积极参与社会实践,用实际行动影响身边的人,为社会的发展和进步做出更大贡献。 谢谢!

question:GoT, but it's a Western.

answer:Imagine "Game of Thrones" re-imagined as a Western. The sprawling fantasy epic, originally written by George R.R. Martin, finds new life in the dusty, lawless plains of a land reminiscent of the American Old West. Here's a speculative take on how that might look: **Title:** "Thrones of the Frontier" **Setting:** The Seven Kingdoms are now Seven Territories in a vast continent that echoes the rough and unforgiving landscape of the 19th-century American West. Castles turn into fortified ranches and outposts, and the Iron Throne is now a legendary seat of power made from the melted guns and badges of defeated sheriffs. **The Houses:** - **House Stark of Winterfell** becomes the Stark family, known for their integrity and resilience, running the Winterfell Ranch in the cold, northern territories. - **House Lannister of Casterly Rock** is reformed as the Lannister Mining Company, wealthy and influential, heavily involved in gold and silver mining, dominating the central territories with their economic might. - **House Baratheon** rules the frontier town of Storm's End, a critical hub of commerce and trade. **Plot Elements:** - **The Iron Throne** becomes "The Seat of Law," a symbol of ultimate authority over the territories, with factions vying for control to become the ultimate lawman or ruler in the land. - **The Wall** is re-envisioned as a massive barricade, built to protect the territories from the "Wildlings," independent tribes who live beyond the barrier. - **The White Walkers** could be transformed into a mythic gang of outlaws or perhaps even a Native American-esque group with seemingly supernatural prowess, misunderstood by the settlers and feared for their rumored power to bring death to the territories. **Characters:** - **Jon Snow** is a brooding, mysterious gunslinger with a secret past, who was raised by the honorable Eddard Stark, the sheriff of Winterfell. - **Tyrion Lannister**, known for his sharp wit and love of brothels, would be a gambler and a saloon frequenter, often using his intelligence to navigate the political intrigue of the territories. - **Daenerys Targaryen** is reimagined as a displaced daughter of a once-powerful ranching family, determined to reclaim her family's legacy with an army she raises from across the sea (possibly comprising ex-slaves from plantations). - **Arya Stark** would be a tomboyish girl who trains to become a stealthy, revenge-driven bounty hunter after her family is torn apart. **Iconic Scenes:** - **Red Wedding:** A violent double-cross during a seemingly peaceful gathering at an influential rancher's property. - **Battle of the Bastards:** A brutal showdown between outlaw gangs fighting for control of the territory. **Music and Style:** The score might blend Western motifs with the iconic themes from the original "Game of Thrones" series. Costume design would involve cowboy hats, boots, dusters, and revolvers instead of armor and swords, while maintaining house-specific colors and insignias. "Thrones of the Frontier" would combine the cutthroat politics, character depth, and epic storytelling of "Game of Thrones" with the distinctive aesthetics and themes of the Western genre, creating a familiar yet fresh narrative experience.


answer:不做ESG(环境、社会、公司治理)的缺点可以通过以下方式弥补: 1. 忽视ESG风险可能导致损失:不关注环境风险(如气候变化、资源稀缺等)、社会风险(如员工福利、人权等)和公司治理风险(如腐败、董事会独立等)可能导致企业面临巨额损失。通过加强ESG风险管理,企业可以减少损失并保护股东利益。 2. 错过ESG投资机会:ESG投资正在日益流行,越来越多的投资者将ESG因素纳入投资决策。忽视ESG意味着错过了这一潜在的投资机会,可能导致财务表现受到影响,并且可能让企业在投资者眼中显得不具吸引力。 3. 影响品牌形象和声誉:现在的消费者越来越关注企业的社会责任和可持续发展。忽视ESG可能导致品牌形象受到损害,消费者可能转而选择更关注ESG的企业产品或服务。通过关注ESG,并采取相应措施,企业可以提升品牌形象和声誉。 4. 不利于员工吸引与留住:今天的员工更注重企业的价值观和社会影响。忽视ESG可能导致人才流失,并使企业难以吸引新员工。通过关注ESG并发展良好的企业文化,企业可以提高员工满意度并留住关键人才。 综上所述,忽视ESG会给企业带来一系列风险和损失,而关注ESG并采取相应措施可以弥补这些缺点并为企业带来诸多好处。

question:(In the school literature clubroom…) Monika: “Alright, that concludes today’s meeting. You all had some amazing poems!” Sayori: “Thanks, Monika! I always love sharing my poems with you guys. It’s so much fun!” Natsuki: (caressing her baby bump) “Yeah, whatever. I guess some of them were decent, but mine were definitely the best.” Yuri: “I appreciate your compliment, Monika. I find it quite inspiring to hear the perspectives of each member.” Monika: “I’m glad to hear that, Yuri. It’s important for us to support and encourage each other’s creativity.” Sayori: “Hey, Monika, do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our writing?” Monika: “Of course, Sayori. It’s always helpful to read more literature outside of our comfort zones, try different writing styles, and experiment with different themes or emotions. Writing prompts can be really helpful too!” Natsuki: “Yeah, yeah, we get it. Trying new things, reading more, blah blah blah. Just as long as I can keep my manga references in my poems, I’m good.” (feeling a sharp pain coursing through her body) “OW!!! Sakura, are you okay?!” Monika: “Natsuki, are you alright? What happened?” Natsuki: (grimacing in pain) “I-I don’t know. It feels like a sudden cramp…it’s really intense.” Monika: “Let’s get you to the nurse’s office, quickly. Sayori, Yuri, can you help Natsuki?” Sayori: “Of course! Natsuki, lean on me. We’ll support you.” Yuri: “Don’t worry, Natsuki. We’ll take care of you. Just hold on, we’re almost there.” (Together, Monika, Sayori, and Yuri help Natsuki out of the clubroom and towards the nurse’s office. Concern fills the air as they rush to get her the help she needs, when, all of a sudden…) Natsuki: “AAAAHHH!!!” (As they reach the nurse’s office, Natsuki’s pain intensifies, causing her to collapse in pain.) Monika: “Oh my gosh, Natsuki! What’s wrong?!” Natsuki: “Monika…my water just broke…I think I’m going into labor!”

answer:Monika: "What? Oh my goodness! This is unexpected... but we need to stay calm. We'll get you the help you need, Natsuki." Sayori: "Don't worry, Natsuki! We'll call an ambulance right away. Just hang in there!" Yuri: "I'll go find the nurse immediately. She'll know what to do in this situation." (Monika quickly dials the emergency number while Yuri rushes out to find the nurse. Sayori stays by Natsuki's side, doing her best to keep her calm.) Monika: (on the phone) "Hello? We have a friend in the school nurse's office who just went into labor. She's experiencing intense pain, and we need an ambulance right away." Operator: "Alright, ma'am. Stay on the line with me. We're sending an ambulance to your location. Can you ensure the area is clear and accessible?" Monika: "Yes, we'll do our best. Please hurry!" (Yuri returns with the nurse, who immediately takes charge of the situation.) Nurse: "Alright, Natsuki. You're going to be okay. We'll help you through this. Monika, can you make sure the hallway is clear for the ambulance? Sayori, help keep Natsuki as comfortable as possible." (Monika quickly goes out to clear the hallway while Sayori strokes Natsuki's hair and reassures her.) Sayori: "You're doing amazing, Natsuki. Just remember to breathe. Help is on the way." Natsuki: (through gritted teeth) "T-thanks, Sayori. I'm scared, but I'll try my best." (Monika returns, and shortly after, the sound of sirens blares outside the school.) Nurse: "The ambulance is here, Natsuki. They're going to take you to the hospital where they can provide proper care." (Natsuki is carefully moved onto a stretcher and taken to the waiting ambulance. Monika, Sayori, and Yuri follow closely behind.) Monika: "Natsuki, we'll be with you every step of the way. Just stay strong." Sayori: "We're here for you, Natsuki. You're not alone." Yuri: "Sending positive thoughts your way, Natsuki. You're going to be a wonderful mother." (As the ambulance pulls away, Natsuki's friends watch, filled with worry but also hope for the new life about to enter the world. They make a silent promise to support Natsuki as she navigates this unexpected journey of motherhood.)

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